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Just pointing out for the benefit of our liberal friends the continued double-standard (kool-aid) that our friends keep on drinking. Cheers!

FNC's Hume Chastises Media for Failing to Point Out How Clinton Fired Every Attorney

Posted by Brent Baker on March 13, 2007 - 21:01.

Brit Hume led his Tuesday night Grapevine segment by scolding his media colleagues for how “news stories reporting that the Bush administration had considered firing all 93 U.S. attorneys across the country failed to mention that that is exactly what Bill Clinton did soon after taking office back in 1993.” Hume explained how that was not noted, “even in passing, in front-page stories today in the New York Times and the Washington Post, or in the AP's story on the subject.”

Earlier in the FNC newscast, reporter Steve Centanni pointed out how “the White House acknowledged there were talks in 2005, just after the President won his second term, about terminating all 93 U.S. attorneys just as President Clinton unceremoniously did 1993 after he won the White House.”

I'm working on a NewsBusters posting [now online] about how the Tuesday broadcast network evening newscasts all failed to note the wholesale firings at the beginning of Bill Clinton's first term, matching a missing element in a full story on Tuesday's Good Morning America on ABC -- as recounted in a NewsBusters posting by Scott Whitlock.

Hume's “Grapevine” item in full on the March 13 Special Report with Brit Hume:

“News stories reporting that the Bush administration had considered firing all 93 U.S. attorneys across the country failed to mention that that is exactly what Bill Clinton did soon after taking office back in 1993. The only sitting U.S. attorney Clinton did not cashier was Michael Chertoff, now the Bush Homeland Security Secretary. At the time Chertoff was U.S. attorney in New Jersey and then Democratic Senator Bill Bradley of New Jersey intervened to save Chertoff's job. None of this was noted, even in passing, in front-page stories today in the New York Times and the Washington Post, or in the AP's story on the subject. By the way, the mass Clinton firings generated some news stories, some complaints from Republicans in Congress, but no congressional investigations, and not a word from Chuck Schumer.”
The March 13 front page Washington Post story, “Firings Had Genesis in White House: Ex-Counsel Miers First Suggested Dismissing Prosecutors 2 Years Ago, Documents Show.”

The March 13 front page New York Times article, “White House Said to Prompt Firing of Prosecutors,” which appears to no longer be online, at least not in its original form.
It also bears mentioning that the main reason these 8 attorneys were fired was because they were dragging their feet on voter fraud investigations.
In order to get rid of the U.S. attorney looking into Whitewater, Clinton had to fire them all to avoid impropriety issues I guess.
Just pointing out for the benefit of our liberal friends the continued double-standard (kool-aid) that our friends keep on drinking. Cheers!

FNC's Hume Chastises Media for Failing to Point Out How Clinton Fired Every Attorney

Posted by Brent Baker on March 13, 2007 - 21:01.

Brit Hume led his Tuesday night Grapevine segment by scolding his media colleagues for how “news stories reporting that the Bush administration had considered firing all 93 U.S. attorneys across the country failed to mention that that is exactly what Bill Clinton did soon after taking office back in 1993.” Hume explained how that was not noted, “even in passing, in front-page stories today in the New York Times and the Washington Post, or in the AP's story on the subject.”

Earlier in the FNC newscast, reporter Steve Centanni pointed out how “the White House acknowledged there were talks in 2005, just after the President won his second term, about terminating all 93 U.S. attorneys just as President Clinton unceremoniously did 1993 after he won the White House.”

I'm working on a NewsBusters posting [now online] about how the Tuesday broadcast network evening newscasts all failed to note the wholesale firings at the beginning of Bill Clinton's first term, matching a missing element in a full story on Tuesday's Good Morning America on ABC -- as recounted in a NewsBusters posting by Scott Whitlock.

Hume's “Grapevine” item in full on the March 13 Special Report with Brit Hume:

“News stories reporting that the Bush administration had considered firing all 93 U.S. attorneys across the country failed to mention that that is exactly what Bill Clinton did soon after taking office back in 1993. The only sitting U.S. attorney Clinton did not cashier was Michael Chertoff, now the Bush Homeland Security Secretary. At the time Chertoff was U.S. attorney in New Jersey and then Democratic Senator Bill Bradley of New Jersey intervened to save Chertoff's job. None of this was noted, even in passing, in front-page stories today in the New York Times and the Washington Post, or in the AP's story on the subject. By the way, the mass Clinton firings generated some news stories, some complaints from Republicans in Congress, but no congressional investigations, and not a word from Chuck Schumer.”
The March 13 front page Washington Post story, “Firings Had Genesis in White House: Ex-Counsel Miers First Suggested Dismissing Prosecutors 2 Years Ago, Documents Show.”

