Dick Cheney Shoots fellow Hunter..


Well-Known LVC Member
Mar 25, 2004
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Wow...Dick Cheney blasted one of his hunting companions over the weekend! The hunting companion was a campaign contributor for the previous 2 elections. I wonder if this was just a "warning" to give bigger contributions next time? LOL..... :)
I heard he was quail hunting. Are you sure the guy's name wasn't Dan Quayle?

RRocket said:
Wow...Dick Cheney blasted one of his hunting companions over the weekend! The hunting companion was a campaign contributor for the previous 2 elections. I wonder if this was just a "warning" to give bigger contributions next time? LOL..... :)

Everybody with half a brain knows that Cheney isn't running for any public office after this term, and everyone knows that what happened was an accident.

It's not like he left the guy at the bottom of the river without telling anybody.

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David, cool it.

What RRocket posted was satirical in nature. It was a joke. This is not a heavy subject.
fossten said:
Everybody with half a brain knows that Cheney isn't running for any public office after this term, and everyone knows that what happened was an accident.

It's not like he left the guy at the bottom of the river without telling anybody.


Wow...somebedoy is wound up pretty tight, huh? LOL...Yes..this was posted as a JOKE. You do have a sense a humour, no? :D

If I REALLY wanted to be a jerk, I'd ask why Cheney waited 18 hours to contact authorities and for his office to make a statement about it. Being that he holds one of the highest offices in the country, it might be relevant for the public to know that the VP had shot someone, even accidentally. But that's reaching a little bit I think, don't you? In a strange conicidence Bush had appointed the guy to the Texas Funeral Service Commission. How weird would that have been if he had died? Appointed by Bush, then finished off by Cheney!! :)

But we'll leave it as the joke that I initially intended it as. Incidentally, what DOES Dan Quayle do these days anyways??
Not much, thank goodness!

David must have missed the LOL AND the smiley!
No seriously...he must have taken either some job at a University or some fat paying "consulting" job like most other retired politicians do...
Personally, I've had it with all you people. I get attacked on a constant basis from lowlifes like barry and Johnny who never get so much as a slap on the wrist, and when i defend myself the whole thread gets deleted. But if I so much as point a finger at someone, I get publicly castigated?

I have tried to do this your way, Bryan, and you have done in my opinion a subpar job of regulating the rules. You bend over backwards in order to keep the lefty wackos from leaving the forum, so you let them act any old way they please, but you jump on me the first time I say anything you don't like, or you complain about my avatars if they might offend somebody (this in spite of the fact that 97silverlsc has offended me with every single avatar he has ever spawned from his filthy mind, and you don't say a word).

I have been ganged up on and excoriated personally by every lefty on this forum, and I am still here, and have played by the rules 95% of the time, only responding in kind when it's gotten out of hand.

You don't need me on this forum. I don't fit the mold of the type of contributor you're looking for. You've stated numerous times that you want the lefties to call names and the conservatives to play nice. That's bull sh i t and you know it. I never see Joey smacking anybody down on this forum, but I see you playing favorites. I don't care if you've known RRocket for 5 years or 20 years, BS is still BS and nobody on this forum has played it perfectly by the rules, but I see your fire alarm go off whenever I so much as cast a shadow over the line, while these riffraff have an encampment miles on the other side of the line and you don't say a word.

As far as I'm concerned, I don't need this anymore than you need me. I like to debate, and I like to talk politics, but I will not stay around anymore and put up with administrator hypocrisy.

I would say "see ya," but that wouldn't be true.
Actually, his buddy was shot in the face. Gonna make the guns safety people go nuts.
This is not about one person. It is about creating the best environment and the best experience for EVERYONE that wants to participate.

And YES, I am tougher on the righties and always have been. I expect us to be held to a higher standard. Our policies for America are the right policies for all Americans and we can win on the facts in any discussion so there is no need to go in the gutter. If you think that is being a hypocrite, so be it.
barry2952 said:
Stomp, stomp, stomp.

Actually I think this is more a case of him being able to dish it out, but not being able to take it.

