Anyone catch the debate??


LVC Mafia Henchman
Mar 30, 2004
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Monstermark im suprised to beat you here.

Of course there is little useable information exchanged and it is more for entertainment purposes than anything, but enjoyable nonetheless.

It seemed that Bush was not on his game. I was expecting Bush to put kerry away to be honest. Kerry did a nice job of holding his own. There was also a lacking of commentary and smart alec answers. Kerry did bush to start stu stu stu . . . . . studderin, but it actually was kinda even.

Who do you guys think came out on top?
Kerry on style,
Bush on substance.

The papers will all be trumpeting Kerry's victory tonight in the debate as perceived in style.

Over the next 24-48 hours, Bush will win on substance as Kerry was exposed tonight as the anti-war Presidential candidate. There were more soundbites that can and will be used against Kerry to reinforce the idea that Kerry is not a strong commander and that a couple of his policies, particularly as they pertain to North Korea and Iraq are mistakes, and that ultimately will be his undoing. People want to vote for the guy that is going to win the war on terror, and that guy is still Bush.

But, at least for tonight, the Kerry Kamp will come out of this debate with a little momentum which I think will ultimately be thwarted over the next week as Kerry's positions in the debate are exposed.

Here is a pretty good summary of Kerry tonight and his positions...
Kimmymac wrote: Anyway here are my thoughts on the debate: Bush spent a frustrating 45 minutes trying to nail jello to the wall. Kerry was all over himself like cheap cologne on a male prostitute. "I am against the war, the war was a mistake, Saddam wasn't that bad, but Saddam was a threat and I will vigorously pursue terrorists in Iraq even though there are no terrorists in Iraq, they are ALL in Afghanistan. I support our troops and proved it by voting against body armor for them, but I now blame the President that humvees are not safe enough. Did I mention I saw combat over there somewhere, not Vietnam, don't say Vietnam. Something about subways and New York. The President doesn't include our allies in anything, and I will; my first step will be to pursue bi-lateral talks with N.Korea, shutting out China and Russia, thereby proving I am putty in Kim Jung Il's hands. This is how I will demonstrate my strength, and leadership; by irritating the leaders of Russia and China. Did I mention I saw combat in that other war? I will be strong and resolute in fighting terror, while making sure it passes the global test. Everyone in the world will love America more, because I will be the President and I have special powers that are a secret, but trust me, I have them. I have a special secret way to fight the war in Iraq which involves sealing the borders air tight and eliminating all terrorist activity in Fallujah, while simultaneously bringing home the troops. Did you know I was in combat? I will add two divisions to the Army, without instituting the draft. I will add millions of police to the streets, and you will get no tax cuts, but I will not raise taxes. I have a special plan to pay for this, but it is a secret. I am Kerry, the Great Karnack. I know all, see all, do all!" .

Kerry wants to give Iran nuclear materials to see if they are telling the truth. And wants bi-lateral talks with North Korea. How preposterous. This looks to be our future if the liar Kerry is elected...

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If you hadn't said it, I'd never have know that he was talking about last night's debate. The guy either wasn't listening, or just wants to spin the whole thing FOR Bush and AGAINST Kerry.
It was an OBVIOUS win for Kerry last night. Bush showed how clueless he really is. Nothing new, just kept repeating the same old lines. Gotta stay the course, can't send mixed messages......etc. The problem is that he was visibly upset many times, lost his train of thought a few times, and if I had to hear him say "it's hard work" one more time I was gonna die! Kerry brought up new issues, and treaded over some new ground. Bush even tried to mis-quote him during the debate. Tried to spin what Kerry had just said. Sorry, I think Bush was laughable last night. Congrats to Kerry!
I truly believe that Kerry won the debate, hands down. At times the President appeared as though he would burst with anxiety. I believe that Kerry played by the rules of the format and Bush did not. I don't think anyone is impressed with Bush's cowboy mentality anymore.

I'm am not sure which debate MonsterMark watched. Bush won on substance?


Mark II convertible

Kerry had the best debate of his life last night. Although he wasn't correct in some of his facts as was pointed out afterwards by commentators, he was on target. He was eloquent, knowledgeable, concise, and poised. The only real weak spot I noticed which is really ticky tack was on some of the cut away shots where he had a goofy looking half smile that seemed condescending in nature.

