Happy holidays to everyone !!!

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If you think about it,,, from a marketing standpoint... BMW's decicion was inevitable. How many people nowadays drive RWD vehicles? How many want to? How many new vehicles are RWD, (besides pickups)??? If BMW wants to stay competitive in todays market,,, they need to come out with FWD cars to capture part of the market share from other manufacturers. If they haven't already,,, I see Ferrari and Maserati someday coming out with FWD vehicles.

With the "dumbing down" of society over the last few decades... life has become so much easier,,, but more complex. I'm waiting for the day when someone's "park assist" malfunctions... and they drive away from a parking spot,,, because they don't know how or have forgotten how to parallel park, (or the vehicle won't let them).

I long for the days when life was harder... but simpler at the same time. When you did what you had to do in a right way,,, and a man's yes meant yes,,, and his no meant no. When a neighborhood got together to help one family out with a project. When neighbors were actually neighbors,,, not just people living next door to you. When you could call on a friend for help... and they would alway be there for you.

I may present myself as older than I am physically,,, but in some ways I am aged beyond my years. Todays world is so convoluted,,, complex, and distractingly divisive. Take the time to talk to your parents and grandparents,,, and listen to the stories they tell. Relish in THEIR youth,,, and understand the knowledge they are trying to pass on to you. Enjoy your time with them,,, because they will be gone sooner than you expect. Help whomever you can,,, even if it becomes an inconvenience to you. The average person only gains about 5 true very close friends in their lifetime. If you have more,,, count your blessings... and you will be honored with the privilege of being a pall bearor at their parents funerals.

Choose to love a person,,, even if they have done you wrong... no matter how much it hurts. But that doesn't mean that if they are toxic to you... that they should be a part of your life. Don't take the easy road,,, because it WILL come back to bite you in the a**. Learn from your mistakes,,, do your best not to repeat them... and don't beat yourself up when you do. Never say: "I will NEVER..." because in the end,,, you just might.

Be kind to strangers,,, and help the needy... without "enabling" them. There is a saying: "The eyes are the window to the soul". If you SEE someone in pain,,, help them in whatever way you can. Stand up for what is RIGHT and TRUE... and at least give GOD a chance to work in your life.

Help me out here on the above part LS4me.


I hesitate on the next part,,, but what the heck. If sharing my life story can be a Testament to others... then I will speak boldly about it. I was orphaned twice by the age of 23. The first time I was found as an infant after 3 days without food or water. I grew up fast at 14 when the dad that raised me died,,, and I lived like "Hell on wheels"... and I put the mom that rasied me through hell. When "mom" died when I was 23.... the walls with God/Jesus came crashing down... but that wasn't the end. I met a girl,,, had a kid... and got married. Then an ex-girlfriend came around and persued me... even after she was married. During that part of the affair she had an abortion of my child... and later had a child who's fatherhood is still in question. I have wrestled with that for years,,, and almost took it to court... but decided that the girl needs peace,,, not me. She's now about to graduate High School.

On top of that... I have talked to Viet Nam Vets,,, about what really happened. Yes... young girls did come up to them with flowers,,, only to have them blow up in the GI's faces! Yes... bombs were put in babies diapers,,, only to have them blow up in GI's faces. I have had grown men from that era,,, in my vehicle... sobbing their eyes out,,, wondering if God could forgive them for wiping out complete villages. All I could tell them,,, is that God understood their decision. Was it enough??? I don't know yet.

I have a friend... who's son did 2 tours in Afganistan. When home,,, he wouldn't leave her side... and watched everybody when out in public. He trusts me, (did some trap shooting at my house), because I have always been a friend of the family, (known him since a young kid). Don't know what he's seen,,, because he won't yet talk about it.

Mentioned this before elsewhere,,, but not sure about here. A few years back,,, my son went on a high school music trip to NYC... and I was a chaperone. We got some private time,,, and did our own exploring of NYC. On the way to the next group rendezvous,,, my son and I were going through times square, (in broad daylight), heading to Planet Hollywood. All of a sudden,,, 4 guys tried to hijack my son... and i had a "standoff" with them. I wasn't armed... but they knew I didn't care. When they realized I was in it for death... they brushed my son down, (as if to make him presentable to me),,, and let him go.