The March 13 front page New York Times article, “White House Said to Prompt Firing of Prosecutors,” which appears to no longer be online, at least not in its original form.

Correct me if I am wrong, but could they not have investigated?

And one more thing.....I'm pretty sure your MSM bias is a little bit bogus. Did Clinton get a free pass during the Monica phase? No. Did he get a pass from MSM about his handling of various conflicts that he faced? No. So the fact that all of you right-wingers are complaining that your president is being depicted unfairly, take a look back at history and you will see he is not alone.

But that's OK if you don't listen to me. You right-winging bible thumpers will continue to cry fowl because that is what you do best. You complain.
And one more thing.....I'm pretty sure your MSM bias is a little bit bogus. Did Clinton get a free pass during the Monica phase? No.
He did get some very sympathetic and favorable coverage. You tell me, who was the bad guy in the story: Bill Clinton, the guy who committed perjury and conspired with others to commit perjury, or Kenneth Star, the independent counsel who was investigating him? The only guy I ever heard called a "pervert" in the press was Star, for REPORTING on Clinton.

Did he get a pass from MSM about his handling of various conflicts that he faced? No.
Again, I would disagree with you. Perhaps your memory of this is better than mine. When did the MSM ever attack his methods of "handing conflicts." Could you be a little more specific?

Frankly, I remember the stories after 9/11 of how Clinton was unfortunate that he never had such an opportunity to show "his" leadership ability. Don't mind Oklahoma, the WTC '93, the attempted assassination of President Bush by Iraq, or the U.S.S. Cole...

So the fact that all of you right-wingers are complaining that your president is being depicted unfairly, take a look back at history and you will see he is not alone.
Do you have any examples of Clinton getting treated unfairly by the media? Are you trying to say that the tone of the press during the 90s was the same as it was during the Bush administration?

But that's OK if you don't listen to me. You right-winging bible thumpers will continue to cry fowl because that is what you do best. You complain.
I'll consider your opinion, if you provide something resembling a specific or an example. Why did you even post? You said nothing, you didn't support your position and then you made a lame attempt at insulting those who you don't agree with.
He did get some very sympathetic and favorable coverage. You tell me, who was the bad guy in the story: Bill Clinton, the guy who committed perjury and conspired with others to commit perjury, or Kenneth Star, the independent counsel who was investigating him? The only guy I ever heard called a "pervert" in the press was Star, for REPORTING on Clinton.

Again, I would disagree with you. Perhaps your memory of this is better than mine. When did the MSM ever attack his methods of "handing conflicts." Could you be a little more specific?

Frankly, I remember the stories after 9/11 of how Clinton was unfortunate that he never had such an opportunity to show "his" leadership ability. Don't mind Oklahoma, the WTC '93, the attempted assassination of President Bush by Iraq, or the U.S.S. Cole...

Do you have any examples of Clinton getting treated unfairly by the media? Are you trying to say that the tone of the press during the 90s was the same as it was during the Bush administration?

I'll consider your opinion, if you provide something resembling a specific or an example. Why did you even post? You said nothing, you didn't support your position and then you made a lame attempt at insulting those who you don't agree with.


Hyper Hacks
What's really wrong with the Bush Justice Department.
By Lincoln Caplan
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2007, at 5:53 PM ET

Our system of government tries to limit the sway of partisan
politics over the law by giving life tenure to federal judges.
But it doesn't do the same for the attorney general or the
lawyers who work for him. They serve at the pleasure of the
president, to whom we grant the legal authority to fire anyone
from his team for any reason.

The straightforwardness of this rule helps explain why the Bush
administration's firing of seven U.S. attorneys at the beginning
of December, plus an eighth last summer, didn't immediately
ignite into controversy. But what's come out since then makes
clear that this targeted removal of prosecutors was different in
kind as well as degree from political dramas at the Department
of Justice in prior administrations
. In the context of other
Bush administration assaults on DOJ lawyers, the U.S. attorney
scandal confirms the administration's disdain for the
nonpolitical tradition of federal law enforcement.

To be sure, the past practices that embodied this tradition
weren't codified. Nor are they legally binding. They're the kind
of custom recorded by anthropologists more than legal scholars,
and they include many exceptions. Yet they have long governed
how federal law-enforcement decisions were made. And they have
been sturdy enough to keep in check the president's authority to
remove lawyers at will for a generation before the current

The attorney general and the lawyers who work for him represent
the administration that picks them. But their client is the
United States, and the oath they swear is to uphold the nation's
laws and the Constitution. The country's 93 U.S. attorneys
transform from political appointees into public servants when
they join the Justice Department. Once in place, they gain a
significant measure of independence. For most crimes, they have
the power to indict without approval from "Main Justice," the
Washington, D.C. headquarters. This independence is "vital to
ensuring the fair and impartial administration of justice," in
the words of Mary Jo White, a former U.S. attorney who worked in
the Justice Department for both Republican and Democratic
attorneys general.

