overheating problem..Help


New LVC Member
May 9, 2011
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i have a over heating problem with my 2000 lincoln ls 3.9. after being on the road for about 30 minutes the car starts to overheat slowly. Ive changed the thermostat, water housing, checked coolant, checked fan's oil, checked power steering oil, and changed the cooling fan. One of the things that i did see is that when the car starts to over heat the cooling fan is running but not at the speed at it should run, needs more pressure..what could it be?
I'm sorry, but this issue has been covered so many times here that you really just need to search a tiny bit for it.
i have been serching this forum also,i am having the same problem as you,let me know what fixed yours
I had mine diagnosed at the dealership, and had the first 3 below replaced together:

1) Hydraulic Fan Pump
2) Hydraulic Hose
3) Hi-Speed Fan (because once the Fan Pump goes, the Hi-Speed fan runs too much and wears out, per the dealer).

After that it was running too cold, got a check engine light/code, and had to have the thermostat replaced.

It runs great now.

+1 on the Degas bottle... start there...
easy one.

there is a solenoid on the fan pump that controls the fan speed, these solenoids fail, replace the solenoid. do a search, others have had the same problem. if you are not leaking fan pump fluid, its probably the solenoid. secondly start the car, turn on the a/c, the fan should go to high speed.
My car does almost the same thing.
But when I turn on the car and the AC is on or not the fan fluctuates form high to low like it should then after it gets warmed up it just stays on low constantly ....

What the hell is its problem!
there is a solenoid on the fan pump that controls the fan speed, these solenoids fail, replace the solenoid. do a search, others have had the same problem. if you are not leaking fan pump fluid, its probably the solenoid. secondly start the car, turn on the a/c, the fan should go to high speed.

If the solenoid goes bad will it fail intermittantly? Ive had my fan and pump replaced in the last 18 months, thermostat and system flushed in the last two weeks. when it overheats the fan isnt kicking on and it only seems to do this on my third consecutive time getting into the car, ex. drove 9 miles to autozone was in there 20 mins. drove 2miles to oriellys was in there 10 minutes, then drove back home with it starting to heat up. when the temp starts to rise i hear a whining sound like theres a supercharger on the car. The mechanic has had the car twice now and cant find anything wrong with the car. the mechanic says that theres no leaks but i dont think he pulled the degas bottle to check for crack. of course when i take it in they can never duplicate the problem. Any suggestions?
there is a solenoid on the fan pump that controls the fan speed, these solenoids fail, replace the solenoid. do a search, others have had the same problem. if you are not leaking fan pump fluid, its probably the solenoid. secondly start the car, turn on the a/c, the fan should go to high speed.

Will a solenoid go out intermittantly? In the past 18 months my hcf and pump have been replaced by previousl owner. in the past two weeks I have had thermostat replaced and system flushed. It has overheated on me four times in the past two weeks. It only seems to do it on my third consecutive time getting into the car, ex. drove 9 miles to autozone was in there 20 mins. drove 2miles to oriellys was in there 10 minutes, then drove back home with it starting to heat up. when the temp starts to rise i hear a whining sound like theres a supercharger on the car. The mechanic has had the car twice now and cant find anything wrong with the car. When the car is overheating the fan isnt coming on but if i let the car sit for a while everything is fine. Unlike other people I cant just shut the car off and re start it with the guage going back to normal. no check engine light comes on when this happens- so are there codes being stored? Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance.
I had the same problem on my 01 Ls V6. it turned out to be the fact that once they flush my radiator they did not bleed the system correctly. If the system is not bled correctly , it will overheat constantly. The reserve bottle is also a very common issue.It might crack over time.
If the solenoid goes bad will it fail intermittantly? Ive had my fan and pump replaced in the last 18 months, thermostat and system flushed in the last two weeks. when it overheats the fan isnt kicking on and it only seems to do this on my third consecutive time getting into the car, ex. drove 9 miles to autozone was in there 20 mins. drove 2miles to oriellys was in there 10 minutes, then drove back home with it starting to heat up. when the temp starts to rise i hear a whining sound like theres a supercharger on the car. The mechanic has had the car twice now and cant find anything wrong with the car. the mechanic says that theres no leaks but i dont think he pulled the degas bottle to check for crack. of course when i take it in they can never duplicate the problem. Any suggestions?

