How do you feel about Biden NOW?

At this point I will defer to Wikipedia, you hyper sensitive Lefty brained Karen. You're never gonna get your man card back.

Reich - Wikipedia

Anybody that actually takes the time to listen to Trump (and has half a brain), realizes he sometimes just spouts off to get a reaction.

I do that at work. Some people act like WTF, thinking I'm serious... and others are laughing.

It's kinda like when Covid hit. Trump made an off the wall comment about drinking bleach. I don't think he was being serious, but I'm sure all the Lefties freaked out with that comment.

There's that Trump apologist we all know, I was wondering when he was going to show up. You're going out of your way to distort here, total intellectual dishonesty, as we both know the context and connotations of Trump specifically using "Unified Reich", and it's not benign, not making a joke.
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Trump distorts use of ‘deadly force’ language in FBI document for Mar-a-Lago search - Claims FBI tried to assassinate him

Former President Donald Trump pointed to standard language in an unsealed FBI document to baselessly claim that the Biden administration wanted to kill him during a search of his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida, nearly two years ago.

“WOW! I just came out of the Biden Witch Hunt Trial in Manhattan, the ‘Icebox,’ and was shown Reports that Crooked Joe Biden’s DOJ, in their illegal and UnConstitutional Raid of Mar-a-Lago, AUTHORIZED THE FBI TO USE DEADLY (LETHAL) FORCE,” Trump wrote in a post on his social media platform Truth Social on Tuesday night. “NOW WE KNOW, FOR SURE, THAT JOE BIDEN IS A SERIOUS THREAT TO DEMOCRACY. HE IS MENTALLY UNFIT FOR OFFICE — 25TH AMENDMENT!”

The claim was also boosted online by his supporters.

A Trump campaign fundraising email with the subject line “They were authorized to shoot me!” was sent soon after he posted on social media and made even more outrageous claims.

“I nearly escaped death,” it reads. “You know they’re just itching to do the unthinkable. ... Joe Biden was locked & loaded ready to take me out & put my family in danger.”

Trump is now claiming that Biden ordered the FBI to assassinate him when they searched Mar-a-Lago for the stolen documents and that he barely escaped. Obvious dangerous lie, he was also in New York at the time of the search. He's trying to get people killed again, his supporters are fine with it.

eg The last time Trump viciously smeared and lied about the FBI, one of his armed supporters attacked an FBI office in Ohio.
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I just got propane. My usual vendor gave me a customer loyalty discount of $1.79 per gallon.

Evidently they bought at bulk pricing, and are passing on the discount to customers.

While talking to the driver... I asked how he felt about Biden.

You don't want to know what he said. I live in rural farming country, where a pocket of conservatives exist. Seems Biden is not liked by farmers.

If these pockets exist elsewhere in the states... Biden could be in trouble.

At least this isn't 2014... when Propane was $4.00 a gallon. Wanna guess who let Americans get raped back in 2014???

No... It wasn't Biden, but it was a Democrat in office at the time. :confused:
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So I clicked on your link...

"The FBI is investigating what happened in Cincinnati as an act of domestic extremism, according to the law enforcement official." -snip

If the guy was that looney... he got what he asked for. Hopefully he didn't leave behind any family. :(

Well yes, but the point you evaded is that Trump's lies/smears of people and our institutions lead to acts of violence. Luckily no one in that FBI office was hurt, but what about next time.

What are your thoughts on Trump claiming that Biden sent the FBI to assassinate him and he only "nearly escaped death"?
View attachment 828578861

At least this isn't 2014... when Propane was $4.00 a gallon. Wanna guess who let Americans get raped back in 2014???

No... It wasn't Biden, but it was a Democrat in office at the time. :confused:

Propane prices (like all other fuel prices) skyrocketed under George W. Bush:


2014 was a fluke:

That was an all-time record for the price of propane in the U.S. and the most obvious indication of severe supply shortages in the Midwest propane market. There were three primary factors identified as responsible for the crisis in our blog: (1) a late, wet, bumper crop of corn requiring large volumes of propane for grain drying, (2) lower inventories due to so many barrels being moved south to the Gulf Coast for exports (see Sail Away - Propane Exports Exceed 400 Mb/d), and by far the most important factor (3) frigid, polar-vortex weather. It turns out that there were other factors at work as well. Cochin pipeline, being taken out of propane service so that it can be used to supply diluent to Canadian crude oil producers had a temporary outage that took supply out of the market. A major natural gas processing plant in the area was off-line due to expansion work, taking more supply out of the market. Rail lines were crowded, and there was a shortage of transport truck drivers. -snip
cognitive dissonance you're feeling. Bubba 14 and the other LvC Trumpers are probably doing similar.
I guess you are turning this Biden thread into a trump thread. Not getting enough response on your other Trump thread?
I'm not suffering from the malady you mention above. I am quite clear on my feelings about the choice this November. I see the stupid choice someone made to produce the ad in question, but I see it for what it is- election campaign stupidity, kind of like the ad years ago showing Republicans pushing Granny in a wheelchair off a cliff - stupid also. But I guess when your party is starting to get desperate looking at polls you will try to amplify any and all video/sound bites you can.

