ACORN INVESTIGATION: undercover video, no mention in the MSM?


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Oct 14, 2005
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This is the link to the investigative video of ACORN Baltimore.
A couple, posing as a pimp and 20 year old prostitute are assisted by ACORN workers in pursuing their illegal activities. These activities range from tax evasion, lying on a mortgage, money laundering, and trafficking in the child sex trade.

This is an incredible video, not only for what it shows- but also because of how NONE of the MSM sources, other than Fox News, have reported on it yet.
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Made it a point to scan all networks tonight to see if they covered this story-ACORN gets 8 billion dollars in Federal funds, and there is NO coverage of this at all??? That is yet another factual example of the bias of the 'mainstream' media-and, as a taxpayer, you can bet I am pissed that this is going on, without any apparent oversight. I have written to ABC, NBC and CBS, and will continue to do so until I get a reply-:q:q:q:q:q:q:qs...
Don't forget to write to Fox too, you know, fair and balanced.
1211 Avenue of the Americas, 18th Floor
New York, New York 10036
Don't forget to write to Fox too, you know, fair and balanced.
1211 Avenue of the Americas, 18th Floor
New York, New York 10036

Yes, do that.
And thank them for being the lone independent voice in the mainstream media.
They have covered the story.,2933,549001,00.html
2 ACORN Employees Fired, Could Face Criminal Charges
Thursday , September 10, 2009

The community organizing group ACORN has fired two employees at its Baltimore office who were seen on hidden-camera video giving advice to a man posing as a pimp and a woman pretending to be a prostitute, as some legal experts raise questions over whether the employees broke the law.

The staffers appeared to commit federal tax fraud by offering to help them — for a fee — to establish a child brothel, legal experts say.

In a video made public Thursday, two visitors to an ACORN office in Baltimore told staffers they needed assistance securing housing where the woman, a 20-year-old who called herself "Kenya," could continue to run her prostitution business.

An ACORN official told the couple how to falsify tax forms and seek illegal benefits for 13 "very young" girls from El Salvador that they said they wanted to import as prostitutes.

Though no tax forms were filed and the child prostitutes didn't exist, the ACORN official engaged in "numerous acts of criminal facilitation," said Judge Andrew Napolitano, FOX News senior judicial analyst.

• STORY: ACORN Officials Videotaped Telling 'Pimp,' 'Prostitute' How to Lie to IRS

"Criminal facilitation occurs whenever a person encourages, enables, entices, or explains to another how to commit crimes with the real purpose of helping that person to commit those crimes" — a violation the ACORN employee "committed in full," he said.

Napolitano said the worker could also face charges for criminal conspiracy, though each charge would require a heavier burden to prove: a so-called "act of furtherance" — a concrete move that makes the conspiracy active.

Napolitano outlined eight crimes the ACORN worker could potentially have committed that could bring a total sentence of 24 years in prison, including criminal facilitation and conspiracy to:

• (a) commit prostitution

• (b) operate a prostitution ring

• (c) file false documents with taxing and other government authorities

• (d) file false documents with a bank [also known as bank fraud]

• (e) violate numerous immigration laws

• (f) transport children into the U.S. for immoral purposes

• (g) transport women into the U.S. for immoral purposes [also known as violating the Mann Act]

• (h) impair the welfare of minors.

But not all legal experts agreed that ACORN had committed a crime. Trial attorney Lee Armstong said that the employee had engaged in "repulsive ... disgusting behavior," but nothing illegal occurred because the entire scenario was a sham.

"For aiding and abetting tax evasion, for aiding and abetting child prostitution ... you need the actual crime," said Armstrong, an attorney for Jones Day in New York. "That's what's missing here."

Armstrong said that the videotape appeared to show the ACORN official hatching a conspiracy, but no violation occurred because the 25-year-old filmmaker was only "pretending" to be a 25-year-old pimp.

