Sway Bar Removal


Well-Known LVC Member
Apr 19, 2005
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ok it looks like the swaybar bushings are now molded on to the sway bar so you replace the whole thing. i was looking at the how to and it states that

9. Remove and discard the nut and bolt. Disconnect the left shock absorber and spring assembly.

10. NOTE: To remove the nut, first loosen the nut, then use the hex holding feature to prevent the lower
control arm ball joint from turning while removing the nut.
NOTE: Make sure not to lose the tapered washer on the ball joint.
Remove and discard the nut. Disconnect the left suspension lower arm and position the knuckle
(3K185) out of the way.

Do you have to remove the shock on the left side and disconnect the that control arm ball joint to remove the sway bar? most of the other write up on replacing the swaybar bushings that people did do not mention this. but maybe they were just removing the bushing and replacing them and not removing the swaybar itself.
thanks for the help...Mac
A lot of people don't remove the sway bar, they just replace the sway bar bushings. Getting to them is a PIA as it is. What models LS do you have sport or non sport?
went through the same problem...heard a knocking noise whenever i went over a bump and sure enough it was the sawy bar bushings...turns out ford made them so that the sway bar bushings were part of the sway bar so the only way to replace the bushings is to replace the sway bar...
It depends on what year your LS is. I know on the 04 LS the bushings are a part of the sway bar itself so you have to cut them off. If he has a first generations LS he can just replaced the bushings themselves. I've replaced them on mine already.
I just read his post again, it looks like he has a second gen LS. You can either replace the whole bar or just cut them off. Search the threads on here because there is a write up that a member did and with pictures on how he did it.

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