1972 Continental Power Window Problem


New LVC Member
Jun 21, 2011
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Mammoth Lakes
Just bought a 1972 Lincoln Continental, all origianl fr original owner. 1 issue is that he said the power windows all stopped working at the same time and he never fixed them.
The power doors and seats etc all work fine. He said he asked an electrician and they said it could b a relay or fuse?
Any advice?? first old car, so we are novices.
First off if they all quit at the same time then it most likely is NOT the window motors since they would not all break at the same time. You have a main power issue that powers all the window motors. You need access to a wiring diagram to find where power comes in at. I would check all fuses as you were told. Some cars feed off drivers door switch to all other windows. The wires that come in from the body to the door [that big harness in door jam] those wires can chaffe and break inside because the driver door gets opened and closed some much. Those wires have to bend every time the door is opened and closed. You could have broken wire in there if all else checks out.

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