late summer Ohio meet?

Lets try and figure a place and a good date.
I'm open for anything in August- September
Wish I lived a bit closer but Toledo and back for me equals 8 hours of driving. If that turns out to be the spot, take lots of pics.
I don't want to be all in like I thought I would be for the national meet but Toledo, Lima, and Findlay would be the distance I'm looking to travel.

The other cities are too far.
Anything close to michigan/indiana , and as much notice as possible and I'm willing drive from central WI..
wouldnt mind meeting the 'locals' but i just had surgery and my ls is pretty jakked due to the accident that totaled it. next time
wouldnt mind meeting the 'locals' but i just had surgery and my ls is pretty jakked due to the accident that totaled it. next time

where are you from? Thats terrible that your LS got all screwed up. Glad your ok, I havent been on here in a loooong while so i probobly missed the thread if you posted one. Was your surgery dur to the accident?
Wish I lived a bit closer but Toledo and back for me equals 8 hours of driving. If that turns out to be the spot, take lots of pics.

We should meet up for a southern Ohio car show or something some time. Maybe we can snag Lincolnlube and get him to join us. I wish we had more members in the southern Ohio/ Kentucky/ W. Virginia area.
born/raised columbus OH
yeah, my achilles ruptured in the accident but i didnt know.. until it snapped in two about a month later playing ball. doc said it had been gone a while bc pieces of it were up in my calf instead of my ankle. but im on the road to recovery now, getting the cast removed next week. The good news is that my 05 LS only has cosmetic damages and 70k miles, so I am fixing the salvage to make it semi presentable and keeping it as a daily driver. i only paid $6k for it and ins came back with $10.5k on their first offer, so believe it or not it was kind of a blessing in disguise bc i was going to drive it until the wheels fell off anyways. looking @ E500/E550 & SL500/SL550s now
born/raised columbus OH
yeah, my achilles ruptured in the accident but i didnt know.. until it snapped in two about a month later playing ball. doc said it had been gone a while bc pieces of it were up in my calf instead of my ankle. but im on the road to recovery now, getting the cast removed next week. The good news is that my 05 LS only has cosmetic damages and 70k miles, so I am fixing the salvage to make it semi presentable and keeping it as a daily driver. i only paid $6k for it and ins came back with $10.5k on their first offer, so believe it or not it was kind of a blessing in disguise bc i was going to drive it until the wheels fell off anyways. looking @ E500/E550 & SL500/SL550s now

OUCH!! That's a nasty injury. I know a woman who snapped one of her ACLs playing basketball. And my first dog had torn both. Good luck with recovery and a new ride! Hopefully you can make it to another meet next year.
Well I'll have to rely on some northern locals on ideas if we're going to be meeting up north. Im not familiar with the area. On the other hand we could meet at the Village Idiot again.

Looking for more info. I could possibly make it if you guys pick a date/location
There's a Ford car show this Sunday here in Columbus. At Krieger Ford. My buddy has his 2013 shelby in the show. So if anyone is interestedcome on down.

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