Fan/cooling question


Active LVC Member
Dec 11, 2011
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My 96 runs at about the halfway point of the gauge while driving, then when at idle it climbs up almost to the N on the gauge, than gradually comes back down to the halfway point once i start driving again. I got it up to the usual spot on the gauge, and popped the hood and watched the gauge to see where it was at when the fan kicked on, and it didn't kick on til the needle was almost at the top of the O, is this the normal time for it to kick on?

My 94 almost always ran right between the A and the L on the gauge, and never got over the halfway point even on the hottest of days, so i get pretty nervous when sitting at a light or in traffic and keep an eye on the gauge. Is this a problem or am I getting worried over nothing? Is it possible my gauge is just reading wrong?
I have a 96 and found out years ago that those analogue gauges are very inaccurate after i installed this
the exact same reading on the analogue gauge can be 15 or 20 degrees different. It plugs into the OBDII port and I can monitor 18 different things, as being reported by various sensors to the ECM. Analogue = ballpark, digital is exact. If you are within the 'NORMAL' range, you are OK but if you want to know what is actually being reported to the ECM you need something like a scangauge or ultragauge.
Have you tried changing the temp sensor on the crossover tube? That's pretty high for the fan to kick on...

As stated though, there could be an issue with your gauge not reading out correctly also.
I have had both my 96ers now for over 10 years. They both have a slight difference in their reading, which is accounted for by their being analogue gages. That said, I found that my DD was filled slightly less than Whiner with coolant, and that once I refilled (thru the tube), burped it, that the higher reading dropped on the gage by about a 1/2 letter. The important thing I unconsciously monitor is that the gages go up and down according to conditions, which means the system is working and all is well. My caveat to all of this is that I also know that I have replaced the water pumps, sensors and fans on both so all should work well.
Whiner, even with the inter cooler installed, still manages to run cooler by almost one full letter, on the road. When in traffic it will creep up to 9 o'clock position, and then retreat back cooler once we get moving more air thru the front end. I believe the hood on the car has helped keep the whole engine compartment cooler due to the amount of air that blows thru it from the front grill.
Does the fan consistently kick on at the higher temp? One way to test if the fan is working correctly is to turn your A/C to max. The fan should always turn on when A/C is at max.
Have you tried changing the temp sensor on the crossover tube? That's pretty high for the fan to kick on...

As stated though, there could be an issue with your gauge not reading out correctly also.

+1 My 96 would heat up to the bottom of the O sometimes and maybe a little higher after driving it for 30-40 minutes in traffic. It freaked me out! I changed the the temp sensor and now the needle won't go above the bottom of the R

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