"You need an actual agreement between two people to commit a crime. If one person is just faking it, you don't have a meeting of the minds, you don't have a conspiracy," Armstrong told FOX News. "How do you clap with one hand?"

ACORN — the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now — calls itself a network of families "working together for social justice and stronger communities," according to its Web site.

But the organization has been accused by conservatives and Republicans of committing fraud in voter registration drives around the country, and reaction to the videotape came swiftly after its release on Thursday.

"Taxpayers should be outraged that their money has gone to an organization that, in addition to facing charges of voter fraud and tax violations, is willing to facilitate prostitution," said Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa.

"As this video confirms, ACORN continues to operate as a criminal enterprise."

In a selection from the video, ACORN officials treated the "pimp's" illegal schemes with nonchalance and offered to help further what they knew to be crimes.

"It's illegal. So I am not hearing this, I am not hearing this," said an ACORN staffer who identified herself as an accountant. "You talk too much. Don't give up no information you're not asked."

Because the group receives millions of dollars in federal grants, Napolitano said, "ACORN agents and employees are required by law to adhere to high standards of lawful and ethical behavior; standards akin to those required by law of federal employees."

ACORN suggested a plan of action for the purported pimp and prostitute, but did not fill out tax forms with any false information. But because the official sought a $50 fee for ACORN's services, a conspiracy charge could still be considered, a defense attorney told FOX News.

"Conspiracy requires an agreement to do something unlawful and an act in furtherance," said Mark Eiglarsh, a New York-based attorney. "There's an agreement to assist in creating the brothel, in tax evasion, a number of other offenses."

The act in furtherance, he suggested, could be the staffer's seeking payment for the work. "I think that a prosecutor ... would agree to go forward on a conspiracy count," he said.

Whether or not prosecutors charge any ACORN officials in Baltimore, the filmmaker himself could be in hot water.

A Maryland state statute requires consent from all parties whenever a conversation is taped, according to the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press. Violations of the law are punishable by a maximum of five years in jail and a fine up to $10,000.

But that statute does not apply to videotape recordings — only to phone calls or other electronic "communications," Napolitano argued — meaning the filmmaker is likely in the clear.
Maybe this was just an isolated incident? Just the Baltimore office, just THOSE employees of ACORN would engage in behavior like that...


Let's see if anyone in the mainstream media (ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, or NBC) covers this story tonight!
I seriously doubt the latest ACORN scandal is just a few bad apples. ACORN has been caught numerous times engaging in election fraud. I'm sure there are a lot of other things ACORN representative are engaged in that are clearly illegal. I wouldn't doubt many are buying drugs with federal tax dollars.
I know, this was an isolated thing.. just one office in Baltimore. Those people were fired, move on....

Then it was at the Washington office too....

And now.... NEW YORK TOO.
Never Mind...

Will Hannity get this on the air - how about anyone at Fox, maybe Rush covered it...

They all praised O'Keefe as the next coming of god in "Fair and Balanced" jounalism - I guess heavily altered video qualifies as fair and balanced...

Nothing like altering the facts (video) to fit your agenda...

And Cal, maybe there is a reason MSM didn't cover it - Perhaps they actually saw through the heavily edited video and labeled O'Keefe for the publicity whore he is...

ACORN Cleared by Brooklyn DA in Big "Pimp/Prostitute" Probe

Kings County District Attorney Charles Hynes has concluded his investigation into possible criminality on the part of three ACORN employees caught on video giving advice to a couple posing as a prostitute and companion. (Though the right-wing gadflies who made the hidden camera video edited it to suggest that James O'Keefe was posing as the woman's pimp, the couple actually told ACORN employees he was trying to protect her from the pimp [PDF].) Yesterday Hynes cleared ACORN of any criminality...

Corbert really did a great job of skewering...

