Carter Bashes Bush...again


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 24, 2005
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It's easy to find Carter's reprehensible comments, so I won't post them here. Instead, I'd rather focus on why Carter is the worst pot calling the kettle black (hat tip to Sua Sponte 75 of

In Cambodia, Jimmy Carter and his national security aide, Zbigniew Brzezinski made an “untiring effort to find peaceful solutions” by initiating a joint U.S.-Thai operation in 1979 known as Task Force 80 which, for ten years, propped up the notorious Khmer Rouge under the all-purpose banner of anti-Communism.

In order “to advance democracy and human rights,” we have East Timor. This former Portuguese colony was the target of a relentless and murderous assault by Indonesia since December 7, 1975‹an assault made possible through the sale of U.S. arms to its loyal client-state, the silent complicity of the American press, and then-Ambassador Daniel Patrick Moynihan¹s skill at keeping the United Nations uninvolved. Upon relieving Gerald Ford (but strategically retaining the skills of fellow Nobel peacenik Henry Kissinger), Carter authorized increased military aid to Indonesia in 1977 as the death toll approached 100,000. In short order, over one-third of the East Timorese population (more than 200,000 humans) lost their lives due to war-related starvation, disease, massacres, or atrocities.

After the Nobel Committee announced that he would be the 2002 recipient for the Nobel Peace Prize, North Korea announced that it had cheated on an agreement - one which had been negotiated by the former president.

When Carter took office in 1977, he received a moderately growing economy in which inflation was 5.4 percent and interest rates were around 8 percent. When he left office, the Soviets were entrenched in Afghanistan, Iranian students had been holding US State Department personnel and US Marines hostage for 444 days, the American military had been gutted by the administration's post-Vietnam cutbacks, American prestige was in tatters abroad and inflation was in the double digits and interest rates were so high it was impossible for Americans to finance large purchases like homes and cars. Carter's administration is without a doubt the worst in modern American history, yet Carter himself blamed his failures on a "national malaise" (i.e. Americas fault) and a 21% inflation rate.

President Carter's crowning achievement was the Camp David Accords which returned the Sinai to Egypt in exchange for the end of a state of war between Israel and Egypt. While the accords ended a shooting war between the two countries, it is worth noting that the agreement was not even negotiated by the Americans. Carter's true achievement was to shift Egyptian attacks from direct conventional military strikes to direct support of unconventional attacks - a legacy which Israel still grapples with today.

He also ignored the deliberate starvation of millions of Koreans by the same dictator he'd brown nosed shortly before. Oh yes: he ignored the deliberate starvation in the Soviet Union, Rhodesia, Uganda, Ethiopia and several other world dictatorships, not to mention that the Koreans that he loves, were deliberately starving literally millions of "his friends", the innocent and disarmed common Korean peasant.

He responsible for the fall of the Shah of Iran to the Ayatola and the establishment of that Muslim dictatorship. He thought he solved it when he cut off the U.S. from their oil. He left it to become the terrorist capital without so much as a whimper. Jimmy Carter did more to aid the cause of radical fundamentalist Islam than any other president, first by not helping the Shah of Iran when Khomeni deposed him; second by doing nothing during the hostage crisis.

Of course, he wouldn’t want you to remember that he caused the skyrocketing price of gas. Remember gas lines blocks long while he was president? Another stupid, ignorant decision by Carter was to stop research and implementation of the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel. The entire rest of the world does this and has been doing it safely for 30 years. But Carter, who incidentally lied about being a Nuclear Sub, only spent a few months on a training mission, bowed to the enviro-wackos of his time. The result, 30,000 tons of unused spent nuclear fuel. This decision by him was one of the most idiotic of all times and haunts us to this day. Now we have to consider the reprocessing of all of that or burying it for tens of thousands of years. It would have never been a problem if it was reprocessed into new fuel and been burned until the radiation was negligible.

He personally waged international financial war against South Africa and helped establish a regime with Nelson Mandela, a socialist who was a buddy of Libya's terrorist head of state, Muhmmar Quadafi, that has destroyed the economy there. South Africa now is the rape and murder capitol of the world thanks to him. His use of trumped up charges and "apartheid" destroyed the jobs of the Africans he thought needed "Liberation". You can read the results of his insane war on civilization in the article “Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer”. His destruction of the only free capitalist society on the African continent is now resulting in the starvation of millions.

Pardoned ALL draft dodgers from Vietnam, nice slap in the face to those who did serve.

Gave away the Panama Canal.

And finally took a swing at a killer rabbit….you go boy.
Don't you wish this guy would just fade off into the sunset?

The brain is a terrible thing to waste.
The brain is a terrible thing to waste.

Your assuming he has one. Remember, he is a bleeding heart, so he has more compassion then the rest of us, he also has more hatred then any non-democrat, but a brain? Sir, you give him too much credit.
That guy Carter... I don't know if he was a bigger embarrassment in the '70s or if he is a bigger embarassment now.
Maybe a tie, I guess.

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