Ann Coulter Banned from NBC


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Oct 14, 2005
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Mon Jan 05 2009 17:50:57 ET

**Exclusive Details**

The nation's top selling conservative author has been banned from appearing on NBC, insiders tell the DRUDGE REPORT.

"We are just not going to have her on any more, it's over," a top network source explains.

But a second top suit strongly denies there is any "Coulter ban".

"Look for a re-invite, as soon as Wednesday," said the news executive, who asked not to be named.

NBC's TODAY show abruptly cut Ann Coulter from its planned Tuesday broadcast, claiming the schedule was overbooked.

Executives at NBC TODAY replaced Coulter with showbiz reporter Perez Hilton, who recently offered $1,000 to anyone who would throw a pie at Ann Coulter. Hilton is also launching a new book this week, RED CARPET SUICIDE.

Coulter was set to unveil her new book, GUILTY.

One network insider claims it was the book's theme -- a brutal examination of liberal bias in the new era -- that got executives to dis-invite the controversialist.

"We are just not interested in anyone so highly critical of President-elect Obama, right now," a TODAY insider reveals. "It's such a downer. It's just not the time, and it's not what our audience wants, either."

Others inside the peacock network strongly deny the book's theme is at issue.

For the book, Coulter reportedly received the most-lucrative advance ever paid to a conservative author.

The TODAY show eagerly invited the author months ago, for her first network interview on GUILTY.

The exclusive was to air during the show's 7 AM hour. The cut came Monday afternoon.

Coulter was also to appear on the TODAY's fourth hour. A host even teased the segment saying the 'conservative pit bull and bestselling author' would be a guest.

NBC's cable outlet, MSNBC, will also become a Coulter-free zone, insiders explain. Morning host Joe Scarborough is said to be concerned with the new ban. "He's working to overrule it," tips a source.

OMG - they unwired her jaw!!!!! ;)

I don't know exactly why (or even if) her jaw was wired shut, but on the topic of left wing hate- did you see the buzz, excitement, and glee in left wing circles when that rumor was circulating. "I'd like to thank who ever broke her jaw." was a typical, unfunny,comment made. Assaults and intense pain is so funny when it happens to someone you don't agree with.

No hate like liberal hate.
No, there's no hate like Coulter's hate.
You're right. Because she's not "hateful."
And please, don't just respond with a list of contextless quotes that were made humorously. We've all seen the same cut and paste lists with the little dates next to them, and I'm sure a few of us have actually made the mistake of bothering to go line by line and provide the appropriate context demonstrating the "hate" claim to be absurd. Not going to do it again, you won't bother to read it, and anyone inclined to repeat that idiotic hateful charge is going to keep doing it regardless, out of intellectual dishonesty or laziness.

Let's try to get back on topic.
It certainly looks like NBC has made an editorial decision, based on ideology here, not not one based on ratings. Coulter is a very popular, best selling author who generates interest and increased viewership of the shows she appears on. The decision to cancel her for both the 1st and 4th hours of that show wasn't a ratings based, or money based, decision. It was either overtly political OR as the insider expressed, it was influenced by their politics, not wanting to risk her being down on Obama. And the policy of not having her on MSNBC, a network desperate for viewers, just drives the point home.

This isn't a profound discovery. This isn't earth shaken evidence. But it should further demonstrate two things - 1 the liberal bias in the press and the difficulty it is for even successful conservative authors to get a voice in the MSM. Had she written a book critical of President Bush they wouldn't have canceled. 2- just how protective of Obama the media and NBC are.
First, enough of the OJ photo. Holidays are over.:) (Can't stand looking at him)

Of course the Left is gleeful over Coulter getting censored. They'll try to pick off the right wing conservatives one-by-one.

You can turn the table.

Send NBC and MSNBC a letter saying you are boycotting their sponsors and any products GE (owner of both networks) makes.

Nothing talks like money.

Let's face it. The Left can't handle Coulter. So is waaay too smart for them.
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She fell down at the end of November - and broke her jaw.

She rarely says those hateful things in jest - more often than not she says them to create buzz about herself. She is a self promoting machine, and ascertained long ago it would be easier to get the right to rally around her, so she consciously declared herself 'conservative'. I personally believe she held no strong beliefs either way - she went down the path where she could find the most gullible, dupable support.

The right gleefully sets her up as the sexpot pundit of their side, pointing proudly to all the garbage that she spews. Great - you can have her.