Lastly... I will talk about another issue. Has anyone seen the movie "Taken" with liam Neeson? Based on a true story,,, it took me a good half hour to calm down from watching it. Did you know that there are "gang bangers" on social media such as Facebook and other sources... that are trying to lure girls from the suburbs and urban areas,,, into prostitution??? Their ploy is try it once for the money,,, and you will like it... only to kidnapp them into a life of sex slavery!!!

I live somewhat near a major crossroads in the U.S. In a local church I go to,,, one of their missions is "The Daughter Project". It is a program that does their best to protect and rehabilitate girls that have been a part of the sex trade. Think about it guys... some of these girls are as young as age 10!!!! Some are rescued,,, and others are never seen again!!! What if this was your daughter??? Keep in mind the bastards are on Facebook and elsewhere.


Now... for those people that want to re-integrate the girls back into their previous lifestyle... they might want to think twice!!! I can't say what I want to say... but I will suggest that your reception won't be very positive.


I lost a close high school buddy almost 7 years ago. I think I have mentioned him in threads on this forum,,, and that he worked at the GM proving grounds in Lansing... as one of the guys that wrote the factory GM tech repair manuals. He died of a stroke in his early 40's,,, and I was a pall bearor at his funeral. I still have the last e-mail he sent me a couple months before he died. I'm going to share it to lighten "the mood". If you knew the trouble he and I got into... and out of... together,,, the email would make more sense... but hopefully it's worth a laugh for all of you.

E-mail as follows

None of that 'Sis'-sy Stuff

Are you tired of those sissy 'friendship' poems that always sound good, but never actually come close to reality?

Well, here is a series of promises that actually speak of True Friendship.

You WON'T see Cutesy little smiley faces on this card- Just the stone cold truth of our great friendship.

1. When you are sad, I will jump on the person who made you sad like a spider monkey jacked up on Mountain Dew!!!

2. When you are blue, I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you.

3. When you smile, I will know you are plotting something that I must be involved in.

4. When you're scared, we will high tail it out of here.

5. When you are worried, I will tell you horrible stories about how much worse it could be until you quit whining, ya big baby!!!!

6. When you are confused, I will use little words..

7. When you are sick, Stay away from me until you are well again. I don't want whatever you have.

8. When you fall, I'll pick you up and dust you off-- After I laugh my rear off!!

9. This is my oath... I pledge it to the end. 'Why?' you may ask;

-- because you are my FRIEND!

Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it, but only YOU can feel the true warmth.

End E-mail

BTW... Happy New Years to everyone.

The only New Years resolution I have been able to keep,,, is one I made about a decade ago. I resolved to make no more New Years resolutions. :p
If you think about it,,, from a marketing standpoint... BMW's decicion was inevitable. How many people nowadays drive RWD vehicles? How many want to? How many new vehicles are RWD, (besides pickups)??? If BMW wants to stay competitive in todays market,,, they need to come out with FWD cars to capture part of the market share from other manufacturers.

except for one fact... BMW is not in the buisness of building econo-sh!t boxes for the masses. they pride themselves on building premium vehicles built around performance and the best driving experience.
Truer words were never smoked! Tryin' to do it all with the front wheels,,,,,,BAH! don-ohio :)^)

Any company converting from rear wheel drive to wrong wheel drive should offend EVERYONE, not just SOMEONE.
except for one fact... BMW is not in the buisness of building econo-sh!t boxes for the masses. they pride themselves on building premium vehicles built around performance and the best driving experience.

If I read correctly, the reason the "1" is going FWD is it will be using the Mini platform. They have no interest in any other FWD model they're just trying to make the Mini cost effective.
"they're just trying to make the Mini cost effective"

Good point LS4me.

Japan auto companies did this first, (Honda, Toyota, Mazda, Datsun/Nissan etc.)... then Volkswagen and Mitsubishi,,, then American auto companies followed suit. The idea was better fuel economy,,, easier and faster assembly... and more and cheaper production. Volvo did it in the 90's with the 850,,, and Benz with the A class. Jag "crossed over" in 2002 with the x-Type. I really think BMW is "testing the waters". The day is probably coming, (if the world doesn't end first),,, where NASCAR will be raced with front drive vehicles, (or at least all wheel drive vehicles.)

