I would think a 3D printer could do the trick, the possible catch may be the cost. If that won't work, my backup is to get a regular radio delete and use translucent buttons from a radio with an arrow up, down etc. I will find a way.
I have also wanted to run wires from the trunk on/off switch for the suspension for some time. I thought there had to be a better way than running the wire to interior and then back again and did find a way, that bypasses the message center so you do not have to hit reset each time you start the car.
The Asham 8 didn't have the trunk switch listed in the black wiring connector, so I pulled the schematic for the grey connector and pin 11 brown/pink (mine looked more black, than brown), called "Air suspension switch input". I cut this just before the harness and ran a switch. In off it sends the 9 to 12 volts and turns off the suspension, without any warning in the message center.
I'm temporally using switches from a hair dryer - I know how it sounds, but they are nice and small and fit the interior, unlike those bigger red/green switches. I have sourced nicer smaller ones with an LED and will pick those up to replace the hair dryer ones. I would like to add a switch for the neon, now that I have the new ballest and a direct switch to turn off the traction control vs. going through the message center. Also, plan to have the line in jack in this section and if space allowed a nice LED meter for the sound system (not sure room will permit).
I was a bit concerned about the Asham 8 board C being open with live power on the soldered side of the board and found an old adaptor that didn't work and the case was the perfect size. Very little modification to have all the wires work. It started pouring down rain here so I couldn't tape it as nice as I wanted but will re-tape once the rain clears. I also deceived to use an electronic project box for my above the radio install to protect the electronic components there as well as behind the kick plate.