cleaning leather??


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 29, 2005
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Palmdale CA :(
My leather seems a bit dirty, anyone have any ideas on what products to use with out harming it? I tried armor all, and meguires leather cleaner but it didnt work. Any ideas?
Any Large Auto parts store should have it. I get my things from Pepboys or autozone. I have also seen it sold at walmart.
ive used meguires wipes on my leather, works great actually. i like trying new stuff, (only if it works and does not screw up my seats) ill take a crack at the lexol.
Sneakers look best when dirty :).

Another vote for Lexol, much better than Mother's.

And I don't like wipes for my leather, a cotton cloth (rag) works best.
Well today I bought Lexol from pepboys and used it, and I have to say It was great!!... although I had to use a brisle scrub for my seats, a regular sponge wasnt enough. My interior looks spanking new once again, and I kept on dipping the sponge in a bucket to remove the dirt, and when I finished I coulnt believe how dirty my seats were, the rag I used turned from white to dirty brown and the water was dirty black. Thanks for the tip ppl.
Sounds like really good stuff, my seats are pretty clean and are usually that way but I think they could be better so I'll have to use that lexol stuff too. I used up the meguiar's leather wipes in no time, only thing I liked about them was it does make the already clean interior all nice and shiny, not to mention they smell really good. Before the LS came along I was an armor all man, their stuff was perfect for all the plastic and vinyl my other vehicles had.
This is what I do...

Woolite mixed with water - 10 parts water and 1 part woolite - spray, let it site a min, then a soft bristle brush. Wipe with damp rag. (mostly to remove residue)

Then condition the leather. It'll look like new.
Joeychgo said:
This is what I do...

Woolite mixed with water - 10 parts water and 1 part woolite - spray, let it site a min, then a soft bristle brush. Wipe with damp rag. (mostly to remove residue)

Then condition the leather. It'll look like new.

Plus it looks cool under a black lamp when it dries. Woolite will glow in the dark.

I think I will try the lexol and woolite this weekend. I really need to clean my seats badly.
I didnt know about the glow in the dark part. But I make sure I wipe after with a clean damp rag to remove any soapy residue
Yeah being as dilutued as it is it might not. Next time try cleaning you car in the dark with a black lamp. Not only will you attract a lot of ravers/stippers and hippies but you leather will be clean too. Plus it will see more like a party than a chore :)
damn good stuff

Well i ran in to the same problem and i found out that if you take two parts water and one part grease lighting spray it on a rag (not the seat becuz it spots the seat up from the cleaning ) and rub harder andit cleans it like brand new then i take my lexol condintioner and thats the winner it looks like factory and i used all the other and was impressed but this turned the rag black(i though they were clean but nope just covered try it) i will post some pics before and after next weekend when i fix the camera
Joeychgo said:
This is what I do...

Woolite mixed with water - 10 parts water and 1 part woolite - spray, let it site a min, then a soft bristle brush. Wipe with damp rag. (mostly to remove residue)

Then condition the leather. It'll look like new.
That is the best way to clean seats...........a little detergent or soap and a brush. That way, you'll get all the oils and residue off the seat before you treat it with your leather protector.
Hey guys, Is they're anything that can bring back leather that has faded. On my dads millenia he has a small patch about the size of an index card that is completely faded. any suggestions?
Joeychgo said:
This is what I do...

Woolite mixed with water - 10 parts water and 1 part woolite - spray, let it site a min, then a soft bristle brush. Wipe with damp rag. (mostly to remove residue)

Then condition the leather. It'll look like new.

Joey, you suggested this to me at the May 1st Annual Spring meet @ LMS!
I did it and it worked wonderfully... THANKS !!!! :Beer
Hey guys I have a couple "cracks" in my seats that really bother me there is nothing i can do about that though right?
My leather wheel on my 93 Conti was NASTY when I bought it. I used Armor All leather cleaner (brown bottle) and it worked really well. Buff it with a soft cloth and it has a nice glow.
Have one word OXY

lexdiamondz10304 said:
My leather seems a bit dirty, anyone have any ideas on what products to use with out harming it? I tried armor all, and meguires leather cleaner but it didnt work. Any ideas?
But be quick cause it will eat up your colour mixed with water (5 to 1 will keep you safe but you will need extra elbo greese)

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