Glass Cleaner, Just discovered a great product!


Staff member
Mar 2, 2004
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Chicago, IL
For those of you out there that have a hard time cleaning your interior glass (and exterior for that matter), I have just found and tried "Invisible Glass" by Stoner. Window, Windshield & Mirror Cleaner. Can states: Cleans glass so well you'll think it's invisible...Amazing no-residue formula doesn't streak or haze...Quickly cleans difficult grime from glass surfaces...Safe for tinted windows. I have always had a problem with my cars when they get out of that new car faze....the interior glass always has a film and has to be wiped down with a claen cloth after glass cleaner application. Maybe it's FLA and the temps (sometimes it's hard to clean the glass in the shade down here). I saw this item at Advance/Discount auto parts and decided to give it a try...what a charm. It says that it contains a complex, multi-component cleaning formula which is non-abrasive and non-foaming. It is designed specifically to clean glass without leaving streaks or haze. It's works just as app and your done,,,quickly. I just got it and I believe that I paid $3.49 at Advance Auto parts, but I'm not sure. Everywhere online its $4.99 and at that price it's worth every penny. I'm going back for some other products and if it's what I believe, $3.49 I'm getting more. I believe whole heartedly everyone here should give it a try. read the reviews a google search "Stoner Invisible Glass".
Me too.

I've been "Stoned" for a couple years now.;) Stuff works great. Highly recommended. Be sure you buy a high quality paper towel. A good paper towel makes alot of difference in the results.
Been using it for about 3 years now.....if not longer. I used to only be able to buy it over the net (found it at a car show and been using it ever since), but now you can get it at AutoZone and places like that. Great product!

Joeychgo said:
SO your telling me im behind the times --- thanks alot :)

You're not the only one, Joey! :) I know this is an old thread, but it is new to me. Just tried some Stoner Invisible Glass last night and WOW! :eek: Worth every penny!

I had cleaned the interior glass on my "clean" LS within the last week using some old ammonia based cleaner I'd had forever. Smears/streaks galore. Did I mention I hate cleaning glass! Anyway, tried the Stoner's and couldn't believe the easy wipe on/wipe off, with little or no buffing required.

Okay, easy test. So, since I was in such a good mood I decided to try it on my "dirty" SUV with dog nose prints/drool, etc. It took no more effort, and only required one cleaning. Dare I say it...I like cleaning glass now! ;)

I'll have to buy some in quantity now, since I can see using this around the house as well.

Stoner is ok on the interior, Bon Ami on the outside, especially if the are any bugs or tree sap our any other heavy contaminent.

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