yeah... i guess I'm a little slow. im in woostah pretty often, we should hit up red robbin or something some time
haa lol yea im not actually from there im close tho...woostah turnin into junkey central and yea red robin is frigiiin goood...i only been to the one in milbury plaza tho
yeah I normally am at the black stone valley shopping center meeting up with the guys form my club for some red robin burger action!
Sup fellas. I was in cape cod for a few days so im defribulating this thread and bringing it back to life. How about two weekends from now at Bear Mountain. If I get two takers then thats the date.
we need to make this happen. too many LS's rolling around here that look like ass next to mine. I want to get some good pics with other LS's but not the crashed up granny ones around here.
Bear Mountain sounds like the place.... Will it be the last weekend in Sept??????? :D :rolleyes:
ok I say screw it. Bear mountain last weekend in sep. we've got atleast 4 votes saying ok. Lets set a date and get this rolling with people coming and such. it'll be easier to get people going once we have a date
yeah...we dont take too kindly to your type around here.

just joking

Come to a south Texas meet, we'd love to have you! We'll get some cold beer for you and some nice BBQ! Get out of that cold, trash weather and come to Texas! We'll even give you a free handgun!
Do I get a free Messican with that hand gun?

Nevermind, we have enough of them here.


Sure...they will mow and edge your grass for dirt cheap! Maybe even have a few kids while doing it!
No more dilly dallying round the mulberry bush. 9/27-Bear Mountain. Be there if you want pie and juice. Gimme an amen.
Im gonna say noon. What time do you have the little fellas untill? If you cant drop them off I could use some help shining the rims....
Im gonna say noon. What time do you have the little fellas untill? If you cant drop them off I could use some help shining the rims....

Hahaha, remember Goodfellas, "shine my shoes" , hahaha.

I dont drop them off till Sunday, probably take them with me, they can shine your rims!!!And bring extra pie and Juice too!!!!

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