I did the front drive thing for a few cars,,, while driving 4wd trucks at the same time. The last couple cars have been rwd,,, and I want it to stay that way. Guess I'll be buying used to get an American version,,, and IIRC... Ford was the last American manufacturer to drop rwd. If I want an all wheel drive vehicle,,, I guess I'll be looking for an AMC Eagle. :p

Ther sad fact is... that if a company wants to survive changing times,,, then they change with the times... or they cease to exist. Take a look at some of the longest surviving companies on the stock market. The only reason they are still around,,, is because they changed with the times.

On one of my usual ADD tangents...

Speaking of the stock market... Does anyone remember a few months back... whe China was asking the "powers that be" to be part of the international stock market "conglomerate". The countries involved said "yes",,, and since then we have found out that China's government has been pumping money into their own stock market to inflate it's value... but was going to stop doing that. Now that China's stock market is dropping like a rock, (due to the lack of it's own govenment funding),,, it is having a ripple effect across the countries that allowed them to join the international stock market.

On top of that... not only has China been buying up a majority of the oil in the Middle East, (causing oil prices to rise)... They also own a majority of land in Canada that contains oil. China has also purchased a part of BP Oil Company, thus the BP/Husky joint venture, (Husky being the Canadian/China owned part),,, and is now sending China owned Canadian oil into our country.

The Keystone Pipeline idea that most of us have heard about on the news,,, was intended to send China owned oil... straight to the Gulf of Mexico,,, to be shipped back to their own refineries in China. So... ,,, China inflated prices by buying up oil in the Middle East... then afterwards sent their Canadian owned oil to the US,,, while slowing the purchase of oil in the middle east... thus dropping the price of oil.

Our short term benefit,,, is that gas prices are low... and part of this is also due to the "fracking" of oil and natural gas in our own country, (in the Dakota's, Oklahoma, Ohio, and other places). However,,, the long term detriment is that China is seeking to be THE World economic power. They are succeeding at this... by manipulating the stock market... and the world's 2nd most important natural resource, (water being the first). China is not only seeking to be the world's largest economic power,,, but also the worlds largest military power. They are slowly becoming the primary world "Superpower"... while the U.S. is slowly fading from that title over the last half century or so.

Why is that??? If you take a look at the history of the United States,,, it's prosperity was built on the backs of American manufacturing!!! We USED to be the backbone of the world,,, because we MADE almost everything. That started changing in the 70's,,, with the invasion of Japanese products. America fought back for a while,,, and did pretty good until the late 80's. Then 9/11 happened... and once again,,, American pride made it's way back onto retail shelves with the "Made in Usa" label. But it was short lived,,, becauase it it is becomeing very hard to find anything made in the USA anymore.

Some of you may not care... but you should if you don't want your kids or grandkids to learn Chinese as a primary language. Laugh or dismiss what I say if you want,,, but the day is coming if we don't do something about it!!! This country has slowly been sold "down the river" because of NAFTA, and the WTO, (world trade agreement),,, along with revisions to GATT, (less tarrifis on imported goods). The "fat cat's" sit back and collect their "millions"... while many of us struggle just to get by.

Don't get me wrong. I do okay for and by myself. I have more than most,,, but much less than many others. I would be considered "middle class", (which IS slowly fading). I try to use what I have as a Blessing to others... Because I realized that GOD has blessed me in what I have and where I am. (I'm gonna stay off that "soapbox"). Not blowing my own horn,,, But on Christmas night... I went to a local soup kitchen and served meals to the homeless and needy. Some of the kids were just above toddler age. I don't know the peoples story,,, but I can imagine. I try not to judge... because as my "mom" used to say: "There but for the Grace of God... go I."

Problem is... this country has become spoiled. That includes those on welfare. Whoa,,, wait a minute before anyone chews my a**. When my wife and i got married, (with child)... she and I were on welfare during the pregnancy,,, and for a few months after our son was born. When I got a better job, (which I still have),,, I called welfare and told them to cancel our account. They didn't want to do that,,, and wanted me to keep the card for a while. I told them I wasn't going to do that,,, and was going to cut up the card if they didn't want it. They told me not to cut it up... but to sent it back. I didn't use welfare as a "handout",,, but as a "helping hand up"... and got off it as soon as I could.

