Who's got Tattoos post them


The Real Deal
Jun 6, 2004
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i will start.

Picture 79.jpg
Here is one of 3 of mine.....going to be getting another one in a few weeks....more pix then.

Oh, and this one was taken about 80 pounds heavier ago.....

Pepp, I like that tat I've never seen one of those before same with you wykd. I want a tatoo but my mom said I got to wait tell I'm 18, it I want something on my back across it or on my bicept sayin something about my Dad.
Lincolnpimpin, I believe it is a state law that you have to be at least 18 years old before getting a Tattoo, do alot of research first before getting one make sure a tattoo is what you want, because once it is on it is permanent. There are alot of designs out there select the one you want or design a custom tattoo with something about your dad on it, do a google search on tattoos, good luck :Beer
Here is mine, on my left calf. This was right after it was done, so it is much brighter, the skin is a little red, and the hair is shaved off. :eek:

Tattoo, 04-16-04.JPG
ill have to take mine latter on but you can see part of it in the vacation pics
pepperman said:
Josh, that tattoo is cool , what do the words mean :cool:

I am scottish, clan McAlister. That is my clan crest, and the words are the clan motto. "Per Mare, Per Terras" means "By Sea, By Land"...which would be said by sea and by land. "Fortiter" means "Boldly", and every part of the crest has symbolic meaning.
I guess I hafta repost this......cause some moron that has TOO much time on his/her hands hacked the site........ :N

Here's my new tattoo. just got it a couple of hours ago. It's great when your brother in law is also one of the best tattoo artists around.
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