Fox and their love for hating ACORN all got the Colbert treatment recently. Best part: Colbert explains why James O’Keefe wasn’t really dressed like the pimp he pretended to be dressed as. “It was perfectly easy to explain. It was casual pimp Friday.”
That is an awful lot to draw from this simple press release.

Here is all that the press release says...
“On September 15, 2009, my office began an investigation into possible criminality on the part of three ACORN employees. The three had been secretly videotaped by two people posing as a pimp and prostitute, who came to ACORN’S Brooklyn office, seeking advice about how to purchase a house with money generated by their ‘business.’ The ‘couple’ later made the recording public. That investigation is now concluded and no criminality has been found.”

In chastising O'Keefe, Hannity, Limbaugh, etc. for leaping to conclusions, you are in fact leaping to conclusions not supported by the evidence...
To me the most telling thing about fox is how some of their announcers dumb themselves down to connect with and not speak over the head of the average fox viewer almost like they are speaking to children :rolleyes:

When Did Dumb Become the New Red? The ‘Dumbing Down’ of Americans for Political Gain

I really think Jon Stewart is onto something. Last night’s episode of the Daily Show served Gretchen Carlson’s head up on a silver platter and I couldn’t have been happier. Gretchen Carlson is one the many commentators on “Fox & Friends” who spew their fabrications and scare tactics to millions of viewers every day, with the hopes that those viewers will soon join their side. She was outed for ‘dumbing herself down’ by pandering to her audience while at the same time, successfully managing to convince yet more Americans that our President is a hybrid reincarnation of Stalin and Hitler (hence the ‘czar’ innuendo).

Kudos to you Gretchen Carlson, it takes a strong woman to reverse her own intelligence for the sake of a paycheck and some TV time.​
While some consider the Daily Show “just another piece of liberal propaganda” that pokes fun at the Republican Party, we all know there are hidden truths behind the sarcasm and wisecracks.

This clip basically sums up my point: YOU DON’T HAVE TO ACT LIKE AN IDIOT TO GET THEM TO JOIN YOUR CAUSE…unless of course you think your viewers are just too dumb to understand you. In that case, Gretchen has a whole different problem on her hands and she should probably be spending her days brainstorming about ways to fix our broken education system. Oh wait, she doesn’t need to worry about that, she was valedictorian of her class, graduated from Stamford, while spending time at Oxford and is a classically trained violinist; how very non-elitist of you. I’m sorry, but if you are using intelligence as a negative flaw, I think there is something seriously wrong with your rationale.​

Don’t worry Gretchen, you’re not alone! I have reason to suspect another famous female politician uses the same‘dumb-speak’ tactics to gain admiration from her audience…but I can’t help but think she is just really really dumb, so never mind, she is speaking to her peers (cough, cough, Mrs. Palin). I know, that was low, but I can never resist a chance to take a shot at her.
I’d like to go a step further and say that Fox & Friends themselves are taking a page right out of the hate group’s playbook and using Neo-Nazi recruiting tactics to gain followers and increase their numbers. That’s right guys, go after those marginalized gun-toting/religion-clinging patriots that Obama accidentally insulted last year…and then build up from there. Hmmmm, I think I’ve heard somewhere that they are a much easier target population.​
I guess if all the intelligent people are already taken, it really is slim pickins’ for ya’ll.
To me the most telling thing about fox is how some of their announcers dumb themselves down to connect with and not speak over the head of the average fox viewer almost like they are speaking to children :rolleyes:


FYI: the blog you cited does not give any proof. It is mere speculation by a clear propagandist based on a piece from a fake news show with no fact checking that habitually misrepresents and mocks non-liberals...
In chastising O'Keefe, Hannity, Limbaugh, etc. for leaping to conclusions, you are in fact leaping to conclusions not supported by the evidence...

Ah, if you look at the pdf link - it pretty much shows what they have as far as altering the video... (the link that is in the italicized section that I copied...)

Kid wanted his 15 minutes of fame, then he got hooked and did something really stupid - felony stuff for the wiretapping (or at least tampering with a federal phone) that he did after the Acorn/Pimp stunt...