The White House and DoJ are now under fire because, in
disrespecting the post of U.S. attorney, they appeared to
interfere with the independence of that office in a way that's
unprecedented. In the previous quarter-century, according to the
Congressional Research Service, no more than five and perhaps
only two U.S. attorneys, out of 486 appointed by a president and
confirmed by the Senate, have been similarly forced out—in the
middle of a presidential term for reasons not related to
"It would be unprecedented for the Department of
Justice or the president to ask for the resignations of United
States attorneys during an administration, except in rare
instances of misconduct or for other significant cause," White
said when she testified in February about the Bush firings
before much was known about them. Previous midterm removals
include those of a Reagan U.S. attorney fired and convicted for
leaking confidential information and a Clinton appointee who
resigned under pressure after he lost a major drug case and
allegedly went to an adult club and bit a topless dancer on the
arm. This time, the stories are quite different.

Why should U.S. attorneys be insulated from presidential
politics? White quoted from a 1940 speech to U.S. attorneys by
Robert Jackson, then attorney general and later Supreme Court
justice: "The prosecutor has more control over life, liberty,
and reputation than any other person in America. His discretion
is tremendous." The power of law enforcement to tarnish
reputations, end people's liberty, and ruin lives, in other
words, is so great that it has to be exercised judiciously and,
above all, nonpolitically. That's one basic element of the rule
of law. U.S. attorneys and other Justice Department lawyers have
lived by the declaration of evenhandedness carved into the
rotunda of the attorney general's office: "The United States
wins its point whenever justice is done its citizens in the

A previous low point for the Justice Department came almost two
decades ago, during the Reagan years, when the switchboard
sometimes answered, "Ninth Street Disillusionment Center" and
the graffiti "Resign," "Leave," and "Sleaze" were scrawled on
walls near the office of Attorney General Ed Meese. In 1988, six
prominent Republicans resigned. Led by William Weld, then-head
of DoJ's criminal division and later the governor of
Massachusetts, they said they believed that the Justice
Department was too impaired to enforce the law. These political
appointees left behind a dispirited bureaucracy. But Meese
didn't really tamper with the ranks of career attorneys, who
don't normally come and go with the president, or with the
department's basic apparatus for enforcement, including the U.S.
attorneys' offices.

The early Clinton years brought woes of their own, with two
tanked nominees for attorney general before the confirmation of
Janet Reno, and the widespread perception that friendship and
political loyalty were high on the list of qualifications for
senior appointment. But the departure of Associate Attorney
General Webb Hubbell, Hillary Clinton's former law partner and
the department's crony-in-chief, and the arrival of the
Whitewater scandal loosened the department's political leash.
And again, the troubles in the senior political ranks didn't
infect the U.S. attorneys' offices or the career lawyers.

In the Bush years, by contrast, senior political appointees have
applied a political litmus test to the work of career lawyers
and punished them for failing it. William Yeomans, a lawyer in
the department's Civil Rights Division from 1981 until 2005,
told part of this story in Legal Affairs, the magazine I edited.
Many leading career attorneys—they number in the dozens—have
been forced out, removed, or transferred. In a concerted effort
by the Bush administration to remake the career staff, Yeomans
says, these veterans were replaced by the hirees of political
appointees, chosen with no input from the longtime career staff.

Yeomans also recounted the division's retreat from defending
traditional civil rights. Of many examples, the most dramatic
involve lack of enforcement of the Voting Rights Act because the
beneficiaries would likely support Democratic candidates. For
Yeomans and others, working in the Bush administration was very
different from their experience in previous Republican and
Democratic administrations. Most profound was the halting of
conversation between political appointees and career lawyers
that had guided law enforcement in the division and elsewhere in
the department—"government by discussion," former Attorney
General Edward Levi called it. In this administration, political
appointees no longer want career attorneys even to make
recommendations about how a case should proceed, for fear that
ignoring their suggestions could make the politicos look bad.

