little slots in the dash???


LVC Member
Feb 16, 2009
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Does anyone know what the little cut outs are in the dash to the right of steering wheel looks like it could be a mic sorry new owner of an ls and dont know much about them other than i have to do timing chains and tens and guides. oh yeah one more what that little hook is for on the glove box???
theres a rubber hose connected to the back of those slots. I have no idea what for. The hook is a purse holder?
It's a microphone. The government has been listening in on all Lincoln LS owner's conversations in their cars since 1999.

Come on, you guys didn't know this? There is also a brain wave reader in the dome light. You have to wear your tin foil hat to prevent government brainwashing.
It's a microphone. The government has been listening in on all Lincoln LS owner's conversations in their cars since 1999.

Come on, you guys didn't know this? There is also a brain wave reader in the dome light. You have to wear your tin foil hat to prevent government brainwashing.

You... whistleblower!

I can't believe you let out the secret!

The black helicopters are on their way to your house.
It's a microphone. The government has been listening in on all Lincoln LS owner's conversations in their cars since 1999.

Come on, you guys didn't know this? There is also a brain wave reader in the dome light. You have to wear your tin foil hat to prevent government brainwashing.

I heard if you drive in reverse for 2.3 miles (the distance between the prez & VP's houses) continuously at exactly 13 (C+I+A=3+9+1) mph it disables the listening device.
It's the factory blue tooth microphone. Don't listen to these guys.

It's the interior temperature sensor for the climate control, as has been pointed out. The hose behind it is an air suction that pulls interior air past the temperature sensor so that it gets an accurate reading. This is not unique to the LS, most cars with automatic climate control have this.

I believe that the factory bluetooth mic is supposed to be installed on top of the steering column, but I can't confirm this, as I don't have factory installed.

The microphone for the factory navigation (if installed) is located inside (at the top) the rearview mirror.
LOL sarcasm doesn't translate well in text. I know it's the interior temp sensor. It was a joke, f*ckers :p
I knew it was a joke, Tommy :D

As for the OP, the hook on the glove box is a panty hanger. I guess the guys at Lincoln decided it was too flashy to hang them from the rear view mirror.

I gotta run, I can hear the helicopters now.
ok so go backwards at 13 mph cool but how do you shut off the brain wave reader
You need 3 ignition keys and a valet key. The instructions are located on a card that came with the owner's guide. You need a special decoder ring to read it, though.
Yeah, and good luck drinking that much ovaltine to get one of those decoder rings.

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