Gun Control etc... (the correct outlet for the Sandy shooting)


May 29, 2008
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Kansas city
I had no intention of causing a constitution war in our car forum (although I know better). But this kind of sh!t hits home hard for me... Feel free to use this to express your feeling about it, and how you think it should/ could be handled in the future...

I will add, that the common link between all school shootings are unbalanced kids, not gun laws...
The way I see it is criminals have no regard for laws to begin with, otherwise they wouldn't be criminals. Gun laws never stopped these crazy people from killing even if guns were completely outlawed they would use something else to carry out their evil deeds. That same day, in China, a guy walked into a school with a knife and killed twenty some people. There are people out there need help I think that a lot of people are to ashamed to admit that their kid, or parent, or family member might be a danger to them selves or the public.
Mental Health policies are the issue, not legally obtained firearms.
^agreed 1000%

the only thing more gun laws are going to do, is make it harder for all of us law abiding citizens to protect ourselves.

as I see horrible atrocities like this happening more and more often, it seems like the solution to me is that we need more responsible adults carrying.

gun control is what I spend hours practicing.
It seems that they found more weapons at the mothers home. Did she have a Weapons Locker? I haven't seen any mention of this. I love weapons, and have been carrying for over 11 years. But, people who have multiple weaons must have a secure locker. And on that note, don't let anyone see you opening it so they can't get the combo.
Why, with over 500 murders per year in Chicago, does no one there call for more gun control? Could it be that their overly restrictive laws....

.....don't work?

What I still don't understand is why gun control advocates believe that a small measure of control will have an effect on these tradegties. I believe that in most of our school shootings mall shootings, theater shootings the shooters were children or adults suffering from some illness and weren’t the ones that walked in to a gun store and bought the weapons used. In most of these cases it was a child of a responsible adult that was the owner of the weapons and that the proposed control still wouldn't apply.
The parent would have passed any of the control laws,

This may cause some aggression but,,,,
The people I hear crying out for the gun control are the same types who yell about the government breaching on our rights of privacy either in phone taps or computer / internet monitoring.
See I believe the kids did research, that kind of thing can be watched and a risk assessment could be done on various degrees or levels of risk and someone be sent to look in to it.

When a parent,(I DO NOT BLAME THE MOTHER OF THE CONNETICUT SHOOTER) allows their children to grow up with violent tendencies or temporary times of sever aggression or lack of emotion (like the killing of animals) then I would think big brother should be able to step in and help.
Internet and cable TV are research avenues that we never had growing up. I had the same set of encyclopedias that my wife had in her home, not much variation, our only TV was channel 2,4,5,9 and 11 again, no sex or violence on those (well the occasional benny hill) but all of these modern research outlets can be monitored and on one isolated risk means little but when several questionable programs/searches on a nonstop or regular occurrence Big Brother should be able to step in a look at what is going on in that house.

I know in hind sight I see my 16 y/o playing combat X-box games and think to myself it's just a game,, BUT I know my son, I raised him to hold doors for females that walk to a restaurant behind me and my family. Sweet kid and understands that it's a game, At least that’s how I justify it..

Sorry, I've held alot of this in for too long.
As far as gun control,, do it all or leave it alone,, my opinon is nothing in the middle can possible work.
If guns kill people then spoons make people fat.:D

We need new spoon laws, that will stop people from becoming obese. We'll become a nation of slim, fit people. Stop the insanity, take away everyone's spoons.
If guns kill people, fast cars cause MVA deaths...outlaw fast cars
-here in Ga there is a town close to where I live that madates every head of household must be a gun owner...Kennesaw, Ga...I've not heard of enforcement...
If 'you' are in a workplace or school, and an armed psycho enters the building, do you prefer to be armed, or unarmed?

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