Anyone here old enough to remember the WPA... or at least the history of it, (and no... nothing to do with wi-fi :p ). It was started in the early to mid 1930's,,, not only as a help to those who lost everything in the Great Depression... but also those who dealt with the "Dust Bowl". It was during this time the Hoover Dam was built... and over 100 lives were lost!!! It wasn't only the Hoover Dam that that hapened during the WPA. People were actually paid to sweep streets by hand,,, clear ditches,,, and till fields by hand... and they did it!!! Why??? It gave them an income,,, and a sense of dignity and pride. If 25 or so years ago when I was on welfare... If I was asked to sweep streets to earn what I was getting in benefits... I would have gladly done it!!!

Back after the dad that raised me died,,, I became "the man of the house". I was doing basic carpentry, electrical, and other things at the age of 14... to help take care of "mom". By age 20,,, I was doing head gaskets on her car, (and followoing the manual dealing with frikking "stretch bolts". Before this I was figuring out how to pull broken brass fittings out of trannys,,, and replacing bad tranny pump seals... along with diagnosing a bad torque converter. I have to confess I went to a trade school for my last 2 years in high school, (and was turning rotors and drums at the age of 16). We had a local competition at school, (all encompasing "hands on" test),,, and I was set to go to regionals and then state... but that wasn't my style,,, so I backed out. I "learned to learn",,, ... not to compete.

The lowest point of my "mechanic life"... (beyond some screw ups),,, was when the not yet wife and I were coming back from PA,,, after visiting my sister. We left a rest stop,,, and heard a squealing from under the truck. She asked what it was,,, and I said "nothing"... hoping we would get home. When we did,,, it confirmed what I already knew. The manual tranny was dry of fluid. When I pulled it,,, and tore it apart... the individual roller bearings on the input shaft were triangular,,, meaning we barely got home. I ended up "bench pressing" a cast iron tranny from a '68 road runner,,, into place... whilke snow was flying and temps were around 20 degrees, before wind chill. My hands were numb by the time the tranny was in.

More to come...
.......But it was short lived,,, because it it is becoming very hard to find anything made in the USA anymore.....

Our own gummint has plenty to do with that... Minimum wage, EPA, OSHA and many other state letter agencies. It is becoming harder and harder for a business to make money in this country.
and IIRC... Ford was the last American manufacturer to drop rwd.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean. Most recently dropped RWD? Sure, Ford I guess, dropping the Vic for the fullsize Taurus. Last to still have RWD? Well the Charger/300 is still RWD
A lot of the OEMs are moving back to rear wheel drive. Buick is even thinking about it with the Avista concept. It'll be a V6 if it comes out, but they're saying it'll be a 3.0 twin turbo V6. I sent them an email asking them to add a V8 option, and to not let the bean counters turn it into another Reatta by making it a FWD POS. We'll see if it ever sees the light of day.

A number of years back,,, a study was done... that proved in order to get the same high school education a person got in 1968,,, a student now had to have 4 years of college. I can only imagine it has gotten worse since then. You've heard the phrase... "The dumbing down of America"??? Well it's been going on for a few decades. Even the "higher learning" institutions are in on this now.

LS4me mentioned the "gummint",,, and he's not wrong. While OSHA and the EPA are necessary to keep companies from taking advantage of workers,,, and to keep companies from recklessly dumping toxic waste,,, minimum wage has intentionally been kept low,,, and workers rights under those wages has been kept to a minimum... to provide a source of American slave labor. Minimum wage more that doubled from 1970 to 1980. It only jumped 70 cents from 1980 to 1990,,, and has been suffering since. Why??? Corporate greed. By basic math,,, if minimum wage doubled per decade,,, then it should be about $15 dollars per hour by now.

Back in the 1980's,,, it took a couple, (with child), making minimum wage,,, to pay rent and their bills... plus manage a car payment on a decent car,,, to get by. Considering todays cost of living,,, minimum wage doesn't cover half of what it used to. Why is that? Immigration. I have nothing against immigrants,,, but roughly 50% don't pay taxes. Besides,,, regarless of what the news is saying,,, many companies immigrate immigrants... because they will work for cheap wages... which is undercutting minimum wage.

