when I floor it, the trans pushes me into the next gear??

Alright, Jackass... You think rednecks are low class because we hunt and kill? You think you're superior to other people because you live in "the city"? I have news for you, skippy. If society ever breaks down, we rednecks are like the cockroaches. We'll be here long after your bones are buried and dry. We can fend for ourselves, feed and shelter ourselves out in the middle of nowhere, and in general, survive. Why? Because we're not squeamish about gutting a deer. We're not squeamish about eating what we kill. And because we're resilient.

Now then, you speak of every poor person being able to afford a Mark VIII. Personally, I've owned at least one Mark VIII since 1994. I've had a 94, 95, 96, 97 and 98. I still have a 97 and a 98, both in LSC trims. The 98 is not stock, but you'd know this had you pulled your head out of your ass and used the search feature.

But tell me, how's this for a cheap car that even a "redneck" can afford? Never mind that it was bought new.

I'd show you my other cars, but frankly, I don't have the need for everyone here to like me based on my rides. The regulars here also know of my 08 F450 and 03 F250, both "chipped" and worked on (that, incidentally put down more that "500 HP". But this is about cars, since every redneck seems to own a pick-up truck.

Some of the people here who know me in real life know what else I have for cars, and that's enough. As it's already common knowledge around here that this redneck owns this car, I present you with my 2005 CL65 AMG.

1 of 142 made in 05. That's right. 142 made by the AMG division of Mercedes. How's that for exclusivity? This one is Kleemann tuned, 846Ft lbs of torque at 2000 RPM and 705 HP at ~4200 RPM. 0-60 right at 3.9 seconds... if the acceleration Gods favor me that day, and I can get traction. Would your Cobra take me in acceleration? Yeah... to about 60MPH. After that, your little Cobra is just another pony car, like all the other gazillion Cobras out there.

This car's top speed 219MPH confirmed by some Law Enforcement pals of mine, in a controlled environment. I just couldn't squeeze that extra 1MPH for the life of me. But I suppose a $200K dollar car isn't "impressive" enough for you, right? Maybe you can go buy yourself one. They are dropping in price what with this craptacular economy. I think you'd be able to get a stock, low miles, unmolested one for around 60K dollars now. Then drop another $10K in aftermarket, and you'll be so much cooler than us poor, Mark VIII owning folk.

So... why don't you go take your "nice" car and shove it up your ass? We're not impressed with you calling us poor, nor are we impressed with you bashing the Mark VIII's price. I still prefer to drive my "cheap" Mark VIII's over my other cars, so don't you go bashing Mark VIII owners.

Picture 251.jpg
LOW SELF ESTEEM In those pics, i see..... well i dont know, a loser who thinks hes the S**T, I dont see any impressive cars, chicks, style and if you think fishing, hunting, off-roading and shooting random things is fun, i feel bad for you.

Lets start with the LOW SELF ESTEEM.

1) You obviously have it because if you didn't you wouldn't care and get all butt hurt by the things said to you.
2)Rednecks I know don't have a low self esteem, I myself am not a redneck nor do I have problems with rednecks. I am a middle class average guy who works for what he pays for, something that I doubt you do based on your postings (the no respect thing you kind of put out there leads me to that).

Now the loser comment.
1) Do I know 94m5? No I don't, do I think he is a loser? NO. How can you judge someone based on a picture without ever seeing or talking to them in person, unless of course we have plenty to base our judgments off of when it comes to you. For all you know he could one day save your life , or you could meet him at a bar and really enjoy having a beer with the guy.

You have no right to call him a loser but we sure as hell do have that right to call you one. LOSER.

Now the rest of it.
1) Having girls, awesome cars, and "style" makes you a better person? Some of the nicest people I have met have nothing in their lives, incredibly ugly wives, and a style I don't like myself but that is all opinion.

You are a person who follows, a person who says wow everyone else is doing it so why don't I do it? Why don't you get off everyone case here and listen to their advice because until you do that, you aren't welcome here.

This is coming from someone who took their advice with a grain of salt and has been here less than a month.
he's just very typical of all the "mooks" I've met that come from "CHI-town", which is the armpit of the nation.

everytime I go to the windy city I kick myself for punishing myself in such a manner.
Everywhere you turn you get this same type of people, just like DickingDiesel here.
THEY think Chicago is some world class city, when in fact it's one of the larges cesspools in the US.

