Fan not working


Dedicated LVC Member
Aug 18, 2012
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I'll try to make this direct, and simple.... the radiator fan (and a/c) stopped working on my 1994 , 102k miles...the car has never overheated while driving, or at all, the ac worked last summer;
troubleshooting, to no avail.....tried 3 different vlcm's, no change, tried 2 ecu's, no change, tried two fans, no change; both fans run when jumped with 12 volts directly from the battery; the plastic connector from the the vlcm to the fan is gone- I'm directly wiring the two outside wires (blue (+) balck (-) to the fan motor...with both ecu's and two different vlcm's there is 14 volts going from the vlcm to the fan with Max AC on or off; the fan will not run with MAX AC on or off; the fan does not run with the coolant temp sensor unplugged; a Mark VIII old timer that currently has about 20 of them informed me that the fan has to run for the AC compressor to engage; i jumped the low pressure cycle switch, that changed nothing; I also checked the ac clutch coil terminals for continuity; it has infinite ohms so it's probably bad, but I don't think that's why the fan isn't working, I might try another EATC;
Did you check the fan plug ? Those melt all the time.
I eliminated it and hardwired the fan motor; blue (+) black outside wire (-) middle black wire capped off; I should also mention that this past winter I did something really bad; I hooked up jumper cables backwards onto the Mark VIII, which killed the battery and alternator.....I thought that was all it did, maybe not. Although I tried a different ecu and vlcm and got the same results; I'm ordering a variable speed fan controller from DCControl, FK45

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