Biden has problem with being asked about...


Well-Known LVC Member
Nov 13, 2006
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glenside funneled to family, watch this:

YouTube - Biden Bans Philly Station

Seems like Palin isn't the only one who stammers, and flubs interviews-you could even have 26 years of Senate experience and not be capable of answering 'simple' question.
Again, silence of the sheeple-

being the Senator from Delaware, home of the corporate headquarters of banks and corporations because they get tax breaks that are second to no state in the Union (nods to Utah and Nevada for trying to compete), Senator Tarzan choose for his "Change'" choice for VP a Senator who has been lining his pockets for 26 years with contributions from these Wall Street model citizens.

There's 'change' for ya-what, NO comments??? The TV station asking the questions is in Biden's backyard, a Philadelphia station-Biden is sometimes referred to as Pennsylvania's 'third' Senator, since he plays the populist angle every chance he gets to remind Delaware's neighboring state that he was born in Scranton. Running from his past, just like the top of the ticket-try to reach back into your near-past and recall how Obama and Biden duked it out during debates, thought of each other as a 'lightweight' or a 'Beltway insider'-now, they are on the same page...

like I said, sheeple.


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