Barack without his teleprompter

They block youtube where I work but I assume this is the same clip Rush played this morning of Obama. One thing you may not be aware of is that most of the time the mics they use are very directional and won't pick up ambient noise, i.e., crowd noise in this case. Ever tried speaking when you can't hear your own voice? It's very difficult.
They block youtube where I work but I assume this is the same clip Rush played this morning of Obama. One thing you may not be aware of is that most of the time the mics they use are very directional and won't pick up ambient noise, i.e., crowd noise in this case. Ever tried speaking when you can't hear your own voice? It's very difficult.

Wrong. Try again.

Plus, I didn't send Rush any video/audio clips for him to play today.

Obama can't speak without a teleprompter.

That will become painfully obvious to you in the debates, especially Town Hall style where Bush handed Kerry his arse too.
Wrong. Try again.

Plus, I didn't send Rush any video/audio clips for him to play today.

Obama can't speak without a teleprompter.

That will become painfully obvious to you in the debates, especially Town Hall style where Bush handed Kerry his arse too.

I highly doubt it, as anyone can't mess up. We'll see in the debates though.

Also, isn't kind of silly for you to say "look, Obama can't speak well, he's a fool", after you've been alright with 8 years of Bush's atrocious talking blunders?
I highly doubt it, as anyone can't mess up. We'll see in the debates though.

Also, isn't kind of silly for you to say "look, Obama can't speak well, he's a fool", after you've been alright with 8 years of Bush's atrocious talking blunders?
Not really, since Bush never purported to be The Messiah. Obama's only, only, ONLY strength is his speaking ability. If he blows that in a debate, it's over.
I highly doubt it, as anyone can't mess up. We'll see in the debates though.

Also, isn't kind of silly for you to say "look, Obama can't speak well, he's a fool", after you've been alright with 8 years of Bush's atrocious talking blunders?

Humm, let's see.

I thought the ONLY reason to vote for Obama was because he was such a good speaker? Am I missing something?

Vote for him because he is black.
Vote for him because he is a racist in reverse.
Vote for him because he has no track record.
Vote for him because he has never had a real job in the real world.
Vote for him because he is a Dem.
Vote for him because he wants to surrender.
Vote for him because he is a Muslim sympathizer.
Vote for him because he wants change.

From ‘Dreams of my Father: “In Indonesia, I had spent two years at a Muslim school” “I studied the Koran..”

From ‘Audacity of Hope: “Lolo (Obama’s step father) followed a brand of Islam ….”I looked to Lolo for guidance”.

From ‘The Audacity Of Hope: “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”

Under Islamic law: You are a Muslim if you are the son of a Muslim.

Obama has never renounced the religion he was born into. Hummmmmmm.

I think that about covers it.
Humm, let's see.

I thought the ONLY reason to vote for Obama was because he was such a good speaker? Am I missing something?

Vote for him because he is black.
Vote for him because he is a racist in reverse.
Vote for him because he has no track record.
Vote for him because he has never had a real job in the real world.
Vote for him because he is a Dem.
Vote for him because he wants change.

I think that about covers it.

I agree 100%! Only thing is:

"Vote for him because he is a racist in reverse."

There is no such thing as "Reverse Racisism".

The Blacks do not hold the patent on it!
BHO is 50% Caucasian from his mother's side.
43.75% Arabic and 6.25% African Negro from his father's side.
Obama's father was from Kenya, BUT his father's family was mainly Arabs.
B. Hussein Obama's father was only 12.5% African Negro and 87.5% Arab.
His dad’s birth certificate even states he's Arab, not African.
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Kristoff from the New York Times a year ago:

Mr. Obama recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them with a first-rate accent........Mr. Obama described the call to prayer as 'one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.'
Humm, let's see.

I thought the ONLY reason to vote for Obama was because he was such a good speaker? Am I missing something?

Vote for him because he is black.
Vote for him because he is a racist in reverse.
Vote for him because he has no track record.
Vote for him because he has never had a real job in the real world.
Vote for him because he is a Dem.
Vote for him because he wants to surrender.
Vote for him because he is a Muslim sympathizer.
Vote for him because he wants change.

From ‘Dreams of my Father: “In Indonesia, I had spent two years at a Muslim school” “I studied the Koran..”

From ‘Audacity of Hope: “Lolo (Obama’s step father) followed a brand of Islam ….”I looked to Lolo for guidance”.

From ‘The Audacity Of Hope: “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”

Under Islamic law: You are a Muslim if you are the son of a Muslim.

