converting to springs with a kit from Arnott


Dedicated LVC Member
Sep 29, 2014
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My mark has been sitting a good while. I decided this year to convert to springs. Some fellas say it can be done in a day. What does the board think it takes?
I think it can be done if you start early and have some one to help......The easy part is the rear springs
Isn't the Mk Viii air ride???

That means the bags do double duty as shock and spring.

If you are converting to coil springs... where are you going to put the non existent shock mounts???????

Or am I missing something?
I think it can be done if you start early and have some one to help......The easy part is the rear springs
Looks like Arnott is just a fancy version of an air bag suspension. Similar to what you already have.
No, are you serious? I am buying a entire kit comes with 2 front struts to replace the air struts , a set of gas shocks and precision spacers to control the ride height made out of aluminum so never rusts. Why did you think buying a spring conversion kit from Arnott was another version of air bag suspension. That's a oxymoron I wouln't buy a kit that does the same thing I have on the mark. Dosen't make sense
I think it can be done if you start early and have some one to help......The easy part is the rear springs
I have a fella in the neighborhood who lives close and he would be a helper to hold the parts, nuts, where I my 2 hands are not enough. I like your idea . The car is on 4 jack stands off the ground ready to remove the wheels and the front struts and rear sproings. Luckey, Arnott has step by step photos with written instruction.s Also they take phone calls, not just texting or e mails to help the customer with his/her questions. Arnott is in Floroida and manufactures the air spring conversion for marks, and lots of other cars too. They been in business over 20 years. They were one of the first to make and sell spring air to spring conversion s, and new air spring parts for nearly all cars, domestic and foreigh cars

This is why. I even took a quick glance at the website, and nothing was mentioned about coil spring conversions (that I saw anyway).
Isn't the Mk Viii air ride???

That means the bags do double duty as shock and spring.

If you are converting to coil springs... where are you going to put the non existent shock mounts???????

Or am I missing something?
Mark viii have shocks on the rear this is an easy conversion. Have aligned after completion. Know what you are doing when installing front. Since it involves un hooking calipers and other steering components.
Mark viii have shocks on the rear this is an easy conversion. Have aligned after completion. Know what you are doing when installing front. Since it involves un hooking calipers and other steering com
One day no problem if rust is not in the equation
Yes, you missed the rear has shocks so there is shock mounts brackets on this car.

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