The dismissal of the U.S. attorneys is a more visible example of
the same purgelike practices. Three of the fired U.S.
attorneys—David Iglesias of New Mexico, Carol Lam of the
southern district of California, and John McKay of the western
district of Washington—were lauded by the Justice Department
before they were fired. Bud Cummins, former U.S. attorney of
Arkansas's eastern district, was told that the only reason he
was being pushed out was to make way for J. Timothy Griffin, a
protégé of Karl Rove and a one-time Republican National
Committee staffer known for his skill at opposition research,
not his legal acumen. According to an e-mail from Kyle Sampson,
the DoJ official who resigned this week over his role in the
firings, getting Griffin appointed "was important to Harriet,
Karl, etc."—Harriet Miers, then-White House counsel, and Karl
Rove, the president's top political adviser. Given Griffin's
thin qualifications for the job, the position of U.S. attorney
was reduced to nothing more than a patronage perk.

Home-state politicians and White House officials clearly had a
hand in other firings. Allen Weh, chairman of the New Mexico
Republican Party, told McClatchy newspapers that in 2005, he
urged Karl Rove to have Iglesias fired because he failed to
indict some Democrats for voter fraud. Iglesias testified that
Sen. Pete Domenici and Rep. Heather Wilson, both Republicans
from New Mexico, "leaned on" him for the same reason. In each
instance, there was direct and, to Iglesias, sickening political
interference. The facts add up to retaliation for a decision not
to prosecute, which stabs at the heart of prosecutorial

As for Lam, she successfully prosecuted and convicted on
corruption charges former Republican and San Diego Rep. Randy
"Duke" Cunningham. Yesterday on the Senate floor, Arlen Specter,
the Republican from Pennsylvania, asked whether she was
dismissed because she was "about to investigate other people who
were politically powerful." And former U.S. Attorney John McKay
felt that he was under pressure from the office of Doc
Hastings, a Republican congressman from Washington.

Were Iglesias and McKay fired for not indicting enough
Democrats? Lam for threatening to bring down too many
Republicans? We don't know for sure. But the lesson of some of
the firings could be: Woe to the U.S. attorney who didn't
enforce the law as political hacks in the Bush administration
dictated. Political directives like this flout the tradition of
nonpolitical law enforcement that's essential because of the
awesome power of prosecutors. The uproar over the firings seems
to have taken the administration by surprise, and it's possible
they resulted from incompetence as much as cunning. But an
administration's use of law enforcement for political ends has
rarely seemed more brazen.

Lincoln Caplan, the former editor of Legal Affairs, is the
author of The 10th Justice: The Solicitor General and the Rule
of Law and other books on the law.

Photograph of former U.S. attorneys by Chip Somodevilla/Getty

Copyright 2007 Washingtonpost.Newsweek Interactive Co. LLC
He did get some very sympathetic and favorable coverage. You tell me, who was the bad guy in the story: Bill Clinton, the guy who committed perjury and conspired with others to commit perjury, or Kenneth Star, the independent counsel who was investigating him? The only guy I ever heard called a "pervert" in the press was Star, for REPORTING on Clinton.

Again, I would disagree with you. Perhaps your memory of this is better than mine. When did the MSM ever attack his methods of "handing conflicts." Could you be a little more specific?

Frankly, I remember the stories after 9/11 of how Clinton was unfortunate that he never had such an opportunity to show "his" leadership ability. Don't mind Oklahoma, the WTC '93, the attempted assassination of President Bush by Iraq, or the U.S.S. Cole...

Do you have any examples of Clinton getting treated unfairly by the media? Are you trying to say that the tone of the press during the 90s was the same as it was during the Bush administration?

I'll consider your opinion, if you provide something resembling a specific or an example. Why did you even post? You said nothing, you didn't support your position and then you made a lame attempt at insulting those who you don't agree with.

I would expect a specific or an example showing how the current administration is treated unfairly. I never hear facts.....I hear opinion.

Every president faces media scrutiny....I shouldn't need specific examples to show that.
I would expect a specific or an example showing how the current administration is treated unfairly. I never hear facts.....I hear opinion.
These are given ROUTINELY. If you want to go through the forum archives, you'll find scores of examples. This thread is demonstrating one example, how the media is misrepresenting the actions of the administration.

Now, when were the actions of the Clinton administration misrepresented and used as a political bludgeon? I can't think of anytime during that media/administration romance.

Every president faces media scrutiny....I shouldn't need specific examples to show that.
A degree of scrutiny, certainly. The tone of the coverage and the degree of scrutiny differ by administration. The media engaged in a love affair with the Clintons. In contrast, they've been adversarial with the Bush administration since day one.