Obama has never renounced the religion he was born into. Hummmmmmm.

I think that about covers it.

A good speaker is a plus; some might say a necessity of a great leader. I don't know anyone who said "vote for Obama simply because he can talk and doesn't make up works like Bush." Maybe you do.

LoL... I always love, those fear-tactics, "he's racist, he's a Muslim, he's an appeaser, he hates America". Personally, even if he were a Muslim (which he isn't), I couldn't care less if he did his role proper as President of the US, which is to do what's in America's best interest. That's just me though, you can vote for the guy who arbitrarily drops the "God" word, because he knows that alone will gain him votes.
I'm voting for the guy who will both protect America and do what's in our best interest; given the choices presented to me, I'm going with Obama.

Read it as: I'm voting for a Muslim in disguise, appeasing, racist Negro who hates America and will personally let in "dirty bombs".

Oh, we'll see about that "can't speak well" soon enough, be ready to eat crow.
I'm voting for the guy who will both protect America and do what's in our best interest; given the choices presented to me, I'm going with Obama.

Read it as: I'm voting for a Muslim in disguise, appeasing, racist Negro who hates America and will personally let in "dirty bombs".

Oh, we'll see about that "can't speak well" soon enough, be ready to eat crow.

Good Luck with that! Will you still be on the "boards" if "Osama" does get the vote still pounding your chest for him as he drops our country in the grease?

Free Healthcare for everyone!!! do we pay for "Free Healthcare"? Let's raise taxes!

Nice Spin Democrats!
Good Luck with that! Will you still be on the "boards" if "Osama" does get the vote still pounding your chest for him as he drops our country in the grease?

Free Healthcare for everyone!!! do we pay for "Free Healthcare"? Let's raise taxes!

Nice Spin Democrats!

No, I'll be judging him by his actions/inactions, not because he's a Democrat or Liberal. Will you still be saying he's a terrible president if he scoops the country out of the frying pan, simply because he's a Dem/Lib?
Wrong. Try again.
Wow, what a great retort!

I could prove what I say is right but that would take some effort on your part. Get yourself a music player of some sort with headphones, adjust the volume really loud so you can't hear yourself talk, and then try to explain to someone, in a normal voice, some random subject, like the plot of the last episode of a TV show you watched. You end up sounding like a fool. Trust me, I've been in professional recording studios during the recording process, and singers cannot sing unless they are able to hear themselves over the headphones.

Plus, I didn't send Rush any video/audio clips for him to play today.
Huh? You're supplying Rush with all his audio clips these days? :rolleyes:

Obama can't speak without a teleprompter.
So in all the Democratic debates and in interviews, he had a teleprompter just off-camera? Please.

That will become painfully obvious to you in the debates, especially Town Hall style where Bush handed Kerry his arse too.
We'll see won't we?
Is this supposed to be funny or something?

not at all, somebody would actually try it. you honestly never thought of that possibility? we live in a society where 32 people can be killed just by going to college. i would like to think that we are past that, but hell no.
just being real........
No, I'll be judging him by his actions/inactions, not because he's a Democrat or Liberal. Will you still be saying he's a terrible president if he scoops the country out of the frying pan, simply because he's a Dem/Lib?

Really? For someone with 41 threads started on these boards (40 of them being political) mostly taking shots at the Republicans or President Bush are we to believe you would be judging someone like McCain the same way as you would judge Obama?

Try repeating to yourself what you plan on typing a few more times and then, maybe then we will believe you a portion of the amount you believe yourself.
Really? For someone with 41 threads started on these boards (40 of them being political) mostly taking shots at the Republicans or President Bush are we to believe you would be judging someone like McCain the same way as you would judge Obama?

Try repeating to yourself what you plan on typing a few more times and then, maybe then we will believe you a portion of the amount you believe yourself.

LoL. The good ole' "you only post this/that!" rant.

I rarely if ever post outside the political forum here, that is true. The vast majority of the time I "take a shot", is in retaliation. You'll notice the "Obama/Clinton/Any Democrat is a *insert negative*" trend here, hell, Monster is making them daily.

I initially didn't have anything seriously negative to say about Bush (didn't vote for him either) and you'll notice, I have yet to say anything seriously negative about McCain, unless you call "I'm voting for Obama" as taking a shot at McCain. Please feel free to point out my massive insultings of McCain, surely if it is that bad, you should have no problem. Proceed.

Don't point the finger at someone for something you do yourself; it makes you look like a hypocrite. Just an FYI.

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