About 15 minutes into the debate I was already frustrated with Bush. I was very disappointed in him. Why did he seem agitated on almost every cut away shot? Why did he keep tilting his head? Why did he keep fidgeting around while Kerry was talking? I know he was coached. Just stand up straight, be still, and look thoughtful. He seemed very defensive as if imploring to the public to believe him. I do believe you Mr. President, so quit your whining! I disagree that Bush didn't follow the rules. He did, as there were rules in place for more rebuttals (30 secs I believe?), but he used that rule too often. And the only real reason he did was to point out that Kerry was contradicting a previous stand on some issue or something like that. I too tired of hearing "it's hard work" etc.

As far as the questions, I thought they were fair for the most part. But they seemed more like an interview in nature. There were some questions that I thought were worded in such a way that sounded critical of Bush's policies, but I haven't read the transcript of the debate yet to verify. I also didn't like when Lehrer tried to bait Bush somehow when he asked him if Kerry using the term "mislead" raised his hackles in any way. I think he was wanting to see Bush get mad for being called a liar or at least to vehemently deny those charges, but Bush (to his credit) didn't bite. I also would have liked to have heard a question about our border with Mexico and a question dealing with this hemisphere (like Cuba).

The meat of the answers I think were a toss-up between the two. I really didn't have any criticism of either of their answers on specifics except for Kerry's answer on North Korea. Why would he want to go it alone with North Korea when his biggest argument against Iraq was that we were basically going it alone? I believe that he was choosing a different approach from Bush's policy just to be different, because it doesn't make sense.

In summary: good job Kerry, and Bush better get his act together for the next debate.
Kerry won, no question. GW looked like the bafoon he truly is...

Now the fun starts. Now we see Kerry STOMP Bush...

I told you, if all you can talk about is 35 years ago, you have no case. GW's record the last 4 years is terrible, and watch Kerry capitolize on that now.
3 polls show Kerry won debate over Bush

Three post-debate polls suggested voters who watched the policy-driven confrontation Thursday night were impressed by Kerry. Most of those surveyed said he did better than Bush.

Sen. John McCain (news, bio, voting record), the Arizona Republican who informally advised Bush on how to debate his friend and Senate colleague, told reporters in Miami on Friday that the debate was probably Kerry's "brightest moment" in the last six weeks. "He presented himself well, John did," McCain said. "Kerry came out slugging."

more here
barry2952 said:
I truly believe that Kerry won the debate, hands down. At times the President appeared as though he would burst with anxiety. I believe that Kerry played by the rules of the format and Bush did not. I don't think anyone is impressed with Bush's cowboy mentality anymore.

I'm am not sure which debate MonsterMark watched. Bush won on substance?


Mark II convertible

Remember MonsterMark is a Packers fan and they always believe their team is going to win even back when they were the worse time in the leage late 70's - early 90's.

I do give Monster Credit. Waiting for the beer after the election.
Kbob said:
Kerry had the best debate of his life last night. Although he wasn't correct in some of his facts as was pointed out afterwards by commentators, he was on target.
He wasn't correct in almost all of his facts and I have the proof.

Kbob said:
He was eloquent, knowledgeable, concise, and poised. The only real weak spot I noticed which is really ticky tack was on some of the cut away shots where he had a goofy looking half smile that seemed condescending in nature.
On Kerry's cutaway shots, he was bobbing his head in agreement everytime Bush caught him in a lie. Sure he is smooth. He's had 35 years to polish his lying skills. What else would you expect? Clinton was also very smooth. Coincidence???

Kbob said:
Why did he seem agitated on almost every cut away shot?
Because he was facing a guy who has lied so much in his life as to be believable in everything he says, yet when you sit back and compare his other previous positions, they don't cut mustard. Kerry(paraphrasing). I will bring in others to share the burden. How? France and Germany aren't coming. Russia has its own problems. So that policy decision is a lie. He says he will bring in others to share in the reconstruction. What the x!zp!vy!z!. Sounds like he is going to outsource work to companies that did not share in the pain and take those jobs away from those that have sacrificed. Hypocrite.

