I am in a bit of a jam here. I had some time off this week so I decided to finally tackle on the driver's side gasket kit. I finally get the valve cover off and when I go to take one of the seals off, I notice some damage. By luck, my wife's car decided to break down yesterday too, so now we have no family car, just my '95 Mustang.
There is no telling when my wife's car will be ready. It is a re-occuring problem that they have worked on a couple of times now.
The correct answer to my question is probably replace it, but nobody locally will have it until Wednesday of next week or so. Does anyone think I can get by with this damaged cover? Cost for a new one is $110 at my local dealer.
..and here is what it looks like with the seal on.
That plug did have some fresh oil on it, so it has been leaking. It had the gray seals though.
The correct answer to my question is probably replace it, but nobody locally will have it until Wednesday of next week or so. Does anyone think I can get by with this damaged cover? Cost for a new one is $110 at my local dealer.

..and here is what it looks like with the seal on.

That plug did have some fresh oil on it, so it has been leaking. It had the gray seals though.