I have to replace passenger side mirror due to hit & run. Any advice on doing so?


Well-Known LVC Member
Oct 4, 2010
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Franklin Park
The search term I used for this site and the others only bring up convos about changing the mirror glass rather than the housing assemblies.

The other day some lady in a '07 Impala side swiped me in my BA Mark when she attempted to change lanes without giving me a turn signal, turning her head to check for traffic and I bet she didn't even check her side view mirror because had she done the latter she'd noticed that I was next to her.

She attempted to make a run for it but couldn't get away from me and in the meanwhile i was trying to keep my eye on the road and do damn pattern unlock to dial for police. Eventually she pulled over and I dialed for services while she was yelling bloody murder and then took off about 30 secs before the cop arrived. The report was made and I got her info, but regardless the insurance won't pursue the claim because I only have liability coverage.

For some reason the quotes tend to be quite high for full coverage on this old car with barely over 80K so I opted for liability. Next time i'll get Liability UMPD.

Thankfully the biggest damage was the side mirror.




So now I'm looking to buy housings for both sides(half driver's mirror has dbl vision, blue hue & LEDs stopped working) on here, the other websites & ebay/amazon etc and will most likely just have to spray can 'em to BA color. However I am curious to know if there is anything to keep in mind when replacing these units.

It's pretty easy. Remove the door panel and unplug the harness. Remove the 3 nuts. I think they're 10mm. I may have that mirror in your color. I can check tomorrow and get back with you. That really sucks that there's no compensation for you.
Cool!!! I appreciate the knowledge. Thanks!!!

And that'd be great if you did have an operating mirror, driver and/or psngr, as I prefer to buy from within the community then some unknown. Then again the one's I've already put on my watch list may be from one of us as it is....

Yea I suppose it kinda sucks about not being compensated for the loss of property but then again I wouldn't have expected too much. I was curious to know however as I got $1700+ for a rear end impact that left my bumper lip with a lisp for short while.


I paid $3k for the car got and $400 to fix the bumper, so it was somewhat of a nice return.

What really sucked in my my opinion was the lady's attitude as she was trying to make it out like I was at fault because I was "came out of nowhere". Yea I came out of nowhere cause she never bothered to use her vehicle properly. She was making me feel good cause I saw her dancing and driving and I thought to myself "That's what Friday is all about!! Being happy" and them BAM!!!

So I understand if ppl make a mistake because maybe she was "in the zone" and forgot about using her mirrors & whatnot, but come on, how is she going to get mad and blame me for her wreckless driving behavior that left her door popping when she'd open/close it and then take off? No integrity nowadays.
She hit you, so how is it that her company is not paying again?
I know that in Michigan the laws for such things suck, but is Illinois that bad as well?
My heated drivers mirror did the good old change to looking like someone pored Soda on it or something :confused:

The Gen1 I had did it to me while I was at work on a hot summer day and I thought someone did something to my car :eek: till I realized what happened. My first Gen2 was perfect and I shoulda taken the mirror out and put it into my new Gen2 before I sold it :(
If you got her information, call her insurance company, send them a copy of the police report.
The search term I used for this site and the others only bring up convos about changing the mirror glass rather than the housing assemblies.

The other day some lady in a '07 Impala side swiped me in my BA Mark when she attempted to change lanes without giving me a turn signal, turning her head to check for traffic and I bet she didn't even check her side view mirror because had she done the latter she'd noticed that I was next to her.

She attempted to make a run for it but couldn't get away from me and in the meanwhile i was trying to keep my eye on the road and do damn pattern unlock to dial for police. Eventually she pulled over and I dialed for services while she was yelling bloody murder and then took off about 30 secs before the cop arrived. The report was made and I got her info, but regardless the insurance won't pursue the claim because I only have liability coverage.

For some reason the quotes tend to be quite high for full coverage on this old car with barely over 80K so I opted for liability. Next time i'll get Liability UMPD.

Thankfully the biggest damage was the side mirror.




So now I'm looking to buy housings for both sides(half driver's mirror has dbl vision, blue hue & LEDs stopped working) on here, the other websites & ebay/amazon etc and will most likely just have to spray can 'em to BA color. However I am curious to know if there is anything to keep in mind when replacing these units.


I've got a good passenger side GEN2 mirror if you need it. PM me with an offer. Thanks! :)
She hit you, so how is it that her company is not paying again?
I know that in Michigan the laws for such things suck, but is Illinois that bad as well?

