Pics from the Chicago Meet!!!!!

Hey thanks Joey and Bryan (MonsterMark) for setting up the meet. :beer:

It was a nice warm Chicago welcome - Jibit, Conti, :yourock: you can make a stranger feel very welcome.

Nyssa, keep looking you'll find your Mark VII :steering and very nice Conti.

Michelle, my fellow Mississippi River Native. We need to work on the group that a Dubuque fall color road cruise would be a great idea. Imagine a line of Lincolns and Cadillacs cuising the Hwy to the Dubuque area up US Hwy 35 then down Iowa Hwy 52 for a Mississippi Bluffs fall colors cruise. Use your influence on Joey!

Eclipseproduction, Nice 84 Mark VII. And welcome to :smilies-3 . I may be interested in those ceramic emblems let me know what you want for them.

To everyone in :V This is once great group of diverse people :invasion: showing how great people from America can be. Keep up this great sight and interaction. When's the next meet! :monkey:

Oh by the way Joey, I think you convinced Bryan to vote Kerry last night. :eek2:
looks like alotta fun! :facesjump

wish it was closer - then me and my CADDY would have been there :C

Anyway, maybe one day there'll be a meet alittle closer to home, i would love to go to one of these!

-dave :cool:
now 3 hrs i could probably swing, but mapquest puts me @ over 10 hrs.....
oh well
Sorry I didn't make it... At least my grandma's doing alright :) then I got REAAAAAAAAAL drunk. I'm still sorta drunk.
Capt.... Missed you, guy. Was looking forward to the progress on the SE!

To Joey, the guys (and the lovely ladies, especially the "choreographer")..... GREAT PIX!! Thanks for the welcome and the LVC teeshirt. I slept in it last night!! We've got to do meet up again sometime soon. I enjoyed every minute of it. :yourock:

Mespock... Drop me an e-mail and I can get these emblems to you. I'll either mail them or we can meet up somewhere.

Again, thanks to all of you for a fun evening. :smilies-3
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Wow that certainly looks like a good time with a bunch of nice cars. When are we having a North East Meet.
codewize said:
Wow that certainly looks like a good time with a bunch of nice cars. When are we having a North East Meet.

WHy dont you organize one!!!!
Hey Joey,
Thanks for posting the pictures. Not bad considering it is dark out.
I'm sitting here at work enjoying them.
Sorry I couldn't make it to meet some new faces. I missed my chance at our new t-shirts Bummer, lookin good. Mark doesn't like rain anyway. LOL :gr_hail: :gr_hail:
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I forgot to mention the Cops!!!!!

As we were taking pics - the cops showed up telling us somoeone complained a bunch of hooligan kids were in the parking lot!!!

Had I been thinking, I woulda got pics of the cops too..... Oh well... LOL
Hey guy's got off work an hr. ago, but I am back on at around 3:30. :frown: Anyway's yesturday was great, had alot of fun. :facesjump Too bad we could'nt see the band play, and the show was rained out. It was still fun though. Was great to see everybody again :dj: Mespock is right we should have a fall meet. :monkey: Oh and Joey Nyssa is my girlfriend not Pepsi's. :feed :wink: Nyssa and I had a Great time yesturday guy's. :yourock:
SOrry Conti - I thought I fixed that before I put it up --- fixed now, sorry
Just a few more pic of the night.

The Cars and their :steering , and working on the set up!



Looked like a good time... Sorry I missed out guys, wasn't finished waxing the car and it was still raining. Thought it would be a waste of getting the car all dirty again after 5 hours of cleaning it. LOL :ban:

Nice Pics by the way.
Joeychgo said:
I forgot to mention the Cops!!!!!

As we were taking pics - the cops showed up telling us somoeone complained a bunch of hooligan kids were in the parking lot!!!

Had I been thinking, I woulda got pics of the cops too..... Oh well... LOL
You whippersnappers and your Hotrod Lincolns!
Hooligan kids.Thats funny. I don't smell any burnt rubber, don't see any one falling down drunk. What kids LOL :zgreenbou :zgreenbou
Congratulations on a successful meet. Thanks for posting the pics. I look forward to possibly attending a future meet.
I like that picture of all the cars lined up. Pretty sweet. :)

Looks like you guys (and girls) had a good time. :D
There were a handful more that left before the pics were taken, and a handful who unfortunately never made it. We all had a good time, despite the rain. It was good to hang out.
Aww man!!! I had a girlfriend for a few minutes, what gives!!!!!
Well right this very minute I'm suffering with an abscess tooth. However if you give me a little guidance as to how to go about organizing such a thing, I'd be glad to. Who else lives in upstate NY? Suggestions on a place?

Joeychgo said:
WHy dont you organize one!!!!

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