Hyper Hacks
What's really wrong with the Bush Justice Department.
By Lincoln Caplan
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2007, at 5:53 PM ET

Our system of government tries to limit the sway of partisan
politics over the law by giving life tenure to federal judges.
But it doesn't do the same for the attorney general or the
lawyers who work for him. They serve at the pleasure of the
president, to whom we grant the legal authority to fire anyone
from his team for any reason...
Copyright 2007 Washingtonpost.Newsweek Interactive Co. LLC

This article is a joke. First of all, it doesn't even mention the FACT that Clinton fired ALL 93 US attorneys. Second of all, it refers to the "departure" of Webster Hubbell. LOL DEPARTURE? How about CONVICTION AND IMPRISONMENT?

Talk about twisting facts and ignoring the truth.


The Hubbell Standard
Hillary Clinton knows all about sacking U.S. Attorneys.

Wall Street Journal
Wednesday, March 14, 2007 12:01 a.m.

Congressional Democrats are in full cry over the news this week that the Administration's decision to fire eight U.S. Attorneys originated from--gasp--the White House. Senator Hillary Clinton joined the fun yesterday, blaming President Bush for "the politicization of our prosecutorial system." Oh, my.
As it happens, Mrs. Clinton is just the Senator to walk point on this issue of dismissing U.S. attorneys because she has direct personal experience. In any Congressional probe of the matter, we'd suggest she call herself as the first witness--and bring along Webster Hubbell as her chief counsel.

As everyone once knew but has tried to forget, Mr. Hubbell was a former partner of Mrs. Clinton at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock who later went to jail for mail fraud and tax evasion. He was also Bill and Hillary Clinton's choice as Associate Attorney General in the Justice Department when Janet Reno, his nominal superior, simultaneously fired all 93 U.S. Attorneys in March 1993. Ms. Reno--or Mr. Hubbell--gave them 10 days to move out of their offices.

At the time, President Clinton presented the move as something perfectly ordinary: "All those people are routinely replaced," he told reporters, "and I have not done anything differently." In fact, the dismissals were unprecedented: Previous Presidents, including Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter, had both retained holdovers from the previous Administration and only replaced them gradually as their tenures expired. This allowed continuity of leadership within the U.S. Attorney offices during the transition.

Equally extraordinary were the politics at play in the firings. At the time, Jay Stephens, then U.S. Attorney in the District of Columbia, was investigating then Ways and Means Chairman Dan Rostenkowski, and was "within 30 days" of making a decision on an indictment. Mr. Rostenkowski, who was shepherding the Clinton's economic program through Congress, eventually went to jail on mail fraud charges and was later pardoned by Mr. Clinton.

Also at the time, allegations concerning some of the Clintons' Whitewater dealings were coming to a head. By dismissing all 93 U.S. Attorneys at once, the Clintons conveniently cleared the decks to appoint "Friend of Bill" Paula Casey as the U.S. Attorney for Little Rock. Ms. Casey never did bring any big Whitewater indictments, and she rejected information from another FOB, David Hale, on the business practices of the Arkansas elite including Mr. Clinton. When it comes to "politicizing" Justice, in short, the Bush White House is full of amateurs compared to the Clintons.

And it may be this very amateurism that explains how the current Administration has managed to turn this routine issue of replacing Presidential appointees into a political fiasco. There was nothing wrong with replacing the eight Attorneys, all of whom serve at the President's pleasure. Prosecutors deserve supervision like any other executive branch appointees.

The supposed scandal this week is that Mr. Bush had been informed last fall that some U.S. Attorneys had been less than vigorous in pursuing voter-fraud cases and that the President had made the point to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. Voter fraud strikes at the heart of democratic institutions, and it was entirely appropriate for Mr. Bush--or any President--to insist that his appointees act energetically against it.

Take sacked U.S. Attorney John McKay from Washington state. In 2004, the Governor's race was decided in favor of Democrat Christine Gregoire by 129 votes on a third recount. As the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and other media outlets reported, some of the "voters" were deceased, others were registered in storage-rental facilities, and still others were convicted felons. More than 100 ballots were "discovered" in a Seattle warehouse. None of this constitutes proof that the election was stolen. But it should have been enough to prompt Mr. McKay, a Democrat, to investigate, something he declined to do, apparently on grounds that he had better things to do.

In New Mexico, another state in which recent elections have been decided by razor thin margins, U.S. Attorney David Iglesias did establish a voter fraud task force in 2004. But it lasted all of 10 weeks before closing its doors, despite evidence of irregularities by the likes of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or Acorn. As our John Fund reported at the time, Acorn's director Matt Henderson refused to answer questions in court about whether his group had illegally made copies of voter registration cards in the run-up to the 2004 election.

As for some of the other fired Attorneys, at least one of their dismissals seemed to owe to differences with the Administration about the death penalty, another to questions about the Attorney's managerial skills. Not surprisingly, the dismissed Attorneys are insisting their dismissals were unfair, and perhaps in some cases they were. It would not be the first time in history that a dismissed employee did not take kindly to his firing, nor would it be the first in which an employer sacked the wrong person.