Chicago is very lucky I dont bring any of my firearms into the city because there would be DEAD IDIOTS STACKED like firewood.
This is coming from someone who took their advice with a grain of salt and has been here less than a month.

You were a noob for about ONE POST.
Then you fell into the ranks just like you were born here.

This kid, will never fit in here.. or on any other Mark 8 message board.

If he spouted off like this on ANY other mark 8 board his post would be nothing more than a foggy memory.

here on LVC we can let his idiotic RANTS live forever, so others can come see "how not to act" and what it's like when the "red carpet" rolls over your AZZ
If you don't mind me asking XLRVIII, what was my noobtacular post. There is more than one but I want you to show me the memorable one.
Oh.. I dunno.. maybe the "screaming demon vs MSD" or...the national guard thread..lol
take your pick.

either way.. YOU "took" it.. and "moved forward".
well done
You know what would make this thread even more comical? If he posted a picture of himself and he happened to be one of those Italians with the dragon ball z hair cuts.

Oh and yes that is correct, those two threads came to my mind as well.

OMFG I didn't realize it was this bad.

Every thread, is a question. Every thread you posted was a waste, it all can be found multiple times through the search feature, why not use it? That is what started this war with us against you. Then you brought name calling and childish games into it. Do you understand now?
[puts down cleaning rod]

I feel sorry that you have to have concrete, "CHICKS", and "impressive" cars to be happy.

Being married myself, I no longer want to get "chicks", and my 94 VIII, 98 K1500, and 99 F250 are plenty for me. Give me a lake or large river, a fishin' pole.....and one of these days a boat, and I'm a happy man. It makes me sad that your parents raised a snobby, spoiled brat that does'nt know happiness unless it comes with a price tag, and urban environment.

I would still like to see something PROVING that he has the truck and Cobra he is talking about. Like maybe a picture of a piece of paper in front of the cummins saying "I'm sorry LVC for being a douche bag"................, or a picture of a big purple dildo sitting on the hood of the exact same cobra linked earlier.

As of now your eiliteism has NOTHING to stand on. Not that it ever will.

[\Goes back to cleaning the .308 Savage]

I am going to be in Chicago on Saturday. I want to race your Cobra.

Heads up.

From a dig (I would prefer to see you smoking the tires sitting at the line) or from a roll.

We can do it on the street, I know some nice stretches out where you live in Gurnee, or we can go to Great Lakes or we can run them down at Joliet. I know you've been down to Joliet but GLD would be closer for both of us.

Let me know if you are up for it. $50 just so we both have a vested interest and that way you can pay for my gas.

I am going to be in Chicago on Saturday. I want to race your Cobra.

Heads up.

From a dig (I would prefer to see you smoking the tires sitting at the line) or from a roll.

We can do it on the street, I know some nice stretches out where you live in Gurnee, or we can go to Great Lakes or we can run them down at Joliet. I know you've been down to Joliet but GLD would be closer for both of us.

Let me know if you are up for it. $50 just so we both have a vested interest and that way you can pay for my gas.
Oh snap!
Damn man,

I'm gonna be in Danville Indiana on saturday.

Anyway to make it sunday? I'll bring a twin screw VIII..........You up for it viking?
I am still searching google, trying to find pictures of this guy.
Hey "Nick" you need to cool your jets before your little "anonymouse" world comes crashing down around your ears.
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I am still searching google, trying to find pictures of this guy.

Here you go..
First thread that pulled up in Google.. look at the Highway signs in the one pic. says Chicago... its gotta be him...


Yea the kid with the VW... "it's his first car"

According to his Sig in this forum...


The spoon feeding continues here too...


the hits keep coming... Google is my friend!

and here:


and here:
And here:

Jesus, How many different forums is this kid on? I have like 20 more pages of his posts always asking for help with a different car!
The question is...should we expose him.


We have a whole thread dedicated to his honor waiting to post.

Should we give him time to come clean?
Let him have his last word.

See where it goes from there, justice should be served but both parties should have a chance to say their last words.
Would like a few more opinions please.
Wasted 3 hours of my afternoon on this when I should have been working. Hate to see it go to waste.:D

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