Mark viii spring conversion noise....


New LVC Member
Oct 12, 2017
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i got a mark viii with spring conversion that has allready been done....

Ive been getting this spring sounding noise when hitting bumps and when i turn (spring moving)

Im a very experienced person with cars and ive checked literally everything.... ball joints to tie rods.... both side literally have everything new and everything is tight...

The spring on the bottom is in the current position... the shocks are new with the kit...

Is this something other people have experienced...

I just cant find anything else that would cause the noise and it seems like it coming from the top...

All the upper control arms are new and everything on the shock is tight...

Im at a miss...

I can only think the kit just makes noise or somehow seats wrong...

Are the upper spring seats interchangable and possible on the wrong sides?

Has anyone experienced this?
i got a mark viii with spring conversion that has allready been done....

Ive been getting this spring sounding noise when hitting bumps and when i turn (spring moving)

Im a very experienced person with cars and ive checked literally everything.... ball joints to tie rods.... both side literally have everything new and everything is tight...

The spring on the bottom is in the current position... the shocks are new with the kit...

Is this something other people have experienced...

I just cant find anything else that would cause the noise and it seems like it coming from the top...

All the upper control arms are new and everything on the shock is tight...

Im at a miss...

I can only think the kit just makes noise or somehow seats wrong...

Are the upper spring seats interchangable and possible on the wrong sides?

Has anyone experienced this?
Well they do sell them as a right and left but that dosen't mean they are not interchangable. What brand did you buy, arrnot, strutmaster, or some other?
I bought the car with the strutmaster kit....

Everything on there is tight and new... balljoints to swaybar links i cant find anything loose ... im going to change the brakes and rotors next weekend to see if for some crazy reason thats the cause... ive had a mark with clanky brakes before.

Thanks for the reply
Got the car two months ago... the whole front looks new.... ive had 3 mark viiis
Have a trusted friend drive the car while you ride in the trunk to listen, then ride in the back seat to listen, I would recommend crawling under the hood too but thats just a joke. Try this.
i got a mark viii with spring conversion that has allready been done....

Ive been getting this spring sounding noise when hitting bumps and when i turn (spring moving)

Im a very experienced person with cars and ive checked literally everything.... ball joints to tie rods.... both side literally have everything new and everything is tight...

The spring on the bottom is in the current position... the shocks are new with the kit...

Is this something other people have experienced...

I just cant find anything else that would cause the noise and it seems like it coming from the top...

All the upper control arms are new and everything on the shock is tight...

Im at a miss...

I can only think the kit just makes noise or somehow seats wrong...

Are the upper spring seats interchangable and possible on the wrong sides?

Has anyone experienced this?
As you have owned several marks I need to either convert to springs or restore the air ride. What if anything else besides the clunk do you feel in the spring ride and handling vs the air rides? My mark went down on its frame and is at my home waiting to go to mark Hospital
As you have owned several marks I need to either convert to springs or restore the air ride. What if anything else besides the clunk do you feel in the spring ride and handling vs the air rides? My mark went down on its frame and is at my home waiting to go to mark Hospital
Ive had 3 all were already converted to springs... almost everyone you find in california is if its still on the road..

Ive never seen an air ride that didnt leak or fail..

The car is a heavy car so id have to guess its not as tight without bags.... i have zero complaints tho with how it feels... it feels just fine pushing cornering

Ive heard on other forums and online over the years its not as tight...

A spring can compress all the way... under quick

Where an airbag only compresses to a point.
If there in working order

A spring will never break so even if the shock goes bad.... its drivable...

Ive seen people driving with bad air bags and it looks very bad even ...dangerous


Id take 4 bad shocks anyday rather than be stuck on a trip with bad air bags..

Ive had a marks with no noise...and springs

Im going to try to figure it out this weekend...

As you have owned several marks I need to either convert to springs or restore the air ride. What if anything else besides the clunk do you feel in the spring ride and handling vs the air rides? My mark went down on its frame and is at my home waiting to go to mark Hospital

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