And I bet Acorn will follow with a lawsuit of their own - the kid is in for a bunch of legal headaches, he better hope that Fox ponies up for a real good attorney.
To me the most telling thing about fox is how some of their announcers dumb themselves down to connect with and not speak over the head of the average fox viewer almost like they are speaking to children :rolleyes:

04 - I got to agree with the Gretchen Carlson stuff - the woman isn't dumb (honors in college) but she sure plays one on TV... It is embarrassing to watch her. Talk about wanting to fit in with a stereotype. Maybe it makes the men around her (and the ones who watch her) feel good :rolleyes:
04 - I got to agree with the Gretchen Carlson stuff - the woman isn't dumb (honors in college) but she sure plays one on TV... It is embarrassing to watch her. Talk about wanting to fit in with a stereotype. Maybe it makes the men around her (and the ones who watch her) feel good :rolleyes:

She can be the leader of a peasant revolt :eek: for the government keep your hands off my medicare protesters and other luminaries. :D

To the Lumber yard! (from Young Frankenstein) LOL :p
I'm just making fun here but to be fair many of Obama's supporters are no intellectual giants either.

There's more than enough "dumb" voters to go around, plenty for both parties to manipulate and exploit.

Am I going to believe you or my own eyes.

IMO She's obviously dumbing herself down in this video on HuffPo

again; DAILY SHOW!

They habitually edit to misrepresent. It gets a laugh and helps to de-legitimize those they disagree with.

In fact, in this clip they are not only selectively editing (cherry picking), they present things in such a way that mere circumstantial evidence seems to prove the narrative they place in the viewers mind. FYI: circumstantial evidence cannot prove anything.

Basically, the Daily Show takes Michael Moore's techniques and adds a comedic twist to it.

Want to cite a credible source? Maybe the full, unedited videos that Stewart was citing?

In fact, what Stewart is talking is something Colbert, Mahr and Stewart himself engage in on a daily basis! The MSM has been engaging in those types of deceptive techniques for longer then I have been alive.

You want to talk about condescending to your viewers, what do you call cherry picking information (thus denying viewers all the facts, or at least an accurate representation of them), misrepresenting certain arguments (thus denying viewers the chance to consider the actual argument) and subtly editorializing to draw a narrative (attempting to deny the viewer the chance to draw their own conclusions)?

That is what the MSM has been doing since the days of Cronkite (if not earlier). It is what they are still doing. It is what Stewart, Mahr and Colbert do for a living (albeit in a comedic manner).
As to the Acorn thing..

Fox you seem to be missing the point what the video shows is that they were willing to commit fraud and to hide criminal activity. But they never did in this video. So of course the DA is going to find no criminal activity. You actually have to commit a crime for their to be criminal activity. There also may be issues of entrapment here.

Neither of those facts makes the videos any less damning.

What you cited is a non-issue that you are blowing way out of proportion and drawing conclusions that the facts do not logically support.

There is no evidence that the video was edited in order to substantively mislead.
Another example of misleading very similar to what the Daily Show is doing in that clip, this time from the "documentary" Outfoxed:
Outfoxed: The Smoking Water Pistol

Does the "smoking gun" clip seen in the anti-Fox crockumentary tell us something about Carl Cameron? Or does it tell us something about the thieves who made "Outfoxed"?

Our friend CableNewser has a transcript of the "smoking gun" clip that shows Carl Cameron making small talk with President Bush on satellite but off-air. Read it, and then consider these questions...

Was Cameron's wife campaigning? He says she's been traveling around the state and "hanging out" with Dorothy Bush. The narrator says wife Pauline was campaigning, but does the clip say so? Cameron says Dorothy has been campaigning, and Pauline has been "with her".