Don't get me wrong,,, in my line of work I deal with many immigrants... and most of them are hard workers. Problem is they have their "house" back home... while living good on our wages and sending most of the money back to their family. Many have no intention of getting their "U.S. citizenship",,, and will retire at normal age and live like kings. I have some "Mexican" coffee in my fridge,,, as a gift from someone who has a small coffee farm at home, (south of the border). He has no plans on staying here,,, or bringing his family up here.

As LS4me said above,,, the "gummint" has been part of that. They want wages low,,, while at the same time making it convenient for most companiews to export labor jobs. It doesn't matter which party is in office,,, because the end result is the same. All government does nowadays,,, is regulate the country... while big business and Wall Street dictates what actually happens. Why don't we tarrif incoming goods,,, in the same way our goods are tarrifed in other countries???

The presidents elected are no different. They all have their "pet supporters". I first caught on to this when I looked back on the "Regan years". The movie industry basically got a free license to produce whatever they wanted. In the Bush years it was the oil industry. In the Obama years it was the medical industry. The medical industry was one of his biggest finacial backers,,, and thus the reason for Obama Care,,, which has cost this country millions, (if not billions), of extra money that we cannot actually afford as a country.

Going back to China,,, let's not forget that our government has been borrowing money from them for years. The big crunch was back in fall of 2011,,, when the government was going to shut down because they were broke. In the end they borrowed more money from China,,, to keep our economy going. So a country that has been falsely inflating their economy, (China), is selling bonds, (debt), to the U.S. government,,, China buys more of our country.

Now... I'm no economics wizard,,, and I never took an econimics class in high school... but commonse sense and economics 101 dictates that if the government is going broke,,, it's because they don't have enough tax base for their income. Where does the tax base come from??? US as workers in this country,,, and corprations functioning is this country. If people are out of work,,, then how can they pay taxes. If people lose a decent paying job, (or a household loses two decent jobs)... and go out and find a lesser paying job,,, they they pay less taxes for the government to collect. If a corporation moves overseas because they don't like the taxes they are paying here,,, then not only are the corporate taxes lost... but the wage taxes too.

How many people have heard that China wants to buy one of our most precious National Landmarks/Parks areas??? That's right folks,,, China wants to buy the Grand Canyon! They want to put in a dam system to provide electricity. It hasn't happened yet,,, but it seems even the Grand Canyon may be for sale for the right price. So China may not only be selling us our own oil.... but our own water/electricity also. What's wrong with that picture????

I'm not a Trump supporter, (who want's someone as president who has filed for bankruptcy 4 times). However,,, I find it a bit ironic to listen to some of the things he has been saying. Back in the mid 80's... I was talking about building "the great wall of the United States",,, to keep people from entering illegally. On top of that,,, I was talking back then about completely closing our borders to trade... and manufacturing everything here in the U.S. The idea was that even though the cost of living would go up,,, everyone that wanted to work would be making at least a survivable wage... and those that didn't want to work would only have themselves to blame. But at the same time I was also talking about brining back a program similar to the WPA. That way,,, if someone was willing to at least sweep the streets for a paycheck,,, they had the oppoutunity to do so.

At the same time... this country will not survive another 4-8 years of "Billary". Has everyone forgotten that "Billary" supported Nafta,,, which sent alot of jobs out of this country. "Billary" is also the one who rasied the loan to value ratio on mortgages,,, to try and help those who couldn't afford a home. When in reality all he was doing was helping the banks, (or so the banks thought). "Billary" led to the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac, Bear/Sterns fallout... from which this country is still recoverering.

There is a lag time between action and reaction in the government. Things don't stop or change on a dime.,,, but each President and Congress/Senate is now reactive,,, instead of proactive. "Billary said they did not have "sexual relations" with that woman. Only to find out that "sexual relations" had a different meaning to them. Now "Billary" is saying that they never sent nor recieved anything marked "Classified" from their personal e-mail. Ofg course that means that no part of any "classifed material" was e-mailed... just as a "cigar affair" is not actually having"relations" with another person.

HMMMMM... who's blurring the lines???
Forgive me...

I am coming off a 24 hour work shift,,, and a 75 hour work week... plus 14 hours of drive time. I meant to include the following. I

Yeah... major brain fart the last time I posted. Long week to blame,,, I was tired and drawing a blank. Forgot about the CTS-V, Camaro, Vette, Charger, Challenger, 300... and god forbid,,, the Mustang. Didn't know the Ford GT was still being produced,,, or about the SS,,, or the Avista... probably being built on the Vette/Camaro platform. Been living under a rock lately.