I certainly don't fear her. By constantly stating such sewage, that is crafted to sensationalize and place her in the limelight, she pretty much undermines everything that she states.

As I stated not to long ago - the right doesn't know how much damage Ms Coulter does to their cause. Centrist America sees her hate, not in jest, but as viewpoints that are representative of the right. She makes 'your' side Cal far more unapproachable and loathsome.

I think that NBC did the American people (and well, mostly the left) a disfavor by not allowing her on the show. Let America watch her - she is a train wreck waiting to happen.
She fell down at the end of November - and broke her jaw.
That's what was reported. I haven't seen her actually confirm or deny it and I think Page Six was the original source of the story... probably true, but I've only seen it reported in a gossip column.

She rarely says those hateful things in jest -
She doesn't say anything that is hateful.
And even the more course things she says are said with a dry sarcasm and wit with the purpose of entertaining while making a point. Sometimes, more successfully than others.

more often than not she says them to create buzz about herself. She is a self promoting machine, and ascertained long ago it would be easier to get the right to rally around her, so she consciously declared herself 'conservative'.
She does use the rage on the left directed at her as a promotional tool, and she's wise to do so. That uncontrolled hate might as well be used for something productive. And I'm sure that NBCs decision to blacklist her, and the subsequent reporting of it in conservative circles, will actually increase awareness of her new book and likely sell more copies in the first week.

I personally believe she held no strong beliefs either way - she went down the path where she could find the most gullible, dupable support.
Well, everything available clearly demonstrates that your "belief" is completely wrong- on every level.
There's a documentary about here called "Is It True What They Say About Ann?" that does address her background.

But you've never been one to let facts get in the way of your thoughts and beliefs.

If she were looking for dupable support, she is clearly talented enough to take a job writing the brainless editorial bile that passes for insight at the New York Times. She could be the darling of the left. The luxury of being popular with the left is abundant media coverage AND screw ball leftists don't assault you at speaking engagements.

The right gleefully sets her up as the sexpot pundit of their side, pointing proudly to all the garbage that she spews. Great - you can have her.
Actually, the belt-way sell out D.C. types HATE her. She's too direct, confident, and assertive. Republicans in D.C. have no stones.
It's the real conservatives in this country that love her.

Calling her work garbage is nonsense and a convenient way of dismissing the substance of her work. While it is often abrasive, it isn't garbage and shouldn't be dismissed. The arguments are solid and supported (don't go posting a link for mediamatters with more falsely attributed "errors").
I'm glad to have her on my side. I enjoy her work and I've seen her speak- despite the disruptive leftist who tried to disrupt the event, harassing people entering the building, trying to drown out her voice while speaking, and then standing up in unison to block the view of the stage then walking out while yelling profanities.

I certainly don't fear her. By constantly stating such sewage, that is crafted to sensationalize and place her in the limelight, she pretty much undermines everything that she states.
Her ability to persuade is undermined by her tone.
But that doesn't undermine the value of her arguments.
Her goal clearly isn't to persuade liberals to her cause, but to better inform conservatives.

As I stated not to long ago - the right doesn't know how much damage Ms Coulter does to their cause. Centrist America sees her hate, not in jest, but as viewpoints that are representative of the right. She makes 'your' side Cal far more unapproachable and loathsome.
NO. Centrist America may see her through the lens of the media.
Centrist may see the lists of contextless quotes that are repeated by puppets.
But when they actually read her columns, or see her in person, or framed in a fair way- she's is very effective.

Liberals make her "unapproachable and loathsome" because that's the best way to undermine and dismiss a conservative.
She's "loathsome." Another one is "racist." Another one is "hateful." And they do this because most "centrists" (code word for uninformed and uninvolved) still rely on the mainstream press for their news and analysis.

In this case, they can't have Coulter on because, as you remove the filters of the MSM, she might connect with the NBC viewers.

I think that NBC did the American people (and well, mostly the left) a disfavor by not allowing her on the show. Let America watch her - she is a train wreck waiting to happen.
Well, they didn't.
And it wasn't in an effort to protect her from herself.

So, now that we know how you feel about her, you've managed to avoid talking about the OBVIOUS agenda at NBC demonstrated here.
So, now that we know how you feel about her, you've managed to avoid talking about the OBVIOUS agenda at NBC demonstrated here.

