Easy way to extend the range of your car alarm

Haha, I gotta try that.

I remember someone calling into CarTalk a long time ago saying that if he opened his mouth and aimed the remote into his mouth he got better range. The guys had a good laugh at that, and they put forth some theories about the waves bouncing around in his skull or whatnot. I never had much luck with that method ;)
yeah it does work. with am waves. but fm waves are a lil different but still works. but not at a much farther ways away..
I have a friend who showed me that years ago, by holding it to his chin...Now my Escape FOB only works when touching a second part of my body, and then I have to be right next to the car...bad batteries I guess.
It works I tried it today. I was pretty far away and couldnt unlock it regularly and then I put it to my elbow and walah it unlocked
I couldnt see the video here at work but i got something you guys will lilke. If you are looked out your car and somebody at home or wherever has a spare set (key fob). you can aim your remote at home at a cell phone and send the signal threw the cell waves. Obvisouly the other person has to be by the car talking to you on the cell. Sounds retarded but it works.
I couldnt see the video here at work but i got something you guys will lilke. If you are looked out your car and somebody at home or wherever has a spare set (key fob). you can aim your remote at home at a cell phone and send the signal threw the cell waves. Obvisouly the other person has to be by the car talking to you on the cell. Sounds retarded but it works.

From urbanlegends.about.com:

Comments: Comforting though it may be to imagine you can unlock your car door in an emergency by receiving a distant signal via your cell phone, it can't possibly work — not with the technology as it now stands, at any rate.

Here's why:

Your remote car key operates by sending a weak, encrypted radio signal to a receiver inside the automobile, which in turn activates the door locks.

Since the system works on radio waves, not sound, the only conceivable way a signal from your spare remote could be picked up by one cell phone and relayed to your car's onboard receiver by another would be if both phones were capable of sending and receiving at exactly the same frequency as the remote itself — which they can't be, given that all remote entry devices operate at frequencies between 300 and 500 MHz, while all mobile phones, by law, operate at 800 MHz and higher.

It's apples vs. oranges, in other words. Your cell phone can no more transmit the type of signal needed to unlock a car door than your remote key is capable of dialing up your Aunt Mary ... though no one can predict what miracles the future may bring.

...I love cut and paste. Saved me having to explain it myself.
Sounds retarded but it works.
Sounds retarded, but it doesn't work.

The laws of physics don't suspend themselves, no matter how hard you wish; see the explanation above...
I couldnt see the video here at work but i got something you guys will lilke. If you are looked out your car and somebody at home or wherever has a spare set (key fob). you can aim your remote at home at a cell phone and send the signal threw the cell waves. Obvisouly the other person has to be by the car talking to you on the cell. Sounds retarded but it works.

This was covered in another thread. It dont work.
I couldnt see the video here at work but i got something you guys will lilke. If you are looked out your car and somebody at home or wherever has a spare set (key fob). you can aim your remote at home at a cell phone and send the signal threw the cell waves. Obvisouly the other person has to be by the car talking to you on the cell. Sounds retarded but it works.

Well, you are right about one thing, it sure does sound retarded, and it isn't the only thing to sound retarded. Someone told you this works, maybe he swore he even did it himself, and you believed him. Now you are spreading the myth based on nothing but hear-say.

Remote pressed to the chin, however, absolutely does work. I used to do that very often until I got a remote start with much better range. I haven't tried the elbow trick in the video but that might work too. The human body is conductive and will act as an antenna, providing a reasonable (though incomplete) explanation for why it works.
What's funny is when my sis and her husband were buying their Infiniti the salesman told them this story as fact also. They called him on it but he didn't believe the story was bogus, still probably telling it to would be customers today.

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