The woman took off before the cop arrived so the only info I was able to obtain of her was whatever the officer's screen displayed when I read him her plate number(year/make/descr of vehicle, registered owner & address).

So I can either write her a letter, pay her a visit & try to talk sense into her, call the various ins agencies in Chicago to see if they have a client by the name of Jane Doe, or wait a few months to let her forget about it and get retribution my own way.

If I had Liability + UMPD(uninsured motorist property damage) then my insurance would fix my car with $125 deductible & would pursue the woman to recooperate the claim.

Ahh well.....
Had something similar happen to me about 20 years ago. Guy hit my '87 Mustang and drove off. I got his plate # and the cops found him and gave him a ticket for fleeing the scene of an accident and his insurance had to pay for fixing my car because it was his fault. I don't see why the same wouldn't be true in your case.
Get ahold of DMV. Here in CT you can't register a car without insurance. Be real nice and they might give you the info.
The woman took off before the cop arrived so the only info I was able to obtain of her was whatever the officer's screen displayed when I read him her plate number(year/make/descr of vehicle, registered owner & address).

So I can either write her a letter, pay her a visit & try to talk sense into her, call the various ins agencies in Chicago to see if they have a client by the name of Jane Doe, or wait a few months to let her forget about it and get retribution my own way.

If I had Liability + UMPD(uninsured motorist property damage) then my insurance would fix my car with $125 deductible & would pursue the woman to recooperate the claim.

Ahh well.....

If you did report it to her Insurance company then she would have it on her record and hopefully be charged more for her premiums. At least that would be some poetic justice.
If you did report it to her Insurance company then she would have it on her record and hopefully be charged more for her premiums. At least that would be some poetic justice.

Unfortunately she took off before I could find out if she was insured to begin with.

I'll just consider it a slight loss. The mirror doesn't seem to cost too much and installation seems easy enough. As for the scuffs of paint here & there, well I won't worry much about it since I was planning on repainting the BA since it has clearcoat issue.

Rest assured she will be held accountable for her insolent character.

Thanks a lot guys!!
She took off before the cop got there.. means the cop would be chasing after me as I followed her around until cop found us.

Mirror is an easy swap thou.
I think I'd be more pissed about the paint scuffs and dents on the front fender..I would have followed her. Maybe I'm wrong since she gave you her name but isn't that considered leaving the scene of an accident?
I don't understand. It's still a hit and run, she still left the scene of an accident. In a lot of states that's grounds for her license to be taken away at a minimum.
I don't understand. It's still a hit and run, she still left the scene of an accident. In a lot of states that's grounds for her license to be taken away at a minimum.

definitely in Missouri. leaving the scene of an accident is 12 points.
12 points in under 12 months means your license is bye bye for 12 months.
In New Jersey, I think you get 8 points, $200-$400 fine, and up to 30 days in jail for first time offenders.
In New Jersey, I think you get 8 points, $200-$400 fine, and up to 30 days in jail for first time offenders.

I am usually up on all the NJ DMV points and fines seeing as I live here and drive here. Jail time is all under what the Judge deems fit for pretty much anything :shifty:

Just checked on the leaving scene of accident and it is as follows points wise in NJ
NJ Points Leving Scene.png

NJ Points Leving Scene.png
Well thanks for clarifying, I learned all the hit and run regulations years ago, but I've never hit and ran and don't plan on it in the future, so I don't keep up with those laws and such.
I think I'd be more pissed about the paint scuffs and dents on the front fender..I would have followed her. Maybe I'm wrong since she gave you her name but isn't that considered leaving the scene of an accident?

Well she really didn't give me her name. The name that came up after the cop ran the plate # that I wrote down of her car was a name that (and I hate to come off like I'm putting stereotypes to ppl but...) fits a black woman, vehicle attached to the plate # was a '07 white 4 door sedan, so it was her alright.

However, whether she was insured or not is beyond me and my insurance won't pursue because I only have liability.
Yesterday however I received a letter from the Major Accident Investigation Unit explaining to me that if I want to pursue the crash as a criminal matter in traffic court, to call their # asap. I did and they notated that I want to pursue and they advised me that an investigator would call me within 20 days.

I was already about to get ready to start working on it myself as the replacement mirror assm is already at the local USPS office right here at so delivery will be tomorrow and was going to extract the scuffs & dent, but maybe I should put that on pause because there's a chance that she was insured and I can get compensated so I can have it done professionally. If she wasn't insured than at least she'll get fined heavily and will have to carry that blasted SR22 ins just to drive.

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