Official Plasti-Dip Thread

what is the longest someone has left a portion of their daily-driver plastidipped before removal? did it fade/peel/chip at all? and did it ruin anything underneath? from what i have read it seems like no one has stuck with what they did for very long. I only think it makes sense on something that is completely fubar (ie my entire car except the chrome waterfall & window trim, lights). I will probably test it on my old fender and leave it out in the elements at my buddys shop for the next yr or so since it doesnt seem like anyone has thoroughly tested it for extended periods. if it doesnt hold up for 3-5 yrs i dont want it.
My winter wheels have been dipped for about 3-4 months with no issues. I will be re-doing them with paint and clear on top for a more permanent solution.
I did all my window trim about 4 months ago.. not sure if its from this hot summer or what, but the parts that are laying horizontal (or directly facing the sun) has been turn to a liquid mess as of lately.. gets all over anything that touches it.. anyone else have this problem?
yeah I had noticed it a bit on my arm, not like that but little pieces from my window trim, remember it is rubber so it will melt especially when applied thin. I will be paining my trim soon with real paint.
I really like how the mirrors turned out. One more reason to love this car. :D
More pics from cell phone.

Did a little experimenting as I need something that meets the following criteria for winter:

1) Smoother - Due to Plasti-Dip's texture, salt sticks too easily to the wheels. They were also a little difficult to clean.
2) Resists tire shine - Plasti-Dip + silicone-based tire dressing = dissolved!
3) Wheel sealant of choice (FK1000p, amazing stuff) can be applied to the wheels - Can't wax a rough surface, can ya?!

Did 1 mist + 2 heavy coats of dip. Cured for 24h, followed by 2 medium-heavy coats of semi-gloss clear 1h apart. Don't mind the texture, it's wood after all. For my wheels, I will also be using a glossy clear for better results. FYI, right after application, the color of the dip changed to gray. Once it dried though, black was restored :)


Going to test if it peels off next..
Will a tire mounting machine peel up the plastidip? Trying to decide if I should plastidip the wheels before new tires are put on or after.
Will a tire mounting machine peel up the plastidip? Trying to decide if I should plastidip the wheels before new tires are put on or after.

I'm sure it would. No tire shop will take the time to not scratch it enough to peel it off.
I tried the dip + clear on something smooth this time. Pics tonight..
It's not very pretty, let's just say for now :shifty: It might've been due to my method of application (rather heavy).
There wasn't much until I applied the clear. It kinda bubbled up (tiny air pockets everywhere) and stayed that way lol.
Here we go;


Like I said, the look is quite textured and bubbly, not pretty in my eye. The surface feels smooth on the other hand, and more robust. Mind you, I used semi-gloss clear coat as that's all I had on hand.

My applications were rather heavy, which might've contributed to the texture. I will re-do it with lighter coats.


As far as removal goes, it's not as nice as peeling off the 'dip on its own as the clear makes the surface much harder and removes its elastic properties. Again, this might get better with my next attempt using lighter coats. I'm sure you could paint over it, then clear, and still be able to remove it all. Granted, it will take a lot of effort though.
I used the plasti dip black and glossifier and got a very smooth surface on my wheels. But they are hard to clean. They feel a slight bit tacky but the color doesn't come off.
Plasti-dipped my grille a bit ago.
the chrome ws peeling so i pulled it all off, sanded it smooth, and sprayed it.
my bumper needs a respray i know... :shifty:


3x light coats:


Much better. Removal is just as difficult. I think I'll paint over it (black) and then clear to remedy the textured look.

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