2002 STS vibration

This is a front wheel drive. In my experience, a bad front wheel bearing will make a loud roar and I can't remember ever changing one of the rear sealed bearings (not at the moment, anyway).

I'm still holding out 'til Ron wears out his tires and gets new ones. I'm hopeful that will be the magic moment.
I have checked the wheel bearings, multiple times. They're perfect as far as I can see. No play at all in any direction, no roaring noise/sound either and no play in any of the ball joints.
I recently talked to somebody who had vibration in a DTS. He had a crack in one of the rotors. So I checked those too. Nothing wrong. no different or extra vibration while braking.

The decrease in vibration I noticed when it was a really hot day, was fenominal and the only thing that was different in my opinion, was the temperature of the tires.

In the mean time......I turn off the traction control a lot of times to speed things up as far as wearing out of the tires go and tell myself that it's good for the enigne too, just to have an excuse....
STS vibration

After a year I got tired of the vibration and decided to take it to a Cadillac dealership and had them diagnose the problem.
They said the belts in the tires were shifted. I agreed to 4 new tires. They advised Continental contact.
After the new tires were mounted I took it for a test drive. The car still vibrates only now it starts at 105 kmh as initially it started at 95 kmh.
Then the rotors were warped. I agreed to have the rotors replaced. It's better but the virbation is still there.
$1400 lighter and still vibration. According the dealership many STS's have this problem and brand new cars have been returned to Cadillac in the past because of this problem but they don't know what's causing it.
comes with the car...............

Not happy.

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