Calabrio, that was a pretty serious beat down on Foxy. Take it easy on her. She's gonna be all bruised up. :)

I mean, that was really well argued.
Well, NBC used to be an good outlet for Ann - she has been on NBC numerous times...

We will see if she is blacklisted, I doubt it - but, time will tell.

I am usually content to sit back and wait - jumping in usually make everyone look a little foolish.

However she will be loving it if she is...
Well, NBC used to be an good outlet for Ann - she has been on NBC numerous times...

We will see if she is blacklisted, I doubt it - but, time will tell.

I am usually content to sit back and wait - jumping in usually make everyone look a little foolish.

However she will be loving it if she is...

You responded but didn't say anything.

This isn't a "wait and see" issue- the action has been made. NBC made a decision, in private to cut her from the network for partisan reasons.

The fact that it was reported in such a high profile way on the DrudgeReport will influence any pending decision made. Without the outside influence, the decision was made and it demonstrates the point...

The point you refuse to acknowledge, the point that you can not refute is that the media IS NOT purely profit driven. They are motivated and make decisions based upon their partisan ideology.

And who did NBC chose to fill in for the last minute cancellation of Ann Coulter?
If profit was the motive, then it must have been a prominent celebrity or a someone who is much beloved by all Americans....

Rachael Maddow.
Lesbian, radical, leftist, "Air America" radio show air personality, and MSNBC host.

To attack the Bush administration, talk about the U.S.' evil policy of torture, and to be among the handful of morons out there who are PRAISING Obama for chosing Leon Panetta to head the CIA.
I thought Perez Hilton was scheduled to take her place - I don't know - I don't watch the Today show. Did you watch it Cal?

If NBC thought that Ann Coulter would drive away viewers with her negativism, they could be basing this on profit. I know that currently all of the networks are trying to stay away from 'doom and gloom' on their commentary segments (or fluff segments, which the Coulter book segment would fall into) because they feel that the daily reporting of the news has enough of that already. The prevailing feeling at the top is 'lets not make it any worse then it already is - the public can only stand so much of this."

I doubt if she has been blacklisted - probably just backburnered.
to be among the handful of morons out there who are PRAISING Obama for chosing Leon Panetta to head the CIA.

I believe Obama has named January 5th, Hug A Terrorist Day.

Another Clinton retread...

Change we can believe in.

Man, do the Clintons have the goods on Obama.
I thought Perez Hilton was scheduled to take her place - I don't know - I don't watch the Today show. Did you watch it Cal?
Not according to what I've since read. I think I've read that Perez Hilton was on during the 4th hour segment. The 1st hour segment was filled by Maddow.

But, are you saying that the fat, little, homosexual, male gossip queen appeals to Middle America more than? The one that was offering $1,000 to anyone that would commit battery on Ann Coulter is a more popular guest anywhere outside New York City?

Or having Maddow on to bash Bush, talk about how evil our country was, and lick Obama's boots appealed to more viewers?

If NBC thought that Ann Coulter would drive away viewers with her negativism, they could be basing this on profit.
Then why'd they book her for two segments in the first place.

Dance little Foxpaws, dance.... avoid the issue, make excuses, and spin....

I doubt if she has been blacklisted - probably just backburnered.
She's a best selling author with a new release, and everytime she's on there she increases the shows rating and gets people talking about that boring show. You and I both know that this was an editorial decision to cancel her at the last minute. The only question is whether it was done to spite her (committing her entire morning to the broadcast and then cancelling) or just done on liberal principle.

And it certainly sounds likely that a decision was made at Obama campaign headquarters (MSNBC) to keep her off the air.

But you can keep dancing.... Bryan seems to like watching you spin around.
The idea of attempting to sideline Coulter during the push on her new book is a perfect example of what happens when fear and hate overwhelm good sense. She's a proven 'draw'. It's no wonder that the NBC graph of business has been on a downward run. But the secular progressive approach doesn't seem to care. Air America is a perfect example.
NBC can do what it wants. It is a private entity and answers to its owners and shareholders, not to you Cal, bloggers, or right wing pundits. And especially not to Ann Coulter.

In the past NBC often got criticized for having Coulter on. And they had her on more than the other networks. If it doesn't want to deal with the criticism it can make that choice.

She isn't news. And maybe NBC just had enough of Ann's same old cliques dug up and reworked to make it look like she is current and relevant.