The Avista scares me with the "touch' door handles. One more thing to go wrong. Electronics will fail without warning,,, whereas mechanical failures are usually foretellable. The more we move to electronics,,, the easier our lives become in the short term... but when something fails,,, we will be screwed.

The biggest advancement in the automotive industry,,, was electronic fuel injection. No more warming the engine up at 2000 rpm,,, at full choke... while dumping raw gas into the oil. That's why we now have double the engine life we used to. Now we have cars that if we get lazy/complacent enough... we end up being locked out of them when the battery fails.
Back in the 1980's,,, it took a couple, (with child), making minimum wage,,, to pay rent and their bills... plus manage a car payment on a decent car,,, to get by. Considering todays cost of living,,, minimum wage doesn't cover half of what it used to. Why is that? Immigration. I have nothing against immigrants,,, but roughly 50% don't pay taxes. Besides,,, regarless of what the news is saying,,, many companies immigrate immigrants... because they will work for cheap wages... which is undercutting minimum wage.

NO one is supposed to live on minimum wage. I have said; and will always say; ANYONE that stays at minimum wage is an abject LOSER!!! Even I at my entry-level unskilled burger-flipping job got a raise after 6 months. Raising minimum wage also raises EVERYONE's wage. The guy that makes $2 an hour less than I do gets a $2 raise, so do I. Same with those above me. Also, where does it stop; $10?, $15? $20? Why not $100? ANY job is only worth the skill required or the value of that work. I'm (not) sorry, but there's NO WAY someone that can't understand me or get my order right at The Golden Arches earns $10 an hour! They should be happy they have a job! I would (and have) fired this type of employee.

Sorry.... Sore spot with me.
Didn't know the Ford GT was still being produced,,, or about the SS,,,

you can still buy a brand new 2016 chevy SS


and the ford GT will be for sale shortly as a 2017 model and they start racing it in a month or two


The Avista scares me with the "touch' door handles. One more thing to go wrong. Electronics will fail without warning,,,

mechanical parts can also fail without warning... not to mention chevy has been using the fully electronic door latches for over a decade now starting with the C6
I dont want to get started on minimum wage... its never supposed to be supporting an entire family on it for their life.

honestly I haven't made that low of money since the job I had while still in high school ( and was making a couple of dollars more than that by the time I graduated)... minimum skills deserve a minimum wage, if you want to make more than that, go out and make some changes to your own life... learn a skill, trade, or go back to school and get training to make some real money. honestly minimum wage jobs are there for people to do while they are still in high school, after that if you are still making minimum wage, you fukced up somewhere...

also can you imaging how much they would charge for a combo meal if every body in the joint was making $15 an hour!
No need for a wall, just need a few laws and high profile trials. Throw a few illegal employers in prison for a few decades and nobody will hire them. Immigrants are also not a problem, it's the illegals that drive down wages.

On that 15 bucks an hour, the folks who want it think prices will remain the same. Fact is, double minimum wage, and your taxes go up, plus prices go up a bit more than double since products must also make up the extra taxes, not to mention people who are rich don't want to see their own buying power go down. You were making 7.50 an hour and now make 15 an hour? Your 400 a month apartment is now 900 a month. Jacking up minimum wage isn't the same as increasing normal business costs because minimum applies to everyone equally. Your competition's costs are going up by the same amount, so you KNOW they are going to increase prices as well. The end result is the rich get richer, the government makes more in taxes, the poor get poorer and those who were lower middle class are poor again as everyone who was making between 7.50 and 20.00 are now right back down to barely making it if not failing to make it.

On the Avista, I kinda like that one but agree, I want a mechanical means of getting out of the car in case the electronic fail. It's not just getting in the car, it's getting out.
No need for a wall, just need a few laws and high profile trials. Throw a few illegal employers in prison for a few decades and nobody will hire them. Immigrants are also not a problem, it's the illegals that drive down wages.

