Russiagate is this generation's WMD


Dedicated LVC Member
Aug 30, 2005
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There was never any collusion. Never any crime to justify the investigation. Anyone capable of free thought knew this.

But a far too large number of people willfully bought into the lies; willfully allowed themselves to be gaslit.

The ever propagandizing national media needed to extend the Russia 2 minutes hate not only to cover Hillary's election loss, but their own prejudice and active shilling for the Democrat party that was proven in the Podesta emails released by WikiLeaks. Instead of discussing the substance of those emails, their natural response was to attack the messenger. Since WikiLeaks wasn't a substantive enough target to sustain the narrative, they point a finger at the easy scapegoat of Russia, which Hillary was demonizing through out the campaign. When Trump won, it was easy to say Russian interference was why and extending that narrative out as a means to undermine the Trump administration. The substance of the WikiLeaks emails long forgotten.

The media that perpetuated this have ZERO credibility. And they, and anyone citing them as a source going forward deserve NOTHING but ridicule. But, this is the side of the aisle that is incapable of self-reflection. Just watch, certain progressive trolls we have here will fail to show any self-reflection on this matter, instead, finding some other lie to use and point the finger at their enemy. It is simply what progressives do.

This should be a wake-up call to reevaluate the sources you get your news from. Anyone perpetuating this hoax for years is not a reliable source. They deceived you.

It's official: Russiagate is this generation's WMD
It's fun watching them implode from within their Dysfunction ...all I can say is 4 more years!
Then there's this ...

MIddle Class: There's A Revival Going On Under Trump | Investor's Business Daily

Amazing what can happen when funding for socialist programs iis lifted from the backs of the middle class.

That's what most people don't understand about Socialism. The middle class mostly disappears... Because they are forced to fund the lower class.

The perfect example is Obamacare. The majority of middle class people complained about it... because as their rates went up, their coverage went down.
Then there's this ...

MIddle Class: There's A Revival Going On Under Trump | Investor's Business Daily

Amazing what can happen when funding for socialist programs iis lifted from the backs of the middle class.

That's what most people don't understand about Socialism. The middle class mostly disappears... Because they are forced to fund the lower class.

The perfect example is Obamacare. The majority of middle class people complained about it... because as their rates went up, their coverage went down.
Yup I'm middle class and had to pay in this year ... Thanks Obama care ...
Boy... the more I listen to... the deeper it gets... and the more people involved directly.



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And on another note...

The WMD's did exist. I had a buddy years ago, (who has since moved, and we lost touch), that was in the Marines during that time.

He was part of the group that watched them being transported in to Afghanistan... and the orders were to do nothing but observe.

He considered re-upping when his term was served... but when he found out he was to be "chipped", (one to locate him... and the other to short circuit his nervous system if captured), he backed out.
The above audio clip was supposed to be crickets chirping.

On another interesting note... looks like there was still collusion.

Russian Collusion Investigation: It Was Hillary Clinton All Along

Can anyone say "indictment"?
It’s really sad that the media and News Reporters, who have been humiliated by Trumps impeccable Super Power to see right through their phony and narcissistic personalities, can’t even tell the truth about Hilarity Clinton’s evil and greedy plot to become even richer off the middle class...Sorry Hilarious Clinton ...No socialism on Trumps watch ...Truth will always prevail eventually
Folks in this country are stupidly spoiled by a high standard of living right out of the cradle. I'm first gen American with both parents escaping Soviet Bolshevics during WWII. Either would have been shot on sight or Siberian work camps until death.
You have No Idea how it sickens me when Ocasio Cortez and Bern out Sanders grab a mic with their Lilly soft hands and flap their gums on socialism. To think these people are actually potty trained is one of the worlds great wonders. Along with the other 64 million zombies that voted for hiliary..... No wonder why God wanted to snuff out this human species until Jesus stepped in. Trump is a manifestation of the 3 percenters that organized the continentals to fight off the Brits at the forming of this Great country. About time a man with back bone leads us. He must stand tall against the Liars, cheaters and moral degenerates of the Liberal leftists. The system self strengthens against him with Sorros voting machines and treasonous court rulings. Our cities are terminally infected with unsustainable socialistic ideals and its spreading threw out the burbs every minute. They all want Free, Free, Free!!! A day will come when it all ends ..... and things again will be either Right or Wrong. Survival of the fittest demands an end to all the social dead weight. Its coming ;)
how'd that durham report work out?
nothing to see here?
big nothing burger?
nobody indicted?

fox news imploding over lying to their viewers?
right calling everyone pedo's when they are full of them.
geatz, ralph shortey. who was a campaign chair for trump.
here's a list.

trump is finally getting his due bill barr kept away while in office.
election fraud? he is a fraud stealing money like he always has.
people just stupidly give it up like they do to churches.
Every Rightist accusation is a deflection and self-confession. We've this over and over and over ad nauseam.

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