Stereo problem


Active LVC Member
Apr 29, 2005
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Hey guys my stock head unit wont come on but when I press set time button the time comes up so that mean its definitly not my fuse rite??? anyone know what the problem might be
how are the connections on the back of the radio? loose? Check the fuses under the hood as well? I dont remember if there is a fuse in the back of the radio or not, i have aftermarket.. might wana check that?
Did you do something to cause this.. or did it just happen?
Take a DMM (digital multi meater) and test the voltage behind the radio. Test for a 12 V sorce and a 12 V swiched. If one of them is not there it is a fuse. sounds like maybe the 12V swiched is blown if any fuse. That will be in the pass side foot well.
Yea i checked the fuses but i dont think thats the problem because my stereo still tells me the time and when i press eject on the tape thing it comes on and says no tape to eject so i dunno whats wrong with it
It's very possilbly still a fuse. The features that work without the radio being on (clock for example) may still work and the rest won't because the switched fuse is blown. Just a thought....
yea sport your rite because when i take the radio fuse out the time still comes on!!!! :) which other fuse do you think it would be?? one under the hood
free139stylz said:
yea sport your rite because when i take the radio fuse out the time still comes on!!!! :) which other fuse do you think it would be?? one under the hood

It could be as some have already suggested the fuse for the amp. I assume you have an amp in the trunk - maybe on the back of the rear seat, maybe on the bottom of the rear deck. In my '94 TC, the fuse block under the dash has a 10 amop fuse that runs the head unit on the radio and the power windows and some other accessories. The fuse panel under the hood has a 25 amp fuse that runs the amplifier. So you could have the 10 amo in place and functioning, while the other could be failing - especially if you have changed speakers or placed other additional demands on the amp.

Good luck!
there is like 5 or 6 fuses just for the radio. take a DMM and test every fues. The fuse location my not say radio but it has something to do w/ the radio. Had this problem my self. swiched my radio out an some how poped a fuse. Replaced all fueses and radio still did not work. Took a DMM and tested all fuses and found one that had nothing to do w/ the radio replaced it and it works just fine.
pdzcallday said:
there is like 5 or 6 fuses just for the radio. take a DMM and test every fues. The fuse location my not say radio but it has something to do w/ the radio. Had this problem my self. swiched my radio out an some how poped a fuse. Replaced all fueses and radio still did not work. Took a DMM and tested all fuses and found one that had nothing to do w/ the radio replaced it and it works just fine.


Outstanding advice!!
hey guys,

Anyone help me with getting rid of the feedback noise, or engine noise in the speakers? Sometimes it just starts doing this when I hit a bump and then somtimes it goes away by itself. It is really annoying. When I turn off the stereo it last for a couple of second and goes away. When the car is shut off and the stereo is on the noise is gone, so something is either shorting or something.
pbslmo said:
hey guys,

Anyone help me with getting rid of the feedback noise, or engine noise in the speakers? Sometimes it just starts doing this when I hit a bump and then somtimes it goes away by itself. It is really annoying. When I turn off the stereo it last for a couple of second and goes away. When the car is shut off and the stereo is on the noise is gone, so something is either shorting or something.
Sounds like a grounding issue...........if you shut your car off and have the radio on and everything is normal, a bad ground connection would be the first thing I would assume.
Same thing happened to me and it was the fuse.the one on the pasenger floor.Does your radio still accept cd's?
rickster said:
Same thing happened to me and it was the fuse.the one on the pasenger floor.Does your radio still accept cd's?

Yes, I still can play the Cd's, but hadn't heard the noise while they were playing. I will check the fuse, Thought somthing was going bad with the speakers or something. (When I was checking out the car before I bought it the salesperson pointed out the were nice speakers in the back deck. It wasn't until after a few months after I bought it did I notice they were changed out to the stock speakers) too late to go back and complain.

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