LvC on eBay!!

OMG it would totally be the Flagship Video of the site... and Imagine what Bryan could do with it!
Hi All

30 frames of film that is 1 and a 1/4 seconds, is it worth having?


Sure, I'd run with it, but you need this to go with it first.

A Magna-Vue Projector.

Markviiiedrea said:
its nit a movie its pictures, more like negitives
Bottom line. You are bidding on the unknown. Slide/projector/whatever. No pic no sale. Although I totally agree with Sean that Joey needs to buy this. $12.99 Joey and it's all yours baby. Then, of course, we need to see the pics.
MonsterMark said:
Bottom line. You are bidding on the unknown. Slide/projector/whatever. No pic no sale. Although I totally agree with Sean that Joey needs to buy this. $12.99 Joey and it's all yours baby. Then, of course, we need to see the pics.
Yo Man. I truly dig that you said that.

Yes ... Joey should bid.
No ... any and all members should stay out so Joey can get it.
But ... there are SOOO many uncertain listings on e-bay that I find myself sending the same e-mails over and over such as;
Do you have the title?
Is it a clear title?
Does it have an engine?
Will it start today?
Will it drive today?
Will it stop today?
Is there anything in the CPU case?

I hope it's like the holy grail of short, saleman type films and that Joey makes a HUGE score. A few days of questions will tell.
MonsterMark said:
Sure, I'd run with it, but you need this to go with it first.

A Magna-Vue Projector.

I've got projectors galore!!! What do you think us teachers use to do before videos!!!

You don't think we actually teach! When would we be able to drink coffee and read the paper! or post on this site!

I also have a slide scanner! Never had to use it but I have one!

LvC needs this, with a projector and Bryan's skills, there's great potential, I still vote: This is our flagship
1wykdmk8 said:
So, did we win?? :Beer

Talked to Joey he wasn't going to bid on it.

My wife was getting made at the number of little packages that have been coming to the door this past month so I promised that I wouldn't buy for a little bit on eBay! or I would have won it!. Also wanted to make sure I still was going to get some Sex this month!! You know how wives work!! they know how to get you to do what they want.
mespock said:
Talked to Joey he wasn't going to bid on it.

My wife was getting made at the number of little packages that have been coming to the door this past month so I promised that I wouldn't buy for a little bit on eBay! or I would have won it!. Also wanted to make sure I still was going to get some Sex this month!! You know how wives work!! they know how to get you to do what they want.

When I first moved back to Pittsburgh, I was living with my parents (did not do any apartment hunting before I moved). I had almost NO bills (except for insurance and celly), and was bringing in $4000 a month after taxes (severance package from my last job) and I was winning on ebay, and purchasing almost everyday. If it was not for me, it was for my dad's chevelle. I would get packages from either FedEx, UPS, or USPS and would not even know what it was. My girl was gettin a bit upset, as was my dad (he naps in the afternoon when the delivery guys would show up and the dogs would bark). So, I know what you mean.....and as soon as I get back to work, I will be at it once again.....hopefully that is REAL you can pass me with the posts whooa!!!! :N :Beer
1wykdmk8 said:
When I first moved back to Pittsburgh, I was living with my parents (did not do any apartment hunting before I moved). I had almost NO bills (except for insurance and celly), and was bringing in $4000 a month after taxes (severance package from my last job) and I was winning on ebay, and purchasing almost everyday. If it was not for me, it was for my dad's chevelle. I would get packages from either FedEx, UPS, or USPS and would not even know what it was. My girl was gettin a bit upset, as was my dad (he naps in the afternoon when the delivery guys would show up and the dogs would bark). So, I know what you mean.....and as soon as I get back to work, I will be at it once again.....hopefully that is REAL you can pass me with the posts whooa!!!! :N :Beer

Nice story 1 more post!
mespock said:
That's true but I have one more class that gets a test review to work on plus I have all my plans ready for the next few months!!!

I'll be in yo face!!! :N

It's on fool! :W

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