¿What is up with the main page?

:I i like the new look and the T-Shirt Model can stay. :gr_devil:
Joey can you get us a shot of the backside of that Tshirt, PLEASE? This is strictly a commercial request. I have seriously been considering buying that shirt but would like to see the back first :)
Site looks and is good no matter what.

Heres the back to the T-Shirt......

I like the change ! It's always good to change it up at times. Maybe a front pic of my ride would look nice in the upper righthand corner ! :Beer
Great Job

This innovation thing is what keeps us coming back. It has nothing what so ever to do with the cars and the beautiful t-shirt models. Wait, hang on my glass is empty again. Damn that is the 8th time in the last 15 minutes that I have had to fill up this damn glass. Can someone help me. There seems to be a big hole in the top of my glass. And no matter how much Captain Morgan I pour in it keeps getting empty. Great job guys.
bufordtpisser said:
This innovation thing is what keeps us coming back. It has nothing what so ever to do with the cars and the beautiful t-shirt models. Wait, hang on my glass is empty again. Damn that is the 8th time in the last 15 minutes that I have had to fill up this damn glass. Can someone help me. There seems to be a big hole in the top of my glass. And no matter how much Captain Morgan I pour in it keeps getting empty. Great job guys.

Arggh! Drink from the bottle matie!
Site is looking great as always, The model on the front page lovin it. :Beer

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