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  1. Birdie

    SOS. In dire need of info. Nobody knows whats wrong. What is this? Why is alignment always screwed up and no answer for why? Im about to give up.

    Sometimes that one back one plays around and makes banging noise like its going to straight up come off, wobbles doing city speed limit and even at low speeds in a parking lot it has that wobble. Ive gotten out and had my partner get in and let it roll so I can see from behind, it wiggles...
  2. Birdie

    SOS. In dire need of info. Nobody knows whats wrong. What is this? Why is alignment always screwed up and no answer for why? Im about to give up.

    No front. Im told the front is fine and no damage or inconsistencies. Its this one specific back wheel being dumb and one guy who checked it out did admit that ones messed up and not in fact fine but he doesnt know why. The car sits lower in back, especially that side and Im not sure why or if...
  3. Birdie

    SOS. In dire need of info. Nobody knows whats wrong. What is this? Why is alignment always screwed up and no answer for why? Im about to give up.

    I am insanely frustrated and looking at trading it off. Yall on the forum are truly my last hope. Car has been repeatedly having issues despite a bottomless pit of visits to every shop in town who will take it and "repairs"... It immediately goes to toe in, and I believe the term is "negative...
  4. Birdie

    This car is all kinds of stressing me out... any advice??

    A happy update, SHE LIVES! My partner managed to get the trunk open for me bc the key wasnt turning when I tried. We ended up taking the battery to get tested and recharged, I put that back in. It started right up, I drove it like a mile down the road and then back again, ran it around the...
  5. Birdie

    This car is all kinds of stressing me out... any advice??

    The key wont work. The trunk mustve been replaced. Itll go in but not turn either way. Thats why I was asking. Sorry that sounded stupid to you but the key has never worked for the trunk itself.
  6. Birdie

    This car is all kinds of stressing me out... any advice??

    So in my town no one can read codes for it EXCEPT the Ford Dealership bc the car wont *give* the codes to anyone else. The mechanics come here and use code readers and it gives absolutely zero info, on anything. Its broken down before, in September, over an MAF sensor and had to be put on a...
  7. Birdie

    This car is all kinds of stressing me out... any advice??

    So. Ill preface this with normally Im not such a wreck over dumb stuff but lifes been slamming me with one thing right after another lately with no signs of stopping. This was the cherry on top of the sh*t sundae. The other day we got our first snow while I was out overnight. I didnt get a...
  8. Birdie

    My LS just... stopped working. Does anyone have any idea what the hecks going on? My mechanics are STUMPED on a potential diagnosis.

    Im so shocked honestly that so few people thought of the MAF sensor and that was their vote. So many of the dozens of ppl ive talked to and all of the mechanics whove come to look voted throttle body or fuel issue. We had a few rule outs, fuel issue was one of them, none of us knew what the heck...
  9. Birdie

    My LS just... stopped working. Does anyone have any idea what the hecks going on? My mechanics are STUMPED on a potential diagnosis.

    UPDATE: It was a bad MAF sensor and we got it running again. Guy on facebook told me his did the EXACT same thing and turned out to be an MAF sensor. So I figured his story similar enough to be worth a shot to change it. We changed it, jump started the car, and it was entirely fine and runs...
  10. Birdie

    My LS just... stopped working. Does anyone have any idea what the hecks going on? My mechanics are STUMPED on a potential diagnosis.

    Actually yes! We just did about half an hour ago and I came here to update everyone :) someone on facebook told me a story about theirs doing exactly that when their MAF sensor went out so it was worth a try to change it out. I picked one up at a parts store today (was marked up to 72 dollars...
  11. Birdie

    Angry computers? Random codes. No start.

    Oh gosh man, Im so sorry :( no advice or insight for ya but mines doing dumb shit too right now. Throttle went slack and quit responding while I was driving it, then it wouldnt restart at all just starts up for a second and immediately dies. No lights. No codes. Nothing. 2003 V8, 46k miles. What...
  12. Birdie

    My LS just... stopped working. Does anyone have any idea what the hecks going on? My mechanics are STUMPED on a potential diagnosis.

    I will look at other threads. Today itd start up for a split second then die :( im hoping its just a pump. Ill go read what other people have wrote about their LS being wonky like this
  13. Birdie

    My LS just... stopped working. Does anyone have any idea what the hecks going on? My mechanics are STUMPED on a potential diagnosis.

    It sure tries but wont start and run :/ today the mechanic came over to run some tests and said itd start up for a split second then die. Car didnt catch any air through the intersection, literally was only about 20 some to 30 then gave out
  14. Birdie

    My LS just... stopped working. Does anyone have any idea what the hecks going on? My mechanics are STUMPED on a potential diagnosis.

    I just put fuel in it right before and there was absolutely no way it burned through 75% of a tank driving less than 30 miles in 2 days. It definitely has fuel, at least half a tank.
  15. Birdie

    My LS just... stopped working. Does anyone have any idea what the hecks going on? My mechanics are STUMPED on a potential diagnosis.

    I have no clue but Im willing to bet they havent been changed ever in the cars lifetime I have a Carfax report for it, tons of oil changes, a few sets of new tires, tire rotations, washes and details, reallignments, wiper blades, but literally nothing else lol it was a government owned vehicle...
  16. Birdie

    My LS just... stopped working. Does anyone have any idea what the hecks going on? My mechanics are STUMPED on a potential diagnosis.

    It definitely had half of a tank full. I will absolutely ask about this when it goes to the shop.
  17. Birdie

    My LS just... stopped working. Does anyone have any idea what the hecks going on? My mechanics are STUMPED on a potential diagnosis.

    Ive had some people look at it, I had another person come over with a code reader this morning after I left work, it still doesnt give codes and I was told without that theres no telling :/
  18. Birdie

    My LS just... stopped working. Does anyone have any idea what the hecks going on? My mechanics are STUMPED on a potential diagnosis.

    I have a 2003 V8, 46,xxx miles. The thing just gave up while I was driving to the store one day. I came to an intersection, the light turned yellow so I gunned it across the intersection. Wasnt abusing the car by any means, sped up from like 20 some to 30 mph to make the light and the throttle...
  19. Birdie

    Official LS Picture Thread

    Heres mine. All stock and in wonderful condition. Currently not running and no one knows what the hell is wrong with it. Im sad. Been after one since forever and felt so lucky to find this one. Got it quite recently and its not even got 50k miles on it and already died :(