David, in all seriousness, you've made yourself the big target that you are. 99% of the threads you start are driven by your hate for "fiberals". Rarely do you start a thread just to open lines of debate on a topic. You start these flaming threads purely so you can stand on your soapbox and be "heard". Additionally, you rarely make a post without taking a backhanded jab at "fiberals". So your assertion that you only want to debate and talk politics is disingenuous. You hide behind the excuse that you were generalizing and "you weren't aiming at anyone in particular", which is BS. Your baiting tactics have grown tiresome. Yet when someone does lash back at you, you begin all this cry-baby crap. For a while there, I did detect that you were trying to elevate the tone of your postings, which was appreciated (at least by me). In case you didn't notice, but when you were doing that, the overall tone of the other participators of this forum elevated as well. Actual debate without flaming is possible! Even w/ me and Barry.

If you can't take it, don't dish it out.
Oh, so true!!! I only respond to give my opinion and "I" get personally attacked. Well I can take it and sometimes, I can dish it out. I may not be as well spoken as some, but my opinion is my own. Not to be disseminated or ridiculed. Only to be heard.

David, IF you leave, you will be missed. Don't leave, just tone it down a bit.

Geez....this post was started as a joke Fossten....I mean c'mon, you do laugh at some of the stuff Republicans do sometimes, don't you? I'm sorry if you thought my post was an attack at one of your beloved leaders, but I thought the "LOL" and :) made it obvious this was a light-hearted post.

I guess while I'm here, I might as well throw another dart in Cheney's ass. Apparently he was hunting without the required quail license. Cheney's net worth is upwards of $30 Million, and he can't spring $30 or $40 for the right license? KNOCK IT OFF ALREADY CHENEY!! :D
"License? We don't need no stinkin' license". Just another example of the Bush boys setting themselves above the law. This and Libby aught to be giving #2 a big headache right about now. Totally lame excuse for not getting the required stamp. I was under the impression that ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Cheney Cited for Breaking Hunting Law

WASHINGTON (AP) - Vice President Dick Cheney has been given a warning citation for breaking Texas hunting law by failing to buy a $7 stamp allowing him to shoot upland game birds.

The warning came from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department after it investigated Cheney's accidental shooting of a fellow quail hunter Saturday on the private Armstrong Ranch in the south part of the state.

The department found the accident was caused by a ``hunter's judgment factor'' when Cheney sprayed another hunter while aiming at flying birds.

The report said the victim, prominent Republican attorney Harry Whittington of Austin, was retrieving a downed bird and stepped out of the hunting line he was sharing with Cheney. ``Another covey was flushed and Cheney swung on a bird and fired, striking Whittington in the face, neck and chest at approximately 30 yards,'' the report said.

Cheney, an experienced hunter, has not commented publicly about the accident. His office said Monday night in a statement that Cheney had a $125 nonresident hunting license and has sent a $7 check to cover the cost of the stamp. ``The staff asked for all permits needed, but was not informed of the $7 upland game bird stamp requirement,'' the statement said.

Whittington also received a warning for failing to have the stamp. A department spokesman said warnings are being issued in most cases because the stamp requirement only went into effect five months ago and many hunters aren't aware of it.

Whittington was in stable condition at Christus Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi-Memorial and was moved from intensive care to a ``step-down unit'' Monday. Doctors decided to leave several birdshot pellets lodged in his skin rather than try to remove them.

Katharine Armstrong, owner of the ranch where the shooting occurred, said it happened toward the end of the hunt, when it was still sunny but as darkness was encroaching and they were preparing to go inside. She said Whittington made a mistake by not announcing that he had walked up to rejoin the hunting line, and Cheney didn't see him as he tried to down a bird.

Armstrong said she saw Cheney's security detail running toward the scene. ``The first thing that crossed my mind was he had a heart problem,'' she told The Associated Press.

She said Cheney stayed ``close but cool'' while the agents and medical personnel treated Whittington, then took him by ambulance to the hospital. Later, the hunting group sat down for dinner while Whittington was being treated, receiving updates from a family member at the hospital. Armstrong described Cheney's demeanor during dinner as ``very worried'' about Whittington.

Pamela Willeford, the U.S. ambassador to Switzerland, another member of the hunting party, told The Dallas Morning News for a story in Tuesday's editions that she and Cheney didn't realize Whittington had picked up a bird and caught up with them.

Willeford said she has hunted with Cheney before and would again.

