Gen 2 Washer button workaround question (& wiper arm question too)


LVC Member
Jun 12, 2021
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Hello everyone.

So of course i have the dreaded Gen2 broken washer button, missing spring etc. Digging deep into the forum search history it appears these are straight unobtanium & the most common suggestion appears to be to drill a hole somewhere in the dash for a separate dedicated washer button. My Question. Would it instead be possible to tap into the manual mist position on the stalk to also have it kick the washer in too? Think i'd rather a jumper wire under the dash & lose dedicated mist rather than drill more holes in the dash if i can avoid it.

Anyone familiar enough with the underdash wiring to suggest where i can hook a splice to make it happen that way or is it not even possible?

2nd. The springs in my wiper arms are getting weak & won't hold the wipers down very well. Can the arms off another car be used? Or at least can springs out of another model of arm be put into these to refresh them proper?
Did you try the guy in Cali? He has alot of MK VIII's for parts. Just found him.... Carlos Mejias I suggest just shoot him a request.

Also I got my button from Bruce in Mass. He said he has 3 large warehouses with nothing but MK VIII's inside for parts and had about 11 buttons when I got mine about 2 years ago. All tho, some one posted he wasnt getting any reply to a parts request last year at some point so IDK if he's OK and web selling still.

If you can't get one, just make a switch button up. They are very simple. The plastic button has one long thin finger of plastic that when pushed in, makes 2 fine metal contacts touch. If you take anything about 1/8th wide X 1/16th thick and about 1.5" long, slip it in there into a groove that leads to those contacts and bingo, you'll get it to cycle. I was about to make one untill I found Bruces hook up.
Sent an email to bruce a month or so ago after finding mention of him having buttons from...2018? 2019? He never replied back to me either. Bought a few things on Ebay via carlos, can ask but it's not likely since he'd have put it up for auction already if he had it available.
I spoke with Bruce Budnick on the phone about a week ago, so I know he's still there. It is very hard to get an answer though, and he hasn't responded to any of my (wanting to purchase and/or sell Mark VIII parts) emails in a couple of months. I hope this helps...
The button was broke on my 97 when I got it. Had the button but no spring. Snowy and salty here 2 days later so I had to do something. Don't laugh at me but I took a piece of good scotch tape a few inches long. Tape across the flat part of the button then 2 small pieces of tape stuck sticky side to sticky side where the edge of the button would slide in so the tape doesn't stick to the button there. Slide it in and tape in place. The tape holds it out from making contact and when you push it in to wash it works, and the tape push's it back out just like the spring would. It was a temporary fix but years later still working.
As for your wiper arm I have only found used on Ebay and always figured probably no better then what I have. I have one the same way, I thought the spring was weak too. But what I found was the splined hole that fits in the drive had worn to a tapered hole . Not stripped out but it lets it rock up loosing most of the pressure on the arm. Its on my passenger side so I haven't done this yet. But my idea to fix that is to drill a hole opposite to the arm, and close to the bottom. Tap it and fit a set screw in. Put the arm on and then tighten the set screw should return the pressure to it.
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I have NOS/NEW Original Equipment Ford multi-function switches with button for $ 100.00 plus shipping ! Sonny
97 98  Mark VIII MF Switch back.JPG
97 98  Mark VIII MF Switch Part Number I.JPG
97 98  Mark VIII MF Switch front.JPG
I’m interested in the multi-function switch for my 98. It’s the right part number too. Let me know if it’s still available please
I’m interested in the switch if it’s still available. It’s right part number and everything for my car. Please let me know. Thank you!
The multi-function switch is still available ! Please send your ZIP Code for shipping charges ! Sonny
The multi-function switch is still available ! Please send your ZIP Code for shipping charges ! Sonny
Thanks, Sonny. Money sent. I’m not sure which address it showing so if you could please send it to my work address I would appreciate it which is flat out Motorworks a 841 WEST FAIRMONT DRIVE SUITE #8 TEMPE AZ 85282

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