No question, the Justice Department and White House have botched the handling of this issue from start to finish. But what we don't have here is any serious evidence that the Administration has acted improperly or to protect some of its friends. If Democrats want to understand what a real abuse of power looks like, they can always ask the junior Senator from New York.

This article is a joke. First of all, it doesn't even mention the FACT that Clinton fired ALL 93 US attorneys. Second of all, it refers to the "departure" of Webster Hubbell. LOL DEPARTURE? How about CONVICTION AND IMPRISONMENT?

Talk about twisting facts and ignoring the truth.


The Hubbell Standard
Hillary Clinton knows all about sacking U.S. Attorneys.

Wall Street Journal
Wednesday, March 14, 2007 12:01 a.m.

Congressional Democrats are in full cry over the news this week that the Administration's decision to fire eight U.S. Attorneys originated from--gasp--the White House. Senator Hillary Clinton joined the fun yesterday, blaming President Bush for "the politicization of our prosecutorial system." Oh, my.
As it happens, Mrs. Clinton is just the Senator to walk point on this issue of dismissing U.S. attorneys because she has direct personal experience. In any Congressional probe of the matter, we'd suggest she call herself as the first witness--and bring along Webster Hubbell as her chief counsel.

As everyone once knew but has tried to forget, Mr. Hubbell was a former partner of Mrs. Clinton at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock who later went to jail for mail fraud and tax evasion. He was also Bill and Hillary Clinton's choice as Associate Attorney General in the Justice Department when Janet Reno, his nominal superior, simultaneously fired all 93 U.S. Attorneys in March 1993. Ms. Reno--or Mr. Hubbell--gave them 10 days to move out of their offices.

At the time, President Clinton presented the move as something perfectly ordinary: "All those people are routinely replaced," he told reporters, "and I have not done anything differently." In fact, the dismissals were unprecedented: Previous Presidents, including Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter, had both retained holdovers from the previous Administration and only replaced them gradually as their tenures expired. This allowed continuity of leadership within the U.S. Attorney offices during the transition.

Equally extraordinary were the politics at play in the firings. At the time, Jay Stephens, then U.S. Attorney in the District of Columbia, was investigating then Ways and Means Chairman Dan Rostenkowski, and was "within 30 days" of making a decision on an indictment. Mr. Rostenkowski, who was shepherding the Clinton's economic program through Congress, eventually went to jail on mail fraud charges and was later pardoned by Mr. Clinton.

Also at the time, allegations concerning some of the Clintons' Whitewater dealings were coming to a head. By dismissing all 93 U.S. Attorneys at once, the Clintons conveniently cleared the decks to appoint "Friend of Bill" Paula Casey as the U.S. Attorney for Little Rock. Ms. Casey never did bring any big Whitewater indictments, and she rejected information from another FOB, David Hale, on the business practices of the Arkansas elite including Mr. Clinton. When it comes to "politicizing" Justice, in short, the Bush White House is full of amateurs compared to the Clintons.

And it may be this very amateurism that explains how the current Administration has managed to turn this routine issue of replacing Presidential appointees into a political fiasco. There was nothing wrong with replacing the eight Attorneys, all of whom serve at the President's pleasure. Prosecutors deserve supervision like any other executive branch appointees.

The supposed scandal this week is that Mr. Bush had been informed last fall that some U.S. Attorneys had been less than vigorous in pursuing voter-fraud cases and that the President had made the point to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. Voter fraud strikes at the heart of democratic institutions, and it was entirely appropriate for Mr. Bush--or any President--to insist that his appointees act energetically against it.

Take sacked U.S. Attorney John McKay from Washington state. In 2004, the Governor's race was decided in favor of Democrat Christine Gregoire by 129 votes on a third recount. As the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and other media outlets reported, some of the "voters" were deceased, others were registered in storage-rental facilities, and still others were convicted felons. More than 100 ballots were "discovered" in a Seattle warehouse. None of this constitutes proof that the election was stolen. But it should have been enough to prompt Mr. McKay, a Democrat, to investigate, something he declined to do, apparently on grounds that he had better things to do.

In New Mexico, another state in which recent elections have been decided by razor thin margins, U.S. Attorney David Iglesias did establish a voter fraud task force in 2004. But it lasted all of 10 weeks before closing its doors, despite evidence of irregularities by the likes of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or Acorn. As our John Fund reported at the time, Acorn's director Matt Henderson refused to answer questions in court about whether his group had illegally made copies of voter registration cards in the run-up to the 2004 election.

