
Your best bet is just to call all the local auto shops usually the "hole in the wall" auto shops have the best prices. I paid 42.99 per coil and that was the cheapest price. So, that should give you a rough estimate of what a coil cost.
I just bought 3 at autozone for $37.9x each. The right ones, not the V8 ones they list under the V6 in their books. The correct coils are part number duralast c1346. I bought one last year and never had a problem again on that car before it got totalled.
How do I check which plugs are good or bad? I have heard some ppl say you have to check them with a load on them.
In most cases if you have an engine misfire a engine light will come on. Just take your car to the nearest auto parts store and get them to scan your car. A code will come up with a 3 digit number usually the last number of the 3 digit number is the cylinder which is misfiring.
Or just spend the extra 30$ to change the plugs too, you might as well, it'll save you time in the long run.
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