Mark VII needs better sound!!


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
Reaction score
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
What are the suggestions for sound equipment for my '85 Mark VII.

I have heard that the earlier VII's don't take newer compoentes well.

Choices on what to put in. I'll take advice on both the out landish systems and the more affordable units. I am not looking to bounce down the road :zgreenbou - I just want something that sound more like my Mark VIII :dancefool .

I know it will need speakers. - I wouldn't mind a multi-disc player. Do the ones that work through your existing radio work well?

Let's hear your stuff - :dj:
You are right about the earlier Marks. They have a common ground setup that is a royal pain, unless you wire everything yourself. I believe there is an adapter for it out there somewhere, that will allow you to plug-and-play a new head unit and speakers though.

You say that you aren't looking to go knocking down doors with it, but what kind of price range are you in? I like pioneer for price/quality ratio. If you can afford better, go for Infinity, Polk, or as high as you can afford. Personally, I can't hear much of a difference between a lot of the top end speakers, but some people can.

I think letting us know more of what you are looking for, and for what price, will help you out a lot. Check out for some great pricing on your audio!
I am looking at the Pioneer price range, and some replacement speakers.

Like I said I am not looking for a head pounder. But I like my sound to be decent.
Then I would stick with Pioneer. Use that site and the prices are about 1/2 that of Crutchfield. I honestly cannot remember the supplier of the speical adapters, but I am sure someone will chime in with it. Or try google, the internet knows everything.
91LSC SE said:

I used a Scosche adapter (10.00 at audio shop)
to put an aftermarket radio in my '91 until I found
a replacement factory radio. I took ten minutes
to install for the radio. And ten seconds to remove
it and install the factory one. It does not change
any of your original harness. :biggrin:

Where can someone purchase Scoche products?
I purchased mine at Rex's Electronics, I see Best Buy has a few on thier web
site, and also JCWhitney has some listings. It also appears you could order a
catalog from Scosche at their site. Other than that just check your local
audio shop in WI and see which one can "hook you up" :wink:
Just watch out for people like the guy @ Mickey Shores Audio that told me
the only way I could put an aftermarket stereo in my Lincoln was to pay him
$80.00 to rewire my whole car because of the amp. That was bull$#@t!!!
I went down the street and bought the Scosche adapter and I was cruisin'
with tunes again! :steering
mespock said:
Does anyone know the size of the front speakers in an 85 Mark?
Oh, boy. There is a little disagreement on this. I know my 89 has 6 1/2" speakers. And Crutchfield also says that you should have 6 1/2" speakers in the front. Behind the grill the speaker is mounted to a plastic frame the points the speaker towards the driver instead of perpendicular to the door panel. I think your best bet is to check for yourself.
mespock said:
What are the suggestions for sound equipment for my '85 Mark VII.
Best Buy installed my Sony Xplod Mp3 head unit with an adaptor wire harness. Even with my 1989 base speaker system, this was a BUMPING upgrade.

Now adays, an equivilent system would be Sony CDX-MP30.

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