Kbob said:
And the only real reason he did was to point out that Kerry was contradicting a previous stand on some issue or something like that..
Now your getting it. Everything that came out of Kerry's mouth had to be fact checked. I have them all if you want to see them. Almost everything that came out of Kerry's mouth last night was a fabrication in some way.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to debate a guy that is willing to get up there and spew any position that he thinks will win opinion, inspite of the fact that he is on the record saying the exact opposite?

Kbob said:
I too tired of hearing "it's hard work" etc..
On this we agree. Bush blew it there.

Kbob said:
As far as the questions, I thought they were fair for the most part.
Again, what debate were you guys at? Jim Lehrer is Mr. Left when it comes to debates. Think I'm wrong. The Clintons considered Lehrer "Their Commentator" for a reason.

Lehrer suggested in almosty every question that Bush had blown it.

Kerry: "Do you believe you could do a better job than President Bush in preventing another 9/11-type terrorist attack on the United States?"

Is Kerry supposed to say no. Totally ridiculous question. Biased.

Bush: "Do you believe the election of Senator Kerry on November the 2nd would increase the chances of the U.S. being hit by another 9/11-type terrorist attack?"

Like Bush is supposed to say what Cheney said weeks ago, so that every Ted Kennedy wannabee comes crawling out of the woodwork. Biased

Kerry: "Colossal misjudgments." What colossal misjudgments, in your opinion, has President Bush made in these areas?

Intended to give the Dems talking points and reinforce the idea that the war was a mistake. Biased

Bush: "What about Senator Kerry's point, the comparison he drew between the priorities of going after Osama bin Laden and going after Saddam Hussein?"


Kerry: "As president, what would you do, specifically, in addition to or differently to increase the homeland security of the United States than what President Bush is doing?"

I guess this intended to allow Kerry to demonstrate that Bush is not doing enough. Biased.

Bush: "What criteria would you use to determine when to start bringing U.S. troops home from Iraq?"

He wants to press Bush into a timetable that will hurt the war effort. Biased.

Kerry: "Speaking of Vietnam, you spoke to Congress in 1971, after you came back from Vietnam, and you said, quote, "How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?"

Insinuating that this war was a mistake and the lives lost were in vain. Pathetic and Biased.

Bush: "You have said there was a "miscalculation" of what the conditions would be in postwar Iraq. What was the miscalculation, and how did it happen?"

Bush's answer. Catastrophic success in the field left too many Iraqi resistors still breathing. We didn't kill enough of them the 1st time, so now we have to do it.

Kerry: "You just -- you've repeatedly accused President Bush -- not here tonight, but elsewhere before -- of not telling the truth about Iraq, essentially of lying to the American people about Iraq.

Give us some examples of what you consider to be his not telling the truth."

Implying Bush does not tell the truth. And Kerry has used the word 'lie' several times. Biased.

Bush: "Mr. President, has Iraq been worth the cost in American lives -10,052 - I mean 1,052 up to today?"

Slip-up intended to infer there will be many, many more casualties. Biased.

Kerry: "Can you give us specifics, in terms of a scenario, time lines, et cetera, for ending major U.S. military involvement in Iraq?"

Softball intended to allow Kerry to say he will bring the troops home when Bush won't.

Bush: "Does the Iraq experience make it more likely or less likely that you would take the United States into another pre-emptive military action?"

Designed to reimforce the "cowboy" mentality and supposed reckless decision making.

Kerry: "What is your position on the whole concept of pre-emptive war?"

Kerry's response: But if and when you do it, Jim, you have to do it in a way that passes the test, that passes the global test.

After the bomb goes off, the world will feel sorry for us and they will then give us permission to respond. That's the real Kerry plan.

Bush: "Do you believe that diplomacy and sanctions can resolve the nuclear problems with North Korea and Iran? Take them in any order you would like."

Fair question. but look at Kerry's responses.

Kerry quotes: I think the United States should have offered the opportunity to provide the nuclear fuel, test them, see whether or not they were actually looking for it for peaceful purposes.

LEHRER: I want to make sure but in this one minute, I want to make sure that we understand -- the people watching understand the differences between the two of you on this. You want to continue the multinational talks, correct?
BUSH: Right.

LEHRER: And you're willing to do it ...

