Recent content by Opajoe

  1. Opajoe


    Cool, I will surely give it a try. Thanks
  2. Opajoe


    I'm in driver, somewhere between 30 and 45 when it happens. It's not consistent and kinda feel a little hesitant when it happen. I'll try the Mac V. Can I get this anywhere?
  3. Opajoe

    Rear window rubber seal rippling

    I'm sure this has been talked about but I'm new to this site and still trying to get my fat fingers in the right spot. Ok, I bought a 94 Mark Vlll and that black seal around the rear window has waves. Other then replacing the window is there a fix? Thanks guys/gals
  4. Opajoe


    Just bought this Mark Vlll and there's a vibration. It's like running over groves in the road. You know those groves that tell you you're crossing the center line.