Is this a racist ad?

Here, I fixed it for everyone.


Now it won't offend any special interest groups,

besides women.
RRocket said:
I've known Bryan for some time, and I'm pretty sure he's not racist. :)

Just to set the record perfectly straight, I did NOT call Bryan a "racist". That was some twisted fantasy made up in fossten's confused mind to vilify me like he always (and predicably) does.

What struck me funny about Brian's post was how he was equating the afro hairstyle to being "slavish". So I pointed out the differences between his and my perceptions.

MonsterMark said:
OK, Masta Johnny, but only if you say so. I don't know how many women of color you know but of the couple of dozen I know, none of them wear short-cropped afros, inspite of their 'complexion'.

That would be true, because right now afros are not exactly "in style", and you should know that black women take GREAT pride in their hair styles. However to equate an afro hair style to slavery doesn't make sense, because slave women, despite being desperately poor and oppressed, still took great pride in their hair and changed it into many various hair styles instead of leaving it in the natural "afro" state. On the rare occasion when a black woman sports an afro today, other black women give her props for "keeping it real" natural. And no I did not learn this just from watching BET, lets just say that I have some first-hand insight to how a black woman's mind works. In fact within the last 2 months, my sister-in-law has sported a natural afro. ;)
JohnnyBz00LS said:
That would be true, because right now afros are not exactly "in style", and you should know that black women take GREAT pride in their hair styles. However to equate an afro hair style to slavery doesn't make sense, because slave women, despite being desperately poor and oppressed, still took great pride in their hair and changed it into many various hair styles instead of leaving it in the natural "afro" state.

I agree with the natural "afro" state. Before I came up with the term 'slavish' to describe her appearance, I did a goggle on female slavery and low and behold many of the pictures from that era show the same type of hairstyle. Low fuss is what I call it. In fact, I would even go so far as to say her shirt is also meant to depict that era. Or would you call that a 'stylishly-hot' shirt too?

We all know what the ad intended. I guess I was more offended by it than most. Go figure. I hate to see any person or group of people use the 'race' card for anything. It is played out and there is no room for it in our society, or in the world for that matter.

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