Before you add Fascist to your label for me, I know that some of the policies of this current administration border on being Fascist. My family has a history of fighting against Fascist regimes in WWII. Mom was a WAC in the European theater and Dad dodged kamikazes on a destroyer in the Pacific . Both were die-hard Roosevelt Democrats, but they would feel, just like many others, abandoned by the current version of the Democratic Party.

You and your fellow left- wing elitists are out of touch with the wants and needs of the majority of American people. You have no concern other than finding a way to remain in power. Otherwise, your party would not be trying to push a cadaver on us for another 4 years. Buying votes with taxpayer money will not work.

Meanwhile... Back to Flint Michigan. The city is the problem, and the Biden Administration is "hands off" at this point.

Gotta have good quality water
... to justify paying your bill.
So Flint burned through all the money that Biden gave them. (evidently no overwatch). I guarantee the Flint water employees doing the repairs... milked that cow to the last drop. (the city water employees were most likely union)

That's the problem... Biden just throws money at the problem, and expects someone else to deal (poorly) with it.

Oh that's right... Since Biden can barely talk... Harris is running the show, (and is in Waaayy over her head).

Once again... the Lefty Liberals are out of touch with with the "serfs".

You probably don't even have a clue how they replace the lines.

Hint... It's called "directional drilling"... which means somebody needs to know how to read blueprints... So they don't accidentally rupture a natural gas line.

Actually... some of the videos I've seen on the Flint news... shows the workers using shovels and a backhoe. How archaic.

Ignorant ass... You'll never get your "man card" back.
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You and your fellow left- wing elitists are out of touch with the wants and needs of the majority of American people. You have no concern other than finding a way to remain in power. Otherwise, your party would not be trying to push a cadaver on us for another 4 years. Buying votes with taxpayer money will not work.
Actually... the Left is trying to usher in Bush Seniors "New World Order".

And my father (long now deceased) was part of the "War effort" stateside... as an airplane mechanic in Arizona.
I guess you are turning this Biden thread into a trump thread. Not getting enough response on your other Trump thread?
I'm not suffering from the malady you mention above. I am quite clear on my feelings about the choice this November. I see the stupid choice someone made to produce the ad in question, but I see it for what it is- election campaign stupidity, kind of like the ad years ago showing Republicans pushing Granny in a wheelchair off a cliff - stupid also. But I guess when your party is starting to get desperate looking at polls you will try to amplify any and all video/sound bites you can.

Before you add Fascist to your label for me, I know that some of the policies of this current administration border on being Fascist. My family has a history of fighting against Fascist regimes in WWII. Mom was a WAC in the European theater and Dad dodged kamikazes on a destroyer in the Pacific . Both were die-hard Roosevelt Democrats, but they would feel, just like many others, abandoned by the current version of the Democratic Party.

You and your fellow left- wing elitists are out of touch with the wants and needs of the majority of American people. You have no concern other than finding a way to remain in power. Otherwise, your party would not be trying to push a cadaver on us for another 4 years. Buying votes with taxpayer money will not work.

IOW: "Just a casual Nazi reference, dumb but meh."

Followed by blame-shifting. Okay then.
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@ Bubba 14

Since 04_Sport_LS has dodged the question as usual, what are your thoughts on Trump accusing Biden of trying to assassinate him and naming the FBI as the assassins, where he barely escaped alive?
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You also seem to think that I read your rants (truth or twisted) and hang on everything you say about Trump.

I will say this one last time...


IF you persist, I WILL contact the moderator... and that will most likely lead to this thread being shut down.

Then you can talk to yourself all you want... In the TRUMP thread YOU started... since you insist on breaking protocol.


Keep pushing ... and you may find yourself banned.
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@ Bubba 14

Since 04_Sport_LS has dodged the question as usual, what are your thoughts on Trump accusing Biden of trying to assassinate him and naming the FBI as the assassins, where he barely escaped alive?
Again, this thread is about Biden, NOT Trump. Take your Trump obsession to your Trump thread, here you can dabble in your "Gotcha" questions and alarmist theories. More and more info on the lawfare is seeping out, doesn't make the FBI and DOJ look especially sharp. Oh, did I just use a "dog whistle" term. So sorry leftist elite pansy.

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