It seems more likely that you now have a problem with the cooling system pressurizing. Some of the plastic cooling system parts (such as the degas bottle) have probably cracked.
You can either do a pressure test and try to find all the cracked parts, or you can just replace all of them. I recommend the latter. Be sure to properly bleed the air out of the system when you do.
does anybody have any advise on how to properly bleed the ls coolant system?
I have a overheating problem going on now. It all started yesterday after driving the car for about 5 min and my check engine temp light came on and it was all the way at the top and I flipped out and pulled over asap. Opened the hood and there was some moisture in the bay and on the engine cover, standing there puzzled how this happened over night the first thing I looked at was the degas, doesn't seem to be that old looking as its still white and couldn't see any cracks, also all the caps are crack free. After about 5 mins of letting it sit I turn the car on and the temp is sitting in the middle, I thought that was odd because it was just all the way at the top and how did it cool that fast?? Turned my ac off and drove to work about a mile down the road and the car sat for about 6 hours. My buddy said just try the thermostat so I picked one up and we changed it in the parking lot, being only 17 bucks it wouldn't hurt to try. Haven't bleed the system yet and was driving it home and boom, the dam thing sky rockets to the top temp in seconds. Still confused I check the fan and its blowing full blast. I turn the car off and then back on and it jumps to the middle again, there is no way the engine cooled that fast so something weird is going on here. So I sat there and reved at 2k for a good 5 mins and the temp would go up and then back down, up and down, and then it stayed in the middle for the rest of the night.. any clues here for what this could be?
I have a overheating problem going on now. It all started yesterday after driving the car for about 5 min and my check engine temp light came on and it was all the way at the top and I flipped out and pulled over asap. Opened the hood and there was some moisture in the bay and on the engine cover, standing there puzzled how this happened over night the first thing I looked at was the degas, doesn't seem to be that old looking as its still white and couldn't see any cracks, also all the caps are crack free. After about 5 mins of letting it sit I turn the car on and the temp is sitting in the middle, I thought that was odd because it was just all the way at the top and how did it cool that fast?? Turned my ac off and drove to work about a mile down the road and the car sat for about 6 hours. My buddy said just try the thermostat so I picked one up and we changed it in the parking lot, being only 17 bucks it wouldn't hurt to try. Haven't bleed the system yet and was driving it home and boom, the dam thing sky rockets to the top temp in seconds. Still confused I check the fan and its blowing full blast. I turn the car off and then back on and it jumps to the middle again, there is no way the engine cooled that fast so something weird is going on here. So I sat there and reved at 2k for a good 5 mins and the temp would go up and then back down, up and down, and then it stayed in the middle for the rest of the night.. any clues here for what this could be?

First off, you're going to get overheating if you open the system and don't bleed the air out.
Second, if the engine bay was moist with coolant, you have a leak. It is probably somewhere at the front of the engine. Until you find and fix it, you're going to have problems. That leak is letting air in and that it causing the overheating.

Don't get hung up on how the temperature gauge suddenly climbs to "H", and can quickly go back to the middle. It's a function of how the electronics work. Normally, the temperature gauge reads out the coolant temperature. I suspect that the coolant is staying at about the right temperature. When you get a big air bubble in the coolant, It's ability to cool the engine where the bubble is goes away. The LS has head temperature sensors. When one of those goes over the safe temperature, the PCM commands the temperature gauge to stop reading coolant temperature and to instead read "H." If you shut the engine down and let it cool a minute (or less), this condition resets and if the head temperature is even one degree below maximum, the temperature gauge will go back to normal.
If you plugged in a good scan tool and set it for real time read outs of coolant temperature and of head temperature, you would see what I mean.

Also, there is no way that I have ever been able to tell if a degas bottle is good or cracked all the way through while it is still in the car. You have to remove it to get a good look at it.
First off, you're going to get overheating if you open the system and don't bleed the air out.
Second, if the engine bay was moist with coolant, you have a leak. It is probably somewhere at the front of the engine. Until you find and fix it, you're going to have problems. That leak is letting air in and that it causing the overheating.

Don't get hung up on how the temperature gauge suddenly climbs to "H", and can quickly go back to the middle. It's a function of how the electronics work. Normally, the temperature gauge reads out the coolant temperature. I suspect that the coolant is staying at about the right temperature. When you get a big air bubble in the coolant, It's ability to cool the engine where the bubble is goes away. The LS has head temperature sensors. When one of those goes over the safe temperature, the PCM commands the temperature gauge to stop reading coolant temperature and to instead read "H." If you shut the engine down and let it cool a minute (or less), this condition resets and if the head temperature is even one degree below maximum, the temperature gauge will go back to normal.
If you plugged in a good scan tool and set it for real time read outs of coolant temperature and of head temperature, you would see what I mean.

Also, there is no way that I have ever been able to tell if a degas bottle is good or cracked all the way through while it is still in the car. You have to remove it to get a good look at it.

I am in the process of bleeding it now, I know that was a stupid thing to say but It just didn't make sense how it would go up and down like that, But now that makes more sense. We had a really bad storm that night so for all I know the moisture could have been from that because I haven't seen it since and its did it 3 times now. I already ordered a new degas just to know that I have a new one, just have to wait for it to get here.
This is a great thread right here, along with the others about overheating. These cars need cooling system pressure and a working fan in order to stay cool, and there are so many little steps to figure it all out and determine what little piece isn't working right.

This makes me want to go find a couple used LS's with overheating problems, buy them up cheap, go through a checklist like this thread and it's siblings, and get them up and going on the cheap for a quick profit. Then again, the LS is high on my list of vehicles to get for my wife anyway, if I can find one with heated/cooled seats, cold air, and a light colored interior (or any color cloth if I get lucky enough to find one without leather, I think the later 04-06 base models were like this), then she'd be happy with it.
This is a great thread right here, along with the others about overheating. These cars need cooling system pressure and a working fan in order to stay cool, and there are so many little steps to figure it all out and determine what little piece isn't working right.

This makes me want to go find a couple used LS's with overheating problems, buy them up cheap, go through a checklist like this thread and it's siblings, and get them up and going on the cheap for a quick profit. Then again, the LS is high on my list of vehicles to get for my wife anyway, if I can find one with heated/cooled seats, cold air, and a light colored interior (or any color cloth if I get lucky enough to find one without leather, I think the later 04-06 base models were like this), then she'd be happy with it.

All LS had leather seats, no cloth option exists.
I have an 04 Lincoln ls 3.9l. I have been having this issue with the car not over heating but the fan runs high when idling for a few seconds. When I start to drive it lowers down. I have definitely noticed this when driving in 5th gear. I have change the thermostat and housing, Degas bottle a few times. I have had the system bleed which helped but only for a period of time. Any idea why the fan keeps doing this?

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