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  • TheDude
    TheDude replied to the thread How do you feel about Biden NOW?.
    I couldn't care less about George Soros, I do find it amusing how the Right uses him as an all purpose bogeyman though. That man lives...
  • Bubba 14
    You should follow some of Soro's dark money around and see who is getting it before making your little wisecrack. You might just be...
  • TheDude
    TheDude replied to the thread How do you feel about Biden NOW?.
    That's your BDS kicking in hard. I did laugh at the "George Soros!!!111!" remark, always the bogeyman. Anyhow. Reality: People are...
  • Bubba 14
    A pathetic-ass response from a pathetic spineless politician. He could go on national TV and give a fiery response to the chaos. He...
  • TheDude
    TheDude replied to the thread How do you feel about Biden NOW?.
    FunFact: President Biden has called out the "death to America" chanters as being un-American and said he does not want their votes.
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  • TheDude
    TheDude replied to the thread How do you feel about Biden NOW?.
    "An Arizona grand jury has indicted former President Donald Trump ‘s chief of staff Mark Meadows, lawyer Rudy Giuliani and 16 others for...
  • TheDude
    TheDude replied to the thread How do you feel about Biden NOW?.
    You just proved my point. You blame someone else except Trump while Trump was president and in charge. The buck never stops with him...
  • 04_Sport_LS
    Yup... a "Union man"... but this just proves you are an ignorant idiot... because you don't know how unions actually work... and not all...
  • TheDude
    TheDude replied to the thread How do you feel about Biden NOW?.
    I've never said "Biden has a 100% chance of winning", I do personally believe he will win again, but it's obviously not guaranteed, no...
  • 04_Sport_LS
    No... I blame Fauci. Either for being an infectious virus idiot... or knowing more than he will ever admit to. Yes... Fauci was...
  • TheDude
    TheDude replied to the thread How do you feel about Biden NOW?.
    The point: You're a union man, you strongly believe in unions, you rely on unions for your living and you openly brag about how much...
  • 04_Sport_LS
    Either way... the point of the article was to show you that Biden isn't a "shoe in" for the presidency... even if that's what you think...
  • TheDude
    TheDude replied to the thread How do you feel about Biden NOW?.
    LoL. Every other modern President would have handled the COVID pandemic better than Trump did. Obama, Clinton, Bush etc. Because they...
  • 04_Sport_LS
    Yup. Made sense to me. But I suspect you cherry picked what you liked... and ignored what you didn't.
  • TheDude
    TheDude replied to the thread How do you feel about Biden NOW?.
    Did you even read the article? LoL. ie Union workers who continue to support the massive anti-unionist that Trump is. They're dopes.
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