Beach Party Update


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
Reaction score
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Met with community members about the Beach Party. Looks like the Chamber is staying interested in having the Beach Party. They are looking for new Ideas and they have lost money the last few years.

I suggested that the Beach Party be moved down town and held on Main Street, and to include other city groups. A few of the churches are going to also hold some fund raises. I offered the evening Drag races to the Loin's Club to use a a 50/50 contest where the winner takes 50% of the purse, other 50% will go to our local hospitals ER renovation. (May be necessary for next years races).

We are trying to get our local motorcycle group Biker's Helping Friends to get involved also. This is a group who through the year sponsors motorcycle cruises as a fundraiser for area causes or for people who need help due to illness or personal misfortunes. I may offer the Drag race to them or offer them the Grand Prix Race as a fund raiser.

The Boscobel Lions Club is going to hold there annual duck race down the creek that weekend. People can purchase a little rubber duck that is numbered. First one down the Creek wins. (Cash Prizes).

What I'm trying to do is make this weekend more of a community event.

I've suggested having a flea Market along Our Newly Completed Creek Park or an Art Show.

I'm hoping with the invasion of LvC this weekend we can have a lot of fun utilizing our community.

I've suggested also to the Chamber that maybe the reduce the concert portion of the Beach Party to a DJ during the day or late afternoon and then getting an area band that wouldn't cost them so much where we could offer the Beach Party Free to all. The point isn't so much the music as it is the Party and Fun.

I also suggested holding the Car Show on Main Street where we close off Main street Allowing the participants to Park their cars up and down Main street for people to view.

I'll Up Date more as we have more meetings.

Oh I am going to hold a bi-weekly cruise inn at our local A&W starting in Spring. I am hoping this will help draw more cars for the Car Show and Cruise.

Yes, Pepperman I know... not the DQ... Sorry.. A&W has a bigger parking lot and is designed more like a 50's Drive Inn minus the Bell-Hops. Plus the owner owns some classic cars. Vet, Chevelle, and a Hot Rod, he's also the father of Cassie's B/F...
DQ would be cool, but A&W goes better with a car show. Looking foward to it.
We could always get another car club involved. This is Lincolns versus Cadicraps, right? So lets get some Caddie owners and do some pink slip races :) THAT will bring in a few people :)
Oh ya, that works too! So let me get this right. This event went from a quiet backyard fry and city cruise pretty much exclusive to Lincoln owners, primary Mark VIIIs, too a duel of the bands, beer guzzling country how-down for families of all sizes????

I might need a vacation from this vacation.
Country how-down. Wait just a minute! I didn't get that memo!! What the heck is going on here? Or there?? What's....

Duck races? I freakin love duck races! I'm in:confused:
Well you have to remember or know that the Beach Party started during a chat night when the members in chat suggested we have a summer meet. I said that I could organize a meet because I have off all summer, but it would have to be in my area where I had more resources.

Everyone agreed that Boscobel would be a good place. I mentioned that we had a summer event with concerts in the park that a local committee name the Boscobel Beach Party. They said that sounded like a good place to start, and so the meet was set.

The Beach Party committee heard of our Meet and wanted to incorporate it with their event to try to draw more people. So the committee suggested a car cruise and car show. Thus, our meet got linked to a community event.

What happened was the LvC members who attended had a lot of fun and decided that we should do it again in 07. We had a blast with the Grill out and bonfire, car cruise, and Beach Party. Lots of relaxing fun.

So, what happened. Well, our local chamber of commerce is not the most productive group. They were looking at the Beach Party as a money making project, not as a community event to promote the city and offer something for the residence to do. A thank you for supporting our area businesses. Because the event cost more to put on than was taken in the chamber decided to $hit can the Beach Party.

A few people who worked on setting things up decided to take on the project ourselves and incorporate other local groups to participate and make this a city wide promotion, and a fun time for our citizens, and also a draw from other close cities. Once the chamber saw that things were going on with out them they decided to get back involved (bummer they'll end up screwing things up).