On that 15 bucks an hour, the folks who want it think prices will remain the same. Fact is, double minimum wage, and your taxes go up, plus prices go up a bit more than double since products must also make up the extra taxes, not to mention people who are rich don't want to see their own buying power go down. You were making 7.50 an hour and now make 15 an hour? Your 400 a month apartment is now 900 a month. Jacking up minimum wage isn't the same as increasing normal business costs because minimum applies to everyone equally. Your competition's costs are going up by the same amount, so you KNOW they are going to increase prices as well. The end result is the rich get richer, the government makes more in taxes, the poor get poorer and those who were lower middle class are poor again as everyone who was making between 7.50 and 20.00 are now right back down to barely making it if not failing to make it.

On the Avista, I kinda like that one but agree, I want a mechanical means of getting out of the car in case the electronic fail. It's not just getting in the car, it's getting out.


Horse In The Box already has those.


I, for one, refuse to use such things. I don't use the self-checkout stations at stores either, nor will I allow the person manning them to check me out. I may not be able to set national policy, but I can at least not encourage their adoption by using them, making them successful. In fact, was in a Wal-Mart a few months ago early in the morning. Had a shopping cart full, but there were no checkers. Just the self-checkout kiosks available. I just left the cart.
LOL ^ same here Telco, the other week I was at our local vehicle registration office and the lady pushes paperwork at me and says "You need to fill this out" ... I push it back and kindly inform her, No, I'm paying you 108$ for the year to register my vehicle, you have all my info, YOU FILL IT OUT. I'm paying for a service here at a service center, YOU DO the work, that I am paying for today.

Naturally as to anyone I speak to, eyebrows raised on how dare I.

She filled it out alright ... I just put down my John Henry at the end.

Same thing when I'm at a bank and need something, screw that ... I'm paying a monthly banking fee, you fill out your own crap!

Also don't use the self serve check outs. Don't care if the line ups are longer at the manned counters, they gonna do the work, not me ... and stop asking me if I would like a Fn bag, what am I gonna do, hand carry all this crap out to the parking lot? Push it all in the cart and place each item individually in my trunk? (they charge 5 cents per bag around here these days so they have to ask) Total BS. No I don't need a bag, watch me cram all this stuff into my Fn pockets, you silly c*nt!

BTW: Horse-In-The-Box ... what are you Americans eating now?
LOL ^ same here Telco, the other week I was at our local vehicle registration office and the lady pushes paperwork at me and says "You need to fill this out" ... I push it back and kindly inform her, No, I'm paying you 108$ for the year to register my vehicle, you have all my info, YOU FILL IT OUT. I'm paying for a service here at a service center, YOU DO the work, that I am paying for today.

Naturally as to anyone I speak to, eyebrows raised on how dare I.

She filled it out alright ... I just put down my John Henry at the end.

Same thing when I'm at a bank and need something, screw that ... I'm paying a monthly banking fee, you fill out your own crap!

Also don't use the self serve check outs. Don't care if the line ups are longer at the manned counters, they gonna do the work, not me ... and stop asking me if I would like a Fn bag, what am I gonna do, hand carry all this crap out to the parking lot? Push it all in the cart and place each item individually in my trunk? (they charge 5 cents per bag around here these days so they have to ask) Total BS. No I don't need a bag, watch me cram all this stuff into my Fn pockets, you silly c*nt!

BTW: Horse-In-The-Box ... what are you Americans eating now?

Jack in the Box had a little scandal where one of their meat suppliers apparently put horse meat and kangaroo meat into their Jack in the Box shipments. Did they really sell horse meat burgers? Who knows, but it stuck.

I LOVE the self-checkouts. It's quicker and I don't have the cashier trying to be my best friend. I just want to get my stuff and get out! I'm NOT there to make friends. I also like self-serve gas stations. Costco had a trial here where you used a scanner to record what is purchased. When you're done you just go to a special section, hand the scanner over to an employee, they point you to a "register", you pay and leave. It was much. much quicker than waiting in the normally long lines. Too bad they had too many technical difficulties.
I also like self-serve gas stations. Costco had a trial here where you used a scanner to record what is purchased.

But I'M the jackas for swiping my card at the pump without the attendant because the station was too busy. New Jersey... Even had someone tell me I couldn't do that as I, in fact, proceeded to do that. At least the station next to work, where we fill up the sold cars, appreciates us self-serving.
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