As for some of the other fired Attorneys, at least one of their dismissals seemed to owe to differences with the Administration about the death penalty, another to questions about the Attorney's managerial skills. Not surprisingly, the dismissed Attorneys are insisting their dismissals were unfair, and perhaps in some cases they were. It would not be the first time in history that a dismissed employee did not take kindly to his firing, nor would it be the first in which an employer sacked the wrong person.

No question, the Justice Department and White House have botched the handling of this issue from start to finish. But what we don't have here is any serious evidence that the Administration has acted improperly or to protect some of its friends. If Democrats want to understand what a real abuse of power looks like, they can always ask the junior Senator from New York.


How does that make me "owned?" Clinton dismissed the 93 attorneys shortly after he took office.....not during mid-term. Had he done that, it would have made more news.
How does that make me "owned?" Clinton dismissed the 93 attorneys shortly after he took office.....not during mid-term. Had he done that, it would have made more news.
No it would not. Unless it was done during Lewinski, no one would have said a word.
My home PC is out of commission for now and I've been busy at work, so I haven't had an opportunity to post here for a couple of weeks. I've been logging on from work every now and then and I so desperately want to post again it's driving me crazy. But this one I couldn't let go. So...

All of you numbskulls bringing up Clinton's firings are ignorant of one basic fact: Clinton fired his at the beginning of his term, as HAS TRADITIONALLY BEEN DONE BY EVERY INCOMING PRESIDENT, INCLUDING GEORGE W. BUSH:

MONDAY, MARCH 14, 2001
(202) 514-2007

TDD (202) 514-1888


WASHINGTON, D.C. - Continuing the practice of new administrations, President Bush and the Department of Justice have begun the transition process for most of the 93 United States Attorneys.

Attorney General Ashcroft said, "We are committed to making this an orderly transition to ensure effective, professional law enforcement that reflects the President 's priorities."

In January of this year, nearly all presidential appointees from the previous administration offered their resignations. Two Justice Department exceptions were the United States Attorneys and United States Marshals.

Prior to the beginning of this transition process, nearly one-third of the United States Attorneys had already submitted their resignations. The White House and the Department of Justice have begun to schedule transition dates for most of the remaining United States Attorneys to occur prior to June of this year. President Bush will make announcements regarding his nominations to the Senate of new United States Attorneys as that information becomes available. Pending confirmation of the President's nominees, the Attorney General will make appointments of Interim United States Attorneys for a period of 120 days (28USC546). Upon the expiration of that appointment, the authority rests with the United States District Court (28USC546(d)).

U.S. attorneys are political appointees, not career employees. In other words, Bush hired these guys to begin with. What is unusual is that Bush fired these attorneys in the middle of his second term, and for what appears to be political reasons.

What is damn disturbing is that the reauthorization of the Patriot Act contained a section that did away with the requirement of congressional approval of all appointments. Before the Act, the president could only appoint a U.S. attorney for a term of 120 days before it must be approved by the senate. If no action was taken, the spot was filled by a judge from that district. The reauthorization does away with that, and gives the president complete control over appointments.
How does that make me "owned?" Clinton dismissed the 93 attorneys shortly after he took office.....not during mid-term. Had he done that, it would have made more news.

He did it to sack the attorney in Arkansas who had the best intel on his Whitewater dealings. He sacked them all just to cover. Nice guy.

You guys on the left crack me up.
How does that make me "owned?" Clinton dismissed the 93 attorneys shortly after he took office.....not during mid-term. Had he done that, it would have made more news.

Clinton also sacked the travel office crew that had been there for decades so the Helimonster could put in her own crew from Arkansas.

Forgot that one too, eh.

So Bush sacks 8 guys because HE feels they aren't doing the job. Tough cookies.
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My home PC is out of commission for now and I've been busy at work, so I haven't had an opportunity to post here for a couple of weeks. I've been logging on from work every now and then and I so desperately want to post again it's driving me crazy. But this one I couldn't let go. So...
Well, I'm sure we've all missed your numbskull postings.:D :D :D

All of you numbskulls bringing up Clinton's firings are ignorant of one basic fact: Clinton fired his at the beginning of his term, as HAS TRADITIONALLY BEEN DONE BY EVERY INCOMING PRESIDENT, INCLUDING GEORGE W. BUSH:
Underscoring the lack of context provided in the story. People who hear the headline (rarely reading the stories) think that these attorney's are lifelong career people and that dismissing them is out of the ordinary. It sounds like this is some kind of radical shake-up. It's not. These people serve at the discretion of the executive branch.

