Burning rubber smell, minor smoke from under hood


Well-Known LVC Member
Dec 14, 2011
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My 02 LS has been making weird noises from the front end when brakes applied - scrunching with every wheel rotation. Mechanic thought it might be a rusty high point on the edge of the rotor interfering with the caliper and ground it down a bit. Said lots of meat left on the pads.

Noise never really went away and today when I came to a stop I noticed a bit of smoke coming out from under the hood on the drivers side. popped the hood and smelled like burning rubber. Couldn't pinpoint where it was coming from.

Any ideas if the two symptoms are related or where I should start looking? I planned to tough out the noise for the winter and take it in for a suspension/brake overhaul in the spring but the smell got me worried it could be something that needs quick attention.

try looking at the belt? mine was making a burning rubber smell and a noise under the hood and pulled the belt off and my a/c compressor was going out. just thinking outside the box. but if your for sure its coming from the wheel/brake area then check the splash guards rubbing the tires while turning. also check the axle boots? just thinking of all the things that would make a rubber smell.
+1 on the belt. look for a stuck accessory pulley. take the belt off and make sure everything spins pretty easily.

on the scrunching noise with the wheel spinning, how are your wheel bearings?
Figured it isn't a wheel bearing since it only makes the noise when brakes applied mid-way. On a more aggressive stop I don't hear the noise. no noise under acceleration. Thought maybe something was getting hung up on the caliper, heating up with friction and burning up something rubber down there

Probably two unrelated issues. The belt makes more sense for the burning rubber smell. Thanks for the help, very informative site.

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