Has anyone ever removed the Lincoln hump from the trunk?


Active LVC Member
Nov 14, 2004
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Just wondering if someone has ever removed the Lincoln hump from the trunk and rewelded it back together and painted it?

Would be cool to see pics of that if it has been done.
Dude.... If I were u I would erase this thread... I remember one other person posted this same question a few months back &... well, let me tell you, it's frowned upon BIG TIME on this forum. Everyone will give you the same opinion, the hump is a signature look from the Mark series Lincolns, taking it off not only looks bad, making it look like a mid 90's Infinity J30. It looks weird.
Ewww. A J30 Infiniti. No thanks.

I'm not going to do it, I'm just wondering if its ever been done and what does it look like.

I LIKE my humps.
Here is the picture that Geno did sometime ago.
I think it looks good, that being said I dont think I could ever bring myself to do it. I cut up a lot of cars and done some crazy stuff but at the end of the day what makes the Mark a Mark is the Hump!

that looks better than i would have thought
dam that looks good.

the only thing that makes these cars "old people cars" is the hump...But all the modifications to have no hump would be to much.
Please correct me if im wrong but i thought the "hump" was a Mark styling thing from the beginning?!?!? Wasnt it for the spare tire to sit upright?? Why remove something that is a trade mark of that model?? You dont like it buy an Infiniti.
I'd ditch it in a second if I could figure out what exactly to do to the trunk to keep it from looking like a J30... Would have to put a spoiler of some sort on there, but even then you could end up with:


Which isn't any better.. I think the only way it could work is with a pretty sizable lip spoiler.
No no no no

Here is the picture that Geno did sometime ago.
I think it looks good, that being said I dont think I could ever bring myself to do it. I cut up a lot of cars and done some crazy stuff but at the end of the day what makes the Mark a Mark is the Hump!

AGREED: Here we go again. Now I could see someone actually putting part of an old CONTINENTAL KIT there with just enuff sticking up to look COOL. Won't someone who can PHOTOSHOP GOOD do that. PLEASE
i clicked on this to make sure this was the same one that was posted a few months ago...apparently there are more than one of you.....i am loosing faith in this community
You stepped in a PILE with this one!!!!!

LOL!! It was just one of those weird things that I think about. But man, I hate the way the J30 looks like from the rear. if the mark rear would look like that, then yuck.

Well what about putting a full on Contenential spare tire kit on the rear of the mark. You know, the whole bumper extension thingy, the massive chrrome plated spare tire cover, the whole ball of wax. :D:D

Just wondering if someone has ever removed the Lincoln hump from the trunk and rewelded it back together and painted it?

Would be cool to see pics of that if it has been done.

Well what about putting a full on Contenential spare tire kit on the rear of the mark. You know, the whole bumper extension thingy, the massive chrrome plated spare tire cover, the whole ball of wax. :D:D


wow put the weed down man, from one extreme to the other, just leave it alone

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