When is it?

Bob Hubbard

Dedicated LVC Member
Nov 22, 2004
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Los Angeles
The thread about the vote in California wandered off topic to constitutional protection of life, which further broke off to abortion and when life begins.
There are many, many opinions regarding the answer too this question .
What I am providing here in this post is one, what I feel is an extremely plausable , explanation.
To understand the point I am making it will necessitate going back a bit to some things that happened in my life.
Before embarking on that journey, I want to inpress upon you , this is not any kind of religion, but rather a belife that the possibilitities of what I have read, and experienced are very compelling.
I don't ask that you belive, only that you consider.
Going back to that thread where we were discussing life and the constitution that protects it, I stated when I thought life began.
My belife is not based on a religion, but theory, which in my experiences has proven some of it has credibility.
My feeling is, life begins when the soul enters the body, just as when it leavs the body, the body dies.
How did I come about this conclusion?
Bear with me as we start the journey.
Everything I say from this point on actually happened, and is the reason why I feel life starts at birth.
The particulars in the beginning may not seem important to you, but they lay the basis for where and when life begins and ends, and in the process gives enlightenment too those on either side of the abortion issue.
To begin, I lost my partner of 9 years fifteen years ago.
He died of lung cancer.
After his death, I mourned for months, as any one so attached would have done.
One evening a couple of my friends and I were discussing life and death, and one of them asked if I belived in an after life.
I had never given it any thought but, hidden within me, I guess, you could say I did not discount the possibility.
JR, my partner had been gone about four months when we were having this discussion.
Any way, my friend suggested I go to the book store and look for a book titled "Life after life".
I belive the author is Richard Moody (I could be wrong on the spelling)
I did get the book, and it prooved to be an enormous awakening for me.
There is much to say in regard to what happened as a result of reading that book, but I will save that for another thread, and another day.
Reading that book took me to other editions which formed the basis for what I will tell you here.
Someone whome I met as a result of reading "Life after life", turned me on too another book titled "The sprits book", authored by Alan Kardec.
Extremely interesting reading, and I would highly recomend this book if you are at all interested in the after life.
This book was suppossedly done by what is called "automatic writing", whereby the author is writing what those in the afterworld are instructing him to write.
This was my first experience with this term, and I was obviously skeptical, but continued reading.
In this book, the sprits are letting we mortals know, through the author, what life is about.
We are born, but how does that come about?
Sure, we all know how babies are started,and have seen programs on the discovery channel showing the process of pregnancy.
The sprits book explains the reason of birth, and does not detail the process, only the what and why.
To begin, humans live over and over, perhaps thousands of lives, and each with one soul at a time.
According to the sprits, their ultimate goal is to be "pure", so that they may be seated next to the creator for eternity.
Only the purest of pure will ever attain this goal.
Purity is judged by the lives that an individual soul has inhabited.
We have all heard that at some point after our passing we will be judged.
Souls are judged upon entering their realm.
The hiarchy move the soul forward, or not at all, once it is judged.
For the sake of enlightenment, let's say a soul returns, is judged, and was found to not have led a redeeming life on earth in the previous body it inhabited.
Let's further state this body that it inhabited led a far from pure existance while in this body, in fact the human it inhabited was a murderer.
Now, the soul returns to it's realm, the human body passes, the soul is judged, and finds it is not ready, and is "impure" to enter the kingdom of the creator.
The soul knows it must serve penence for being impure.
Depending on the severity of the uncleanliness, the penence is decided by the soul.
Now here is where logic plays an important part, and I found that I began thinking, "Damm, this could be the reason for all kinds of things ".
As I just said, the soul has decreed that it will do penence in an effort to show the elders, and the creator that the life it just ended was distasteful to all.
The soul knows all when it comes to human life.
They have a high degree of telepathy.
They know exactly when a body will be born, how it will exist, and when it will die.
They know this before they ever enter a human body.
This particular soul I speak of has decided it will inhabit(as penence)the body of a person, who at birth, will be born deaf and blind, be completely helpless for it's 75 years on earth, and will serve as the souls penence for having lived a terrible distructive live in it's previous existence.
Another soul, also wanting to serve a penence will inhabit a body that it knows will be murdered early in life.
Why early?
Perhaps the penence does not have to be severe in this case.
You have all heard the saying,"only the good die young"
That saying has more truth to it that you could possibly imagine.
Souls control our lives.
You again have heard, we all have a guardian angle.
This is true, and that angel is the soul living within us.
The soul is guarding our lives in one way or another.
Now getting back to the soul inhabiting the body of the one who will be born deaf and blind.
We have seen many cases where a baby is born afflicted with some sort of ailment, amoung them, crippled at birth, downs syndrome, cerabal palsey etc.etc.
We have asked, why is this happening to someone who has done no harm to anyone?
Why would a baby be born this way?
The questions go on and on, and the answer is, this is what the soul has decided in it's effort to gain penence and purity.
This was explained in the sprits book, as well as many other things.
This opened my eyes as to why some of the things we humand question, may well be borne within the soul that inhabits our body.
As for the beginning of life, the sprits decide what body to inhabit, and when.
You are all familia will "still birth"
What causes still birth?
Very simply, and there is no medical reason for it, it is the failure of the soul to enter the body.
The body cannot exist without a soul.
When a person (usually and elderly one) suffers and hangs on, seemingly "waiting for death to overtake him, or her, this is the soul preparing to exit the body.
When it does, life ends.
So when does life begin?
Is it at conception?
I don't belive it is.
I think it is that moment when the soul enters the body.
Why is there"life" within the womb?
That is the incubation stage where the fetus takes nourishment from the woman in order to have a viable body for the soul to enter.
The fetus , though moving is not life until the soul enters.
Abortions are nothing more than removing mass from within the body.
Until that fetus has a soul, and that happens at birth, there is no life.
Has anyone witnessed an aborted fetus crying?
I think not.
So, I have given you something to think about.
This "look" into the after life brought me to reason for this life that I have presently.
I have had some great experiences upon enbarking on this journey to understand what our lives are about.
As I stated above, this is not religion, this is something that is open to all so that individually you can decide if what is discussed here is plausable.
For me it most definetly is.
If nothing else, the information given to the author of the sprit's book, through automatic writing opens the door to possibility.
Soon, if you care to read it, I will post some incredible experiences and experiments I have been involved in for the past fifteen years, dealing with life after life.
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"Well, you know, I think that whether you’re looking at it from a theological perspective or a scientific perspective, answering that question with specificity, you know, is above my pay grade."
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interesting bob. but you do realize that a "soul" is religious in nature. it is religious experience that brings about the concept of souls and spirits.

now for life. does it begin at conception? technically, but as stated similar to your ideal, that is not viable life. viable life does not happen until sometime around birth, or slightly before.(some prematures within a couple of weeks of average gestation get along without special medical care).

the problem with constitutional rights and determining when life begins i think falls more in line with when do you apply rights to an unborn to override the rights and freedoms of the mother carrying it. that is where the conundrum lies.

the question to be answered is not when is life, but at what time is it a viable enough life to nullify the mothers rights and freedoms for the sake of it's own.

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