For our part most of the meet is centered around LvC and our membership. We join the event in the car cruise and car show. Then enjoy food drinks and music for the night. This is my part of the Beach Party (which I've heard is getting re-named).

We are delegating out to other groups the opportunity to hold events this day to give community members something to do and have a great time.

There has been talk about an art show along the creek, the duck races (which is an annual Lion's Club event), the car whole in one give away, the drag races (mind you these will be very interesting LOL).

So, there's the beef on the Beach Party....

If this doesn't make sense oh well... just come and have fun.. there will be what Unity said... back yard relaxing fun... with a little more for everyone.

My personal goal is to have a fun time for LvC members. Also to make this a possible family event for members and their families if they wish to bring their families. Something for everyone to do.

So come and enjoy....
Cool. Well I have to ask an important question about the beach party. Something that has concerned me ever since it was brought up. I think this is something others may want to know too, but are too afraid to ask. It is important after all and SOMEONE should bring it up or this could all be for nothing and I would hate to have the whole event ruined. So I will step up and ask. Do we have to bring our own duck?
Cool. Well I have to ask an important question about the beach party....... It is important after all and SOMEONE should bring it up or this could all be for nothing and I would hate to have the whole event ruined. So I will step up and ask. Do we have to bring our own duck?

Only if you are from Oklahoma...:shifty:
How about a trip to a bone yard that has some Lincolns where people if they need a part or two, can get what they need.
Quite frankly, if the only events were a meet and greet and bingo, I'd come. To me the whole point of this thing is to hang out with the LvC crew and have fun. Everything else is gravy.

That being said, it sound like there is some really good gravy being cooked up down there. Good job Rich! And thanks for all the work you're putting into this.:yourock: :bow:
Well things are looking interesting... can't wait for you guys to see what I have cooked up LOL.... Oh and not just the burgers... LOL...

There is going to be a lot of surprises and fun.. oh and I do mean surprises.. LOL...

Nothing that would kill you well maybe Pepperman but LOL...
Well things are looking interesting... can't wait for you guys to see what I have cooked up LOL.... Oh and not just the burgers... LOL...

There is going to be a lot of surprises and fun.. oh and I do mean surprises.. LOL...

Nothing that would kill you well maybe Pepperman but LOL...

as long as im not in handcuffs im good, i can handle another $5 parking ticket, hell i should ask barney how much to park there all week
Quick, someone paste the photo of Chicken and the Man. I tried, but alas, I am too computer stupid. It's in Nyssa's Boscobel thread in this forum. Every time I see it I laugh. Sorry Chicken.
Quick, someone paste the photo of Chicken and the Man. I tried, but alas, I am too computer stupid. It's in Nyssa's Boscobel thread in this forum. Every time I see it I laugh. Sorry Chicken.

Here you go Eric.

So, what are you willing to do to get his attention this year? With more going on in town, it may take more than parking in the wrong place. It will likely cost more than $5, too.
Well we could bring my cousins Kripsy Creme truck, but put a big sign on it that say "This truck reserved for officer XXXXX" :)
Had another meeting on Tuesday... first time more area groups attended. So there will be things going on.

The Nurses from the Hospital are planning on some kind of Triathlon.. Something to do with bed races...

Also everything is going to be held down on Mainstreet. After the cruise we will be parking our cars on Mainstreet for the car show. All parking slots will be reserved for our cars.

I'm still looking for a local group to pick up the drag races. They will be going on all day and night, but we will be on the cruise for a good portion of the time so I can't do them.

Hope you guy are in tune for racing... because I'm going to be kicking your @sses....
Well we could bring my cousins Kripsy Creme truck, but put a big sign on it that say "This truck reserved for officer XXXXX" :)

Would be funny... we could have chicken driving it around town with our locals chasing it down.

But be careful chicken.. they are used to shooting their prey... (remember this is a hunting area... you wouldn't be thought of as breaking the law but prey being ambushed).

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