It is their decision to go with or without her. If they want to promote a liberal agenda on their 'fluff' pieces (which is what the book segments are considered) they can go liberal. They can promote books about homosexual dogs - it is their decision. If they believe that Coulter isn't what the people wanted to hear, than they will cancel her. If Steve Capus doesn't want to listen to her, then he will cancel her. If Obermann threatened to walk off, and the network wants to keep him, they will cancel her. If they have heard her recent tirades, and think that America has had enough of her insults, and will tune out, (which is what I think happened) then NBC will cancel her.

And I believe Bryan is known for his excellent taste in dancers ;)
NBC can do what it wants. It is a private entity and answers to its owners and shareholders, not to you Cal, bloggers, or right wing pundits. And especially not to Ann Coulter.
I'm sorry, are you confused. Because no one here has challenged the right of NBC to chose it's guests.

However, we're discussing the motivation behind their last minute decision to cancel her and ban her on their networks.

Care to actually comment on that?

In the past NBC often got criticized for having Coulter on....If it doesn't want to deal with the criticism it can make that choice.... She isn't news. And maybe NBC just had enough of Ann's same old cliques dug up and reworked to make it look like she is current and relevant. ...It is their decision to go with or without her.
Yet, they still decided to book for for TWO SEGMENTS yesterday. They didn't cancel her until the last minute. Curious isn't it? If they felt like this, why would they book her? Do you think a bunch of liberal elites were standing around with their morning lattes and then said, "OH CRAP!! I didn't realize we double booked THAT Ann Coulter!!"

But on topic- this thread isn't about whether they have the right to select their own guests, I'm discussing their motivation.

It's not profit. It's not ratings. It's ideological.

If they want to promote a liberal agenda on their 'fluff' pieces (which is what the book segments are considered) they can go liberal.

So you agree that they are promoting a liberal agenda, and that agenda is put before revenue and ratings.
This is not about NBC and what NBC wants. This is about protecting Obama at all costs. The media has alot invested in the Messiah and can't afford to have cracks out into the side of the SS Obamessiah.
I think that NBC is taking the pulse of America, and believes that America doesn’t want to listen to Ann Coulter right now. They don’t want to promote the bashing of Obama (which is certainly a probability of what she would talk about) at a time when Obama is riding on a pretty big crest of public approval. They may believe after the last election that to gain viewership a more liberal agenda is in order. They read numbers. I don’t know how liberal guests vs conservative guests are polling right now.

Why they cut her with such short notice, I don’t know. I don’t think there was a big call in/write in campaign against her (and hot air doesn’t think so either).

NBC certainly had to know that it would make an enemy of Coulter and her dogged following. Maybe they just don’t care. I think they have found that the audience they are trying to reach is tired of right wing bickering partisan politics. And Coulter represents one of the pinnacles of partisan politics.

Maybe time, and the ‘centrist’ American are leaving Coulter behind.

Her book will sell. To the devoted and converted. But, will middle of the road America pick it up to see what the right is about? You are ‘damned if they do, damned if they don’t’ territory here Cal. Do you really want middle America reading “We have a term for youngsters involved in children of divorces, or as I call them, future strippers”? Or that single moms are undermining the American way of life?

Probably not.
Well, Media Matters was apparently waging a write-in campaign here. No idea if it's the reason. Nor do I care.
Well, sorry, I (and apparently Hot Air) stand corrected.
I wonder how many responses they got?

If enough people did write in, then, you are right Calabrio - certainly in that case, NBC listened to the people who maybe complained the loudest.

Shoot, I'll have to write Media Matters now - they need to realize that the best way to show the right's true colors is let Ann Coulter talk her little heart out.
I just read something that might have merit - and Bryan will love this, sort of conspiracy theory 'Ann' style...
I still haven't written off the possibility that she is actually a left-wing mole whose job it is to make conservatives look bad.

I just read her interview with Hannity/Colmes last night - she has to be working for the left - no one would put this stuff on the air and hope that it presents the right as a rational, sane form of political thought.

– I can’t tell you how funny it is – I have to watch the actual show this evening. The parts where she is questioned about this statement in her book “We have a term for youngsters involved in children of divorces, or as I call them, future strippers,” the ‘fact’ that liberals hate marriage is priceless, along with this quote…”No, I am insulting single motherhood, which is avidly promoted by the left,”

The left really couldn't make up stuff this good. ;)

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