U.S. attorneys are political appointees, not career employees. In other words, Bush hired these guys to begin with. What is unusual is that Bush fired these attorneys in the middle of his second term, and for what appears to be political reasons.
As it always is. You want a corp of U.S. attorney's that shares your priorities and follows your direction. And if the attorney's are not pursing the priorities of the Executive, then they are dismissed.

What is damn disturbing is that the reauthorization of the Patriot Act contained a section that did away with the requirement of congressional approval of all appointments. Before the Act, the president could only appoint a U.S. attorney for a term of 120 days before it must be approved by the senate. If no action was taken, the spot was filled by a judge from that district. The reauthorization does away with that, and gives the president complete control over appointments.

The horror. I wasn't aware of the provision, but it doesn't seem unreasonable. In contrast, we could have 93 attorney's all waiting for confirmation from the obstructionist congress.
Clinton also sacked the travel office crew that had been there for decades so the Helimonster could put in her own crew from Arkansas.

Forgot that one too, eh.

So Bush sacks 8 guys because HE feels they aren't doing the job. Tough cookies.

I don't think its the fact that he fired these people so much as the timing in which he did so. Also, do you have facts and NOT speculation/opinion/biased knowings of the attorney who was fired by Clinton that would support the claim it was a rouse?
Also, do you have facts and NOT speculation/opinion/biased knowings of the attorney who was fired by Clinton that would support the claim it was a rouse?

Transterrestrial Musings

"Where was all the fuss and bother in 1993, when Janet Reno fired every single US attorney bar one (over ninety of them) in a single day? As Judge Bork noted:

(Janet Reno) was not in charge from the beginning. Upon taking office, in an unexplained departure from the practice of recent Administrations, Miss Reno suddenly fired all 93 U.S. attorneys. She said the decision had been made in conjunction with the White House. Translation: The President ordered it. Just as the best place to hide a body is on a battlefield, the best way to be rid of one potentially troublesome attorney is to fire all of them. The U.S. attorney in Little Rock was replaced by a Clinton protege.

Just as Whitewater was heating up. Just a coinkydinky, one can be sure."

I think it best that your head remain buried in the sand. i wouldn't want you to remember FileGate and TravelGate, adnaseum.
Transterrestrial Musings

"Where was all the fuss and bother in 1993, when Janet Reno fired every single US attorney bar one (over ninety of them) in a single day? As Judge Bork noted:

(Janet Reno) was not in charge from the beginning. Upon taking office, in an unexplained departure from the practice of recent Administrations, Miss Reno suddenly fired all 93 U.S. attorneys. She said the decision had been made in conjunction with the White House. Translation: The President ordered it. Just as the best place to hide a body is on a battlefield, the best way to be rid of one potentially troublesome attorney is to fire all of them. The U.S. attorney in Little Rock was replaced by a Clinton protege.

Just as Whitewater was heating up. Just a coinkydinky, one can be sure."

I think it best that your head remain buried in the sand. I wouldn't want you to remember FileGate and TravelGate, etc, etc.
Perhaps you missed my post above where I showed where "firing" of US attorneys is the normal practice of incoming presidents. The word "fired" is not even correct, as the attorneys serve four year terms, and are either asked to stay or not to stay. Dubya got rid of all but two attorneys at the beginning of his first term. There was no uproar over Clinton's (or Bush's) "firings" because it was a tradition. What's unusual about Bush's firings is that he did it in the middle of second term. That, and the fact that most of them worked on cases that were damaging to Republicans.
most of them worked on cases that were damaging to Republicans.

I'd sure like to hear your facts supporting that statement. The only facts in evidence are that these attorneys were fired for not pursuing their tasks, specifically investigating voter fraud. IIRC, voter fraud has been known to be perpetrated mostly by Democrats.
Perhaps you missed my post above where I showed where "firing" of US attorneys is the normal practice of incoming presidents. The word "fired" is not even correct, as the attorneys serve four year terms, and are either asked to stay or not to stay. Dubya got rid of all but two attorneys at the beginning of his first term.

All these attorneys four year terms end at the same time the presidents term does? in other words all at the same time (please site proof)? Yes it is general practice to renew or not someones term at the Executives privillage, but Clinton didn't do that, he fired (gave them ten days to get out of office) all 93.
The "firing" of attorneys is not normal practice. When a new president takes over (esp. if the new prez is of a different political party then the previous) the attorneys traditionally offer their resignation, as TommyB's post suggests. What Bush with these eight was call and ask for their resignation, which is the same as what Clinton did (Clinton didn't wait for the resignations to be offered). So, in as much as Bush "fired" the eight attorneys, Clinton fired all 93.

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