KERRY: Both. I want bilateral talks...

I had to laugh. What better example of showing how Kerry wants both sides of every issue.

Bush: "Clearly, as we have heard, major policy differences between the two of you.

Are there also underlying character issues that you believe, that you believe are serious enough to deny Senator Kerry the job as commander in chief of the United States?"

Like the sitting President is supposed to be the one to inform the American public that this guiy is a lying, slithering, traitorous snake. The question was only intended to make Kerry look like he has no flaws because the President sure wan't going to point them out.

Bush: "It's a new subject -- new question, and it has to do with President Putin and Russia. Did you misjudge him or are you -- do you feel that what he is doing in the name of antiterrorism by changing some democratic processes is OK?"

Intended to show another example of a supposed Bush misjudgement. Biased.

Bush closing argument: If America shows uncertainty or weakness in this decade, the world will drift toward tragedy. That's not going to happen, so long as I'm your president.

CNN poll results...
"By narrow margins, Bush came out better on believability, likeability and toughness. But there was virtually no change among those polled on which candidate would handle Iraq better or make a better commander-in-chief."

Like I said, Kerry won on style, but Bush has the substance that people want and will vote for. Give the RNC a couple of days to expose Kerry's positions and the public will once again see Kerry as the indecisive flip-flopper he is.

I wish Bush would have knocked this guy out. As it stands, he still has a couple more chances, but I think this now heads to election day closer than it should be.

It would have been FAIR if Lehrer had asked Kerry why he voted to authorize the war and then voted against funding it.

Or even why he voted for the 1st gulf war even though Bush 41 HAD amazed a hugh coalition.

Or, why didn't Lehrer step in and challenge Kerry's policy of adding more foreign troops as the cornerstone to his solution in Iraq even though France and Germany announced they will send no troops, even if Kerry is elected?

Kbob said:
The meat of the answers I think were a toss-up between the two. I really didn't have any criticism of either of their answers on specifics except for Kerry's answer on North Korea.
Kerry's way of dealing with N. Korea puts us into another war, with China potentially being our enemy, not our ally.

Kerry wants to GIVE, that's right, GIVE nuclear material to Iran to see if they will use it, as a trick. The guy is a total and complete moron.

Kerry remembers being in the wrong square of the KGB lair. Unfortunately for Kerry, that location was a Nazi concentration camp.

Kbob said:
In summary: good job Kerry, and Bush better get his act together for the next debate.
Bush had better come out and kick this pussy in the teeth next time they meet. That is what he failed to do last night.
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Don't get me wrong Bryan, I'm not breaking ranks. I was making observations of the debate from an "undecided" point of view. Being as I am somewhat educated on each candidates positions, of course I saw the contradictions and the holes in Kerrys plans and the reasons for Bush's agitation. Kerry promised a lot and accused a lot. Kerry just sounded better, never mind that most of it was hogwash. And Bush sounded worse, never mind that he was right. Bush needs to drop the "don't you guys get it?" spiel and focus on facts. Show the weaknesses in Kerry's plans. Bush had several opportunities to do so, but he didn't capitalize. He needs to change his tone and the way he carries himself while the other candidate is speaking. Perception is very important in these debates to undecided voters.
Kbob said:
Don't get me wrong Bryan, I'm not breaking ranks. I was making observations of the debate from an "undecided" point of view.
I know your not. Your post made it very easy for me to elucidate my opinions.

Kbob said:
Being as I am somewhat educated on each candidates positions, of course I saw the contradictions and the holes in Kerrys plans and the reasons for Bush's agitation. Kerry promised a lot and accused a lot. Kerry just sounded better, never mind that most of it was hogwash. And Bush sounded worse, never mind that he was right. Bush needs to drop the "don't you guys get it?" spiel and focus on facts.
Bush allowed Kerry to hang himself. He should have just done a better job of disguising it. I also think the debate rules were broken by the media showing split screen shots. That is probably why Bush was so expressive. He didn't think he was on camera.

There should be an intermission in these things so the candidates can have a opportunity to refresh themselves. Outside of Bush saying 'tough work' way too many times and having some uncomfortable pauses to gather his thoughts, name one mistake he made?

