Need a little help...Bad Injector maybe?


Well-Known LVC Member
Nov 16, 2004
Reaction score
02 LS V8

Lately, on startup it takes a bit long to get running. Once running I get a fuel smell and a little smoke. If I turn the key and wait about 2 seconds to start its not so bad. If I go on a short trip its a b*tch to restart. Any clues? I've seen posts on the PCV, Leaky injectors, Coils etc...but I'm not sure. The car isnt throwing any codes either. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!
Yes, it could be an injector that isn't closing all the way. (It could be something else too.)
It could be the a injector, mine would turn on fine in the mornings but if I drove it, turned it off and then back on a few minutes later it would take a few tries to get it started. Here's how I found the bad injector.... Turn your car on for ten minutes let it run turn it off and let it sit for 20-30 min at that point take the spark plugs out one by one if you have a leaking injector; one or more will be wet and have a strong gas smell, when said injectors are found you know which one you need to replace. This method worked for me, hope it helps you.
It could be the a injector, mine would turn on fine in the mornings but if I drove it, turned it off and then back on a few minutes later it would take a few tries to get it started. Here's how I found the bad injector.... Turn your car on for ten minutes let it run turn it off and let it sit for 20-30 min at that point take the spark plugs out one by one if you have a leaking injector; one or more will be wet and have a strong gas smell, when said injectors are found you know which one you need to replace. This method worked for me, hope it helps you.

Good idea, I'm due for plugs anyways. I'll start there.
A little extra advice...

If it does work out to be an injector, get new o-rings for at least all of the injectors on that bank.

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