Cameron goes on to discuss how "To hear Pauline tell it, when she started campaigning for you, she was a little nervous..." Maybe Cameron is talking about his wife; maybe he's talking about Dorothy Bush. It can be read both ways. But this "documentary" has no time for such subtleties as this. They take a position that fits their narrative, and don't bother them with such nitpicky trivia as research, confirmation, or accuracy. What kind of journalism is reflected in "Outfoxed" when something is this easy to nail down, and nobody bothered to do so? (There are more examples of this film's dirty tricks from Howard Kurtz.)

The Kurtz article in the Washington Post quotes Cameron as saying his wife never joined the campaign--a reponse the producers of this film didn't make any effort to obtain. But it's time to play "Let's Assume"...let's assume that Pauline Cameron did campaign for Bush. Unmentioned is this peculiar fact: Greta van Susteren's husband not only campaigns for John Kerry, he is one of Kerry's top fund-raisers. Why is this inconvenient detail not mentioned? Why is it that Carl Cameron is hopelessly "tainted", but Greta gets a pass? (Don't everybody raise your hands at once!)
As to the Acorn thing..

Fox you seem to be missing the point what the video shows is that they were willing to commit fraud and to hide criminal activity. But they never did in this video. So of course the DA is going to find no criminal activity. You actually have to commit a crime for their to be criminal activity. There also may be issues of entrapment here.

Neither of those facts makes the videos any less damning.

What you cited is a non-issue that you are blowing way out of proportion and drawing conclusions that the facts do not logically support.

There is no evidence that the video was edited in order to substantively mislead.
Shag - from the New York Post (Murdock's Post - not the overtly liberal Times;)...)

The video that unleashed a firestorm of criticism on the activist group ACORN was a "heavily edited" splice job that only made it appear as though the organization's workers were advising a pimp and prostitute on how to get a mortgage, sources said yesterday.

The findings by the Brooklyn DA, following a 5½-month probe into the video, secretly recorded by conservative provocateurs James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles, means that no charges will be filed.

Many of the seemingly crime-encouraging answers were taken out of context so as to appear more sinister, sources said.​
Maybe shag, you didn't get the part where the videos were heavily edited, you can't believe anything in the videos at this point - it is a slice and dice job. Unless they release the unedited versions, which appears unlikely, you throw it all out...

You can look at the transcripts and compare them to the videos - and who knows what editing happened before the transcripts were released...
again; DAILY SHOW!

They habitually edit to misrepresent. It gets a laugh and helps to de-legitimize those they disagree with.

Yep shag - The Daily Show - It is on the Comedy Network - it is comedy shag - not hard news.

But, have you watched Gretchen Carlson? She can't be that stupid - watch one airing of 'Fox and Friends' - she has to be pandering...
"Heavily edited" does not mean "edited to substantively mislead"

FYI: complete audio and complete transcripts are available in the links in the original post of this thread from September of 2009.

Here is what Andrew Breitbart wrote in the link from September 2009 where the FULL audio and FULL transcripts are available:
But I also know how my journalist friends are going to react. And so my advice to James is this: You can put this thing out your way, but you should also offer the full audio and full transcript so that people can hear and see them in their entirety – sans edits. So they can judge for themselves.

James agreed and has posted them on his website. We have posted the audio here...
You might want to do your homework before you parrot leftist talking points...
Ah, if you look at the pdf link - it pretty much shows what they have as far as altering the video... (the link that is in the italicized section that I copied...)

Kid wanted his 15 minutes of fame, then he got hooked and did something really stupid - felony stuff for the wiretapping (or at least tampering with a federal phone) that he did after the Acorn/Pimp stunt...

And I bet Acorn will follow with a lawsuit of their own - the kid is in for a bunch of legal headaches, he better hope that Fox ponies up for a real good attorney.
You FAIL at factchecking. The hotair story is old and has been updated with a more recent story. At present, O'Keefe isn't being charged with a felony, nor is wiretapping or phone interference among the charge.

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