Kerry on the other hand, made many, many mistakes. The internet is already abuzz with the inconsistencies from Kerry. You won't hear it in the MSM but the new media is now a force to be reckoned with and there is alot more ammunition to attack Kerry with after last night.

Kbob said:
Show the weaknesses in Kerry's plans. Bush had several opportunities to do so, but he didn't capitalize. He needs to change his tone and the way he carries himself while the other candidate is speaking. Perception is very important in these debates to undecided voters.
Read my previous post. Bush had the deck stacked against him from the very beginning. He was told to stay on message and not waver, which he did.

Staying on message prevented major mistakes, but unfortunately, there was not enough material for Bush for 90 minutes. That is his handler's fault. He'll do better next time. He will also continue to improve on his polling in terms of likeability, trust, and who will better protect them. That will become much more apparent in the next two debates.

Stay the course. Kerry hit another iceberg, and although the band is playing and the people are partying, their fate is already sealed.
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MonsterMark said:
I know your not. Your post made it very easy for me to elucidate my opinions.
Hey, that's what I'm here for, LOL!

p.s. "Elucidate" . . . good word.
MonsterMark said:
I know your not. Your post made it very easy for me to elucidate my opinions.

Bush allowed Kerry to hang himself. He should have just done a better job of disguising it. I also think the debate rules were broken by the media showing split screen shots. That is probably why Bush was so expressive. He didn't think he was on camera.

There should be an intermission in these things so the candidates can have a opportunity to refresh themselves. Outside of Bush saying 'tough work' way too many times and having some uncomfortable pauses to gather his thoughts, name one mistake he made?

Kerry on the other hand, made many, many mistakes. The internet is already abuzz with the inconsistencies from Kerry. You won't hear it in the MSM but the new media is now a force to be reckoned with and there is alot more ammunition to attack Kerry with after last night.

Read my previous post. Bush had the deck stacked against him from the very beginning. He was told to stay on message and not waver, which he did.

Staying on message prevented major mistakes, but unfortunately, there was not enough material for Bush for 90 minutes. That is his handler's fault. He'll do better next time. He will also continue to improve on his polling in terms of likeability, trust, and who will better protect them. That will become much more apparent in the next two debates.

Stay the course. Kerry hit another iceberg, and although the band is playing and the people are partying, their fate is already sealed.

I guess..... the way Bush acted during debate would not at all make me trust or like him more though. Ive talked to alot of people today too about debates and I havent heard 1 person say Bush won or they even liked what Bush had to say, and I talked to some Bush supporters too not just people for Kerry. Getting this close to election everyone is saying there opinion, its actually kinda fun to debate it over with everyone, its just too bad Bush sucked so bad there isnt much debating people are basically agreeing how things went.
I guess we'll have to wait and see how things turn out over the next couple of days when all of the b.s. Kerry churned out is scrutinized.

For the shallow voters that tend to feed on whatever is fed from the Main Stream Media, you are probably right. Kerry won the debate. But I also think Kerry lost the war. Puffery will not win out over substance.

Those people interviewed who only 'listened' to the debate, gave Bush the edge.
They had only substance to gauge. The transcripts of the debate will be gone over with a fine-toothed comb, and all the lice will be pulled out.

Bush looked bad at times, I agree, but it is his message that will resonate with voters on election day, and that's all that counts.
MonsterMark said:
I guess we'll have to wait and see how things turn out over the next couple of days when all of the b.s. Kerry churned out is scrutinized.

For the shallow voters that tend to feed on whatever is fed from the Main Stream Media, you are probably right. Kerry won the debate. But I also think Kerry lost the war. Puffery will not win out over substance.

Those people interviewed who only 'listened' to the debate, gave Bush the edge.
They had only substance to gauge. The transcripts of the debate will be gone over with a fine-toothed comb, and all the lice will be pulled out.

Bush looked bad at times, I agree, but it is his message that will resonate with voters on election day, and that's all that counts.

Yea, honestly I still wouldnt have been impressed im sure, but if I didnt watch the side by side.... Bush probly wouldnt have seemed so bad. But I did see how he acted.
"If the nation wants a President who can deliver lies in a convincing voice, they'll vote for Kerry.