``He's a great shot. He's very safety conscious. This is something that unfortunately was a bad accident and when you're with a group like that, he's safe or safer than all the rest of us,'' she said.

The accident raised questions about Cheney's adherence to hunting safety practices and the White House's failure to disclose the accident in a timely way.

Duane Harvey, president of the Wisconsin Hunter Education Instructors Association, said if Whittington had made his presence known ``that would have been a polite thing to do.'' But, he added, ``it's still the fault upon the shooter to identify his target and what is beyond it.''

President Bush was told about Cheney's involvement in the accident shortly before 8 p.m. Saturday - about an hour after it occurred - but the White House did not disclose the accident until Sunday afternoon, and then only in response to press questions.

Facing a press corps upset that news had been withheld, press secretary Scott McClellan said, ``I think you can always look back at these issues and look at how to do a better job.''

Armstrong said she told Cheney on Sunday morning that she was going to inform the local paper, the Corpus Christi Caller-Times. She said he agreed, and the newspaper was the first to report the incident on its Web site Sunday afternoon.

Secret Service spokesman Eric Zahren said that about an hour after Cheney shot Whittington, the head of the Secret Service's local office called the Kenedy County sheriff to report the accident. ``They made arrangements at the sheriff's request to have deputies come out and interview the vice president the following morning at 8 a.m. and that indeed did happen,'' Zahren said.

At least one deputy showed up at the ranch's front gate Saturday evening and asked to speak to Cheney but was turned away by the Secret Service, Zahren said. There was some miscommunication that arrangements already had been made to interview Cheney the next morning, he said.

Gilbert San Miguel, chief deputy sheriff for Kenedy County, said the department's report had not been completed Monday and that it was being handled as a hunting accident, although he would not comment about what exactly they were investigating. Both the sheriff's department and the state have determined that alcohol did not appear to be a factor.
RRocket said:
Incidentally, what DOES Dan Quayle do these days anyways??

He spends his time learning how to spell potato

fossten said:
Personally, I've had it with all you people. I get attacked on a constant basis from lowlifes like barry and Johnny who never get so much as a slap on the wrist, and when i defend myself the whole thread gets deleted. But if I so much as point a finger at someone, I get publicly castigated?

I have tried to do this your way, Bryan, and you have done in my opinion a subpar job of regulating the rules. You bend over backwards in order to keep the lefty wackos from leaving the forum, so you let them act any old way they please, but you jump on me the first time I say anything you don't like, or you complain about my avatars if they might offend somebody (this in spite of the fact that 97silverlsc has offended me with every single avatar he has ever spawned from his filthy mind, and you don't say a word).

I have been ganged up on and excoriated personally by every lefty on this forum, and I am still here, and have played by the rules 95% of the time, only responding in kind when it's gotten out of hand.

You don't need me on this forum. I don't fit the mold of the type of contributor you're looking for. You've stated numerous times that you want the lefties to call names and the conservatives to play nice. That's bull sh i t and you know it. I never see Joey smacking anybody down on this forum, but I see you playing favorites. I don't care if you've known RRocket for 5 years or 20 years, BS is still BS and nobody on this forum has played it perfectly by the rules, but I see your fire alarm go off whenever I so much as cast a shadow over the line, while these riffraff have an encampment miles on the other side of the line and you don't say a word.

As far as I'm concerned, I don't need this anymore than you need me. I like to debate, and I like to talk politics, but I will not stay around anymore and put up with administrator hypocrisy.

I would say "see ya," but that wouldn't be true.

Now you know what i feel like :D

pbslmo said:
Oh, so true!!! I only respond to give my opinion and "I" get personally attacked. Well I can take it and sometimes, I can dish it out. I may not be as well spoken as some, but my opinion is my own. Not to be disseminated or ridiculed. Only to be heard.

David, IF you leave, you will be missed. Don't leave, just tone it down a bit.

Here Here
It all becomes clear now. It's been nagging me for 5+ years, but now it is clear. Dick Cheney is really Elmer Fudd!!!:D
How much beer did the have? I'v been hunting drunk lots of times and I neaver shot my frends.
P.s. it is funny to see people get mad at somthng like this it is just a Forum this s not your hole life.

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