A thread for the curious...

Jayce 1971

Active LVC Member
Dec 4, 2007
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but just haven't gotten around to the research!

Vote for Ron Paul in '08


This girl will be on (i mean at) the polls (poles) for Ron!


Some of Ron's philosophy







Typical Ron Paul media coverage


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8oO_OD3PtI This is hillarious!!!


There are alot of videos. Probably more than you have time to watch, but this might give you an idea on his stances, since lately the media doesn't seem to think him a viable candidate.
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Let's just clear something up- are you making a protest vote or do you honestly think he has a chance of winning the nomination or the primary?
I'm saying this

I won't endorse a candidate just because my party tells me "rally behind him for the win." I won't vote for bigger government (dem). My "platform" is simple.

1. I want the freedom to own as many firearms as I want.
2. I don't need the gvt telling me what's best for me (what I choose to indulge myself in or with). From my choice of vehicles to my choice of smokes.
3. We already have a constitution. Let's start living by IT. The "patriot" act is a joke. The 9/11 commission was a waste of money. The constitution has all the answers we need as a country, if we would take the time to read it.

That's about it. That's what I look for in a candidate. I don't care about charisma, eloquence, etc. I'm far past expecting a genuine leader. Ron Paul is a breath of fresh air not only for conservatives, but libertarians as well.
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So it's just a protest vote and you are aware that he has no chance of winning the primary or the general election.

After he loses every single state on Super Tuesday, and after he fails to win the nomination, what do you intend to do?
I would imagine that when Ron Paul fails to secure the Rep. nom. he will still run as an independent, so the Paulistas will still have someone to vote for. The way its looking, McCain is probably going to be the nomination for the Republican party, even though Id personally rather see Huckabee get it.
I would imagine that when Ron Paul fails to secure the Rep. nom. he will still run as an independent, so the Paulistas will still have someone to vote for. The way its looking, McCain is probably going to be the nomination for the Republican party, even though Id personally rather see Huckabee get it.

I think thats whats scares conservatives the most......Ron Paul running as a independent and taking just enough votes from the republicans that Obama or Clinton will get elected :eek:
The way I see it Paul is the most conservative candidate on the roster. What scares people away is that he's too extreme. He's presenting his view of how things should be, and would be under his presidency, but he' isn't offering any explanation or plan of HOW he is going to accomplish his goals for the country without tearing it to pieces.
He wants American citizens to not have to pay taxes. To achieve that he wants to shrink the size of the Federal government. Great! I'm all for it! But you can't just tell the government to get smaller over night. You can't simply scale down a structure that took years to build without demolishing it.
The U.S. government has been growing uncontrollably since the early 1900s, and in recent years has made the growth from then up to around just before Clinton's presidency look like a lump of chicken :q:q:q:q. To take apart an organization of such proportion as the federal government will take decades.
I would love to see a return to constitutional values, and a limited government in my lifetime, but we can not make that happen without a plan. And that I have not seen from Ron Paul. When he talks about his views of the country he makes it seem like they will happen overnight, and that scares people away.
If he would present a plan that would give us a start at cutting down the size of government, instead of just hammering it into submission overnight, I think he would get a little more serious consideration and attention from the media and the public.
I won't endorse a candidate just because my party tells me "rally behind him for the win." I won't vote for bigger government (dem). My "platform" is simple.

1. I want the freedom to own as many firearms as I want.
2. I don't need the gvt telling me what's best for me (what I choose to indulge myself in or with). From my choice of vehicles to my choice of smokes.
3. We already have a constitution. Let's start living by IT. The "patriot" act is a joke. The 9/11 commission was a waste of money. The constitution has all the answers we need as a country, if we would take the time to read it.

That's about it. That's what I look for in a candidate. I don't care about charisma, eloquence, etc. I'm far past expecting a genuine leader. Ron Paul is a breath of fresh air not only for conservatives, but libertarians as well.

Couldn't have said it better, my friend. The GOP is in for a rude awakening, considering the blueblood liberal wing is trying to rid the party of conservatives by promoting McCain. When conservatives stay home and Hillary gets elected, it will be the end of the Republican party as we know it and nobody can be blamed but the liberals IN the party, including McCain who authored McCain-Feingold.

My fellow conservatives listen up. It is not our fault that the Republican party cannot nominate a conservative candidate. It is the fault of the media, McCain and his blueblood ilk, and nobody else's. Fred has been rejected and this means what? It could be that the country has lost its love for conservatism. If so, the downward spiral will no longer happen gradually, but faster. So be it. Just remember, when the economy goes because the government printed too much money, I warned you. We could have cut spending. We didn't. We could have eliminated taxes. We didn't. Compromise always means defeat. That's why I won't compromise my vote, no matter what it means for the precious Republican Party that has abandoned me.

Bottom line - if McCain gets nominated, I'm staying home. If Romney gets nominated, I will probably stay home. If Huckabee gets nominated, I'll probably vote for him, but only by gritting my teeth. If any of the above happens and Ron Paul runs independent (which is highly unlikely), I'll vote for him.
And that I have not seen from Ron Paul. When he talks about his views of the country he makes it seem like they will happen overnight, and that scares people away.
If he would present a plan that would give us a start at cutting down the size of government, instead of just hammering it into submission overnight, I think he would get a little more serious consideration and attention from the media and the public.
He's articulated just such a plan when he's interviewed by media for more than eight seconds. He understands you can't do it overnight. Even his gold standard monetary fix is very gradual. The problem is, NOBODY is letting him speak to the American people in debates. He really does have a sound plan for fixing some of these problems. People like Bryan haven't heard these things b/c of the media blackout, so he and others like him assume they are wacky ideas. Nothing could be further from the truth.

If any of you have the time or the guts, go to RP's website and research his plans.
Bottom line - if McCain gets nominated, I'm staying home. If Romney gets nominated, I will probably stay home. If Huckabee gets nominated, I'll probably vote for him, but only by gritting my teeth. If any of the above happens and Ron Paul runs independent (which is highly unlikely), I'll vote for him.

By thinking this way or worse following thru you might as well vote blue.
By not voting or voting for Ron Paul as a indenpendent is the same as voting for the Dem's It takes away from the Republican candidate.
You think McCain or Romney are the same as Obama or Hillary ?
Every election it seems we have to decide between candidates we dont like.
Just pick the lesser of two evils.
If you have to vote for Ron Paul as a Independent so be it but he will never win.
By thinking this way or worse following thru you might as well vote blue.
By not voting or voting for Ron Paul as a indenpendent is the same as voting for the Dem's It takes away from the Republican candidate.
You think McCain or Romney are the same as Obama or Hillary ?
Every election it seems we have to decide between candidates we dont like.
Just pick the lesser of two evils.
If you have to vote for Ron Paul as a Independent so be it but he will never win.
Read Ann Coulter's column that I just posted. She has said she'll vote Hillary and even campaign for Hillary if McCain is nominated. What difference does it make whether I (and many others) vote blue or stay home? Either way we get Hillary. And if I vote McRomney, we get a liberal no matter what. I have been completely disenfranchised and I'm just giving in to what the NEW REPUBLICAN SOCIALIST PARTY wants - more big government, perpetual tax and welfare states, and wars that never end.

I don't have to vote for anybody if I don't want to. It's MY VOTE. I'm voting on my principles, and I'm not beholden to the Republican Party, just as they've demonstrated that they don't give a crap about my principles.

You're incorrect that voting for Ron Paul is a vote for Hillary. Many people who are anti-war would vote for Paul instead of Hillary, since by general election time she will have moderated her position and shown that she really doesn't want to bring troops home. This is a vulnerability that she has in a general vs. Ron Paul that nobody wants to admit, mainly b/c people are too busy calling RP a nutbag.

Look, I believe the Republican party is just as complicit in our country's slide into socialism as the Democrat Party is. The Republican party's job is to keep everyone asleep to the danger by continuing to retard the slide [pretend to be the good guys], however slight that retardation is. McCain is a departure from that retardation. He's more in line with Hillary's radical ideas for a socialist nation. He hates big business and capitalism, he hates Christians, he hates guns, he loves Washington and power. It's the republican party's job to convince me that they have a candidate that I can live with. They have failed in that effort so far, except for Ron Paul, whom they have ostracized.
Read Ann Coulter's column that I just posted. She has said she'll vote Hillary and even campaign for Hillary if McCain is nominated. What difference does it make whether I (and many others) vote blue or stay home? Either way we get Hillary. And if I vote McRomney, we get a liberal no matter what. I have been completely disenfranchised and I'm just giving in to what the NEW REPUBLICAN SOCIALIST PARTY wants - more big government, perpetual tax and welfare states, and wars that never end.

I don't have to vote for anybody if I don't want to. It's MY VOTE. I'm voting on my principles, and I'm not beholden to the Republican Party, just as they've demonstrated that they don't give a crap about my principles.

You're incorrect that voting for Ron Paul is a vote for Hillary. Many people who are anti-war would vote for Paul instead of Hillary, since by general election time she will have moderated her position and shown that she really doesn't want to bring troops home. This is a vulnerability that she has in a general vs. Ron Paul that nobody wants to admit, mainly b/c people are too busy calling RP a nutbag.

Look, I believe the Republican party is just as complicit in our country's slide into socialism as the Democrat Party is. The Republican party's job is to keep everyone asleep to the danger by continuing to retard the slide [pretend to be the good guys], however slight that retardation is. McCain is a departure from that retardation. He's more in line with Hillary's radical ideas for a socialist nation. He hates big business and capitalism, he hates Christians, he hates guns, he loves Washington and power. It's the republican party's job to convince me that they have a candidate that I can live with. They have failed in that effort so far, except for Ron Paul, whom they have ostracized.

I hear what your saying....my point is Ron Paul will never make it as a Independent, Him going Independent takes away from the Republican party which in turn helps the blue team.
You might not like McCain but you can't tell me he is just the same as Hillary :(....and its your vote I know do with it as you please... just go vote.
I hear what your saying....my point is Ron Paul will never make it as a Independent, Him going Independent takes away from the Republican party which in turn helps the blue team.
You might not like McCain but you can't tell me he is just the same as Hillary :(....and its your vote I know do with it as you please... just go vote.
McCain is worse than Hillary because the Republicans will have no choice but to follow him...all the way to destruction and ruin. As Rush (and now Ann Coulter) have said, if the president's going to ruin the country, better that the Dems get credit for it.

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