If they want a man with a clear vision, steady resolve, and a real plan to win the War on Terrorism, they'll vote for President Bush."

Adam Yoshida is a freelancer writer who runs his own web site.
And that makes Yoshida an expert?


You are dreaming if you think Bush will win another debate. I don't think he's smart enough. He does great when he backed up by his seasoned staff but he just doesn't have it in the clutch.

You wrote the other day about Bush's presence and charisma. Where were they last night? Under fire he stumbles and mumbles. He did just great with his practiced final "speech". He could not have been less believable.

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barry2952 said:
He could not have been less believable. Barry
"ABC said the debate did not immediately change many minds as Bush's support was 50 percent among viewers before the debate and 51 percent after it;..."

Humm, Bush is less believable in YOUR mind but yet Bush goes up in the polls.

"If Americans who tuned into last night's presidential debate were waiting for one of the candidates to catch the other in a fatal error, or leave him stammering, the event was obviously a draw," wrote The New York Times.
If people want to know the real difference between the 2 candidates, I think it can be summed up this way.

What did Kerry and Bush do prior to the debate?

Bush was in Florida, taking care of hurricane victims.

What was Kerry doing? Getting a manicure!

That explains Bush being tired but it was also a mistake, but ultimately demonstratees how much he cares about the American people.

bush florida.jpg
MonsterMark said:
If people want to know the real difference between the 2 candidates, I think it can be summed up this way.

What did Kerry and Bush do prior to the debate?

Bush was in Florida, taking care of hurricane victims.

What was Kerry doing? Getting a manicure!

That explains Bush being tired but it was also a mistake, but ultimately demonstratees how much he cares about the American people.

So your sayng bush did poorly because he was tired?

OK, please Bryan. Thats your lamest argument yet buddy.........Maybe your the one who is tired!

Yes, that was part of it. Bush lacked the energy needed to put up with the Kerry tales.

The Bush campaign was too worried about pissing off women voters by Bush being too hard on Kerry. That was a mistake. Kerry could have and should have been knocked out last night, but Bush let it slip away. I am unhappy about that but heartened by the internal polling that shows that the same people who thought that Kerry won the debate on style also saw that Bush won the debate on substance, on being a better leader for the war on terror, for being more trustworthy, for understanding more of the average person's issues. So after the bluster of yesterday wears off, the talking points are in the favor of Bush for the next week. At the next debate, I expect Bush to come out swinging. No more Mr. Nice Guy. Nice guys finish last. You will see a more combative President next time and people clearly be able to see who is the better CIC.

The point I was making was that while Bush has been running the country, Kerry has been busy get fake tans,
dying his gray out,
putting on lipstick,
and getting a manicure,
to go with his botox injections.

I will work to come up with additional supporting evidence. LOL. It looks to me like Mr. Kerry wears a wig. Look really close at the 2nd photo. No wonder he flys that Cristoff person around the country to conceal his real identity. Hahahahahahahahahahaha.

This guy is the biggest fake to ever walk this planet and half of this country is going to vote for this jerk. Hahahahahahahaha.

Pick 3 is his 1 hour tan he got playing football in late summer.

And pick 4 is the love of his life. Now I understand why he shipped his mistress over to Europe with 1 days notice.

kerry lipstick.jpg

kerry hairpiece.jpg


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You know that picture was a photo-op.

As far a clinton, he was a very intelligent man. He didnt use it a lot of the time and happened to like his penis alot, but clinton was very smart.

I agree with Kbob, i expected more from bush. I though he would have kerry studderin. I know bush has better, he let the cheap shots get the best of him. I think he will be better on his game next debate. As joey said before GAME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was quite proud of kerry, he must have practiced for that debate for months!!!!!!!!

But now the smear campaign has begun. He is having his staff tear kerrys words all apart now and is using them in speaches in florida. Its actually starting to make me sick. Both of them, anything to keep people off of the facts.

When is the vice presidential debate, that is gonna be really good!!!!!!!!!!! Edwards is charming and Cheney is a bit forceful and strong speaker.
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"This guy is the biggest fake to ever walk this planet and half of this country is going to vote for this jerk. Hahahahahahahaha"

What's even funnier, is in the last elections, the guy the people WANTED and WON the election didn't get THAT'S funny...

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