Broken PASSENGER side handle


Well-Known LVC Member
Nov 13, 2006
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I have had this Mark (96 toreador red) for 2 years, and the driver's side handle is a little sloppy, so I baby i go out at 5 this morning to move it into the garage, since they are talking snow/ice/sleet, and go to open the PASSENGER side door, mind you the door is not frozen, it is about 40 degrees here right now, and the door will not open from the outside-it feels a little sloppy, I cannot understand it since it was fine, actually tight and gave no indication that there was anything wrong with it

...anyway, especially knowing that the driver side is not all that great, I need to find a set of handles, 2 Toreador-red ones would be great, but if not I will live with it since the paint job will just have to get done a little sooner-thanks
The new style handles are much better.... still have to be careful though.

I follow the rule, only use the handle to unlatch the door and then use the door frame to pull the door open.
I wonder how much it would cost to just have castings made of these and do then in cast iron.

There are places that specialize in replicating old cast iron mouldings for buildings.
Weird thing is that I baby the driver side door since it does not sit completely 'flush' in the cutout-the passenger side was perfect, and all of a sudden, completely broken off on one side-I have to wonder if someone tried to break in the night before, I had it parked in a lot outside an event I was shooting, and found it that way in the morning.

Anyway, it is now in 'suspension' (still on my insurance policy but for $25 for 6 months, it is only covered for damage and cannot be driven-keeps me from having to turn the plate in to the state)-

I usually take it off the policy anyway during the winter months and put it back on in April. In the garage, waiting for the new handles (both sides), that ought to be fun. Thanks again, Mr. Zee.
Maybe Ford intended the broken handles as part of the ant-theft protection? :)
yea, could have easily been worse I guess-had maybe $15,000 worth of video and photography equipment (out of sight, in the trunk)-gee, maybe I should send the engineer who designed the handle with the pot-metal construction a thank you note...nah
I follow the rule, only use the handle to unlatch the door and then use the door frame to pull the door open.

These are words of wizdum. I did that for years, and still managed to break mine on a cold morning, but hey that's life.

At least I was prepared and Max has our backs :)

Mine started doing something weird lately, with the cold: open PS door, passenger gets in, we drive. Get to destination, get out, close door, and it bounces right back at my passenger. Just doesn't f*%&ing latch. Lock is stuck in locked position, and I have found that using a pair of vice grips to pull up on the plastic knob to unlock it will release the latch for the door and let it stay shut.

Anybody else had to fight anything like this? It's freaking annoying. I pulled off the door panel and lubed up all the moving parts in there because I thought they were getting frozen, but it happened again today.
WD-40 should help. What is probably happening is moisture is getting in the mechanism and causing resistance.
Wintertime hits in missouri, I hit the door seal with silicone lube and usually do the latches too, helps keep them from sticking and freezing shut. Last year, I had the latch freeze in the open position and wouldn't let the door latch. I had to work at it with screwdriver and a few good smacks with the palm of my hand. Then I sprayed it real good with the lube when I got home.
I`m just across the river and I`ve already had both of the doors on my beater truck frozen shut. The Lincoln just sits, and waits.
I've been thinking of buying two new handles from max for my stash of